Red Claw filling bucket Cooked Red Claw
Friday the 1st of July
It was warm during the night and at dawn we arose and went around the nets to see if we had caught anything before we had our breakfast. The sky had plenty of clouds and it made the air a little cooler. We were surprised as the nets all had red claw in them with one net having 11. After breakfast we cooked them and were surprised to see we had caught 31 in total, after yesterdays total of one only. It must have had something to do with the warm night that bought them out, needless to say we will have them tonight on a bed of white rice and smothered in sweet and sour sauce. Yummy in the Tummy!
Photo's of local Drovers
Drovers Camp Oven
Restored coach's

We cleaned the camp and then into Digger and into Camooweal to buy bread and fuel for the generator plus more water for washing etc. The fresh bread for the day had not arrived so we went out to the Drovers shed for a look see. What a pleasant surprise for the surroundings did not really reflect what was to unfold for us. Into the main shed and as you went in the door you stepped back into a bygone era where drovers and their horses reigned supreme. Today all the cattle is moved by road train and there are few cattle drives only memorial types, we joined a group and a woman volunteer of the Drovers Shed was to take us back in time when they drove cattle for thousands of kilometres and where there were no state boundaries only droving tracks. Many people today in their four wheel drive vehicles drive along these stock routes.
The commentary on all the exhibits was excellent and gave you a good insight as to how hard the work was and how tough the drovers and their horses were, their camp ovens were made of tin for lightness and the billy's as such were half so as they sat flat on the pack horse saddle. We saw several carts and it was explained that after several thousand bone shaking kilometres the spokes would dry and come loose. To fix the problem they would take off the steel outer ring and back the cart into the Georgina River where the dampness would swell the spokes again and then heat up the rim and refit it and when cool everything back to normal.

Drovers saddle bags
Liz inspecting Drovers pictures
Old bottles etc
There is so much to see and the original contract from 1941 to drove cattle from the Gulf Country in Northern Territory into Queensland takes pride of place among the exhibits, most of us thought that the contract was just a shake of the hand and away you went which was not the case.
I could fill a page no problem on what we experienced and we are glad we took the opportunity to go along to the Drovers Shed and discover so much history of the drovers and the area and how Camooweal received its name. The very large shed and smaller ones house everything and is manned by volunteers and funded by both the Queensland and Federal Governments. There is another shed to be built in the area and it is a replica of the aircraft hanger that was used by Qantas who supposedly flew their first flight from Longreach to Camooweal. Needless to say the people of the town are happy with what these ventures are bringing to the town in the way of tourists.
We forfilled our mission for the other items and we came back to camp had lunch and a poppy nap in the heat of the day which is currently 27 degrees with just a little breeze so out with the chairs down by the billabong under the shade of the coolibah tree and read our books. First we recalled the visit to the Drovers Shed and then read our books.
Our evening meal was red claw meat on a bed of white rice and topped with sweet and sour sauce, bloody beautifulllllllllll mate.
Watched the Western Bulldogs V Melbourne football game then off to bed, with the temperature still at 26 degrees.
Saturday the 2nd of July
It is becoming a bit of a ritual, out of bed at 7 am light the fire and put the Billy on for breakfast and then out around the Red Claw/Yabby nets, talk about superstition I never take a bucket with me and when I pull the first net back to camp to get the bucket; and I wouldn't have it any other way.
I thought yesterday was a good haul today a total of 41 red claw were in the traps.
Back to camp for breakfast a whole 10 metres for the nets are just set out in front of us amongst the lily's, after breakfast on with the camp oven and cooked the catch and then de-shelled and sorted them out for we are going to freeze this mornings catch to eat further down the road, so to speak. There was a enough red claw flesh for two meals. Liz as usual did the washing and hung it out and then the line collapsed on the ground. Needless to say she was not happy for she had to do it all again. I tightened the line and bought a higher prop and that solved the problem.
Had our lunch of left over red claw and then Liz went for a walk trying to capture the Brolga's with the camera to no avail, even when they fly up the billabong you do not have the camera ready to take snaps.
The rest of the afternoon was spent with Liz doing her cross stitch whilst I read my book in the nice warm sun with the temperature at 28 degrees. Around 5pm we came inside and watched the Fremantle V Gold coast, with Fremantle winning easily.
Tonight we watch the Geelong V Essendon game and we have both tipped Geelong to win. Then off to bed after a relaxing day, we didn't bother going into Camooweal though tomorrow we will need to do so for another loaf of bread and water.
Sunrise over the billabong Live Red Claw in the net
Sunday the 3rd of July
A very warm night which made the fridge work harder and we were kicking off the dooner to get some sleep there was no breeze at all. Lit the fire at 7.30 am and then went around the nets, first one ten red claw then back for the bucket and by the time I had emptied the nets we had 64! amazing though this morning they were smaller than previous days.
Had our breakfast and then we heard the Brolga's on this side of the billabong so I took the camera and went walkabout. As I neared them I could see they were dancing and unfortunately the other birdlife along the shore let them know of my approach so I was lucky to to get a photo, seconds later they took to the air and as the camera was not ready I never gained a photo of them in flight.
64 Cooked Red Claw
Shore birds on Billabong
Dancing Brolga's
Stoked the fire up and cooked the red claw and Liz did the final cleaning and then they were frozen down into two meals for today we are having silverside cooked in the camp oven on the fire for our evening meal.
We did our usual duties around the camp and settled in to relax for the rest of the day. One of the people walking past this morning dropped in for a chat and spotted the cooked Red Claw and you wouldn't believe it they have arrived back and set up near where I have my nets set, given that he said he had caught a dozen near his old camp.
Beautiful Brolga's
Road Trains full of Cattle
General Store's at Camooweal

We hopped into Digger to go into Camooweal to get more water for drinking and showering at the moment the wind is pretty strong though it is not lowering the temperature which is 28 degrees. We drove along the edge of the billabong and counted 35 caravans and 6 motorhome's and it is only 1 pm, we saw more Brolga's and as soon as I hopped out of Digger they headed for the bush the whole seven of them. Back on the road and into town and pulled into the truck bay and took photo's of the four Road Trains absolutely full of Brahman cattle which way they are going we are not sure; we thought the drivers were having a sleep though the cattle must be suffering in this heat especially those on the bottom deck who are copping the urine of the top deck as well.
On to get water and then into the supermarket and bought a few items including a coronetto ice cream for each of us. It is now 2pm and we are having a late lunch and as we could not buy bread today Liz is making a damper which should be great. We had a visit from our nearest neighbor enquiring about campsites on the way to Three Ways which I happily supplied and then we had our evening meal outside for it was very warm in the motorhome and we would enjoy the birds flying about attempting to catch the small fish which seem to abound. We watched a little television and then off to bed.

46 Cooked Red Claw
Reflections on the Billabong
Wader bird looking for a meal
Monday the 4th of July
A warm night with the temperature at 16 degrees at 4am, the usual routine light the fire, boil the kettle and go around the nets. This morning I caught 46 red claw and at the same time pulled the nets ashore to dry to pack away later in the day. News travels fast for I had four different vehicles stop to talk to me about what I had caught this morning and when they come when you cooking and cleaning them it is a bit hard to deny that you have caught heaps. I wouldn't be surprised if someone doesn't move into this spot in the morning when we leave.
There is no breeze this morning as we started to pack our camp away and boy it is hot to the point that we are both sweating so we have left the packing until later in the afternoon when hopefully a breeze will arrive.
We will not be doing anything special to today just relaxing in the shade. Liz was doing her cross stitch and I went down and sat under the coolibah tree in the shade and was mesmerised with the birdlife which we do not seem to get tired of, for each day they may do the same thing trying to catch fish it seems that work differently each day.
At noon it is 29 degrees with still no breeze, we took our lunch to the shade by the billabong and just relaxed and took in the wonderful scenery. We are a bit sorry about leaving this beautiful spot in the morning.
We went visiting at happy hour and discussed all and sundry with two groups of caravanners who moved here to this spot on information about this "bloke" catching all these red claws and I think the figures add up to around 183 caught since I put the nets in. I have to say that the happy hour was happier than normal and the bloke that is repairing the indigenous houses in Camooweal came out with his canoe and we chewed the fat and I thanked him for his local information on the billabong especially about the red claws.
We finally pulled in our awnings and packed away leaving just a few things for the morning and then a little television and off to bed for we want to be on the road by 8.30am and hopefully there will be no head wind.
Tonight for our evening meal we had red claw with normal noodles and Udon noodles as a soup, it may be a bit warm for soup though who cares this restaurant will do me no wonder we haven't lost any weight. The temperature at 7.30 pm is 27 degrees.
Working Windmill drawing water
Arriving in hilly country
Mount Isa Mines
Tuesday the 5th of July
We were out of bed at 7am and had our breakfast, packed and then said our farewells to happy campers close by, I noted this morning that his catch of red claw was down and they were small. They indicated that they will be now staying for another few days. A few early walkers dropped in for they heard also about the "bloke" who had been catching red claws the rumour had me catching in excess of a hundred a day. Wonderful things rumours so I quickly dispelled the rumour and set the record straight. They indicated that they would pack up their current camp and move into our camping spot.
We left our campsite and hooked Digger up near the highway so as to not cover it with dust given we washed the car late yesterday. Then we were on the way to Mount Isa and of course the wind had picked up and we had a head wind. The country side was again very beautiful with all the greenery and we came across a working windmill which was pumping water up from the great artesian basin for the cattle etc. We were to witness a large mob of wild brumbies along the way plus a few wild pigs gathered around the water holes close to the highway.
There was plenty of traffic on the road once again and before we knew it we were winding our way through hills and about forty kilometres out of Mount Isa we were to see our first sign of mining with a rather large open cut and then with clear blue sky's we approached Mount Isa where we were to see the large stacks and the many mineral processing mills sitting right in the city. We went to a caravan park which was the cheapest in the town and unfortunately it was full so we pressed on and finally found a caravan park that had a vacancy some $6 a night dearer.
We set up and then decided we would go and have a bit of junk tucker for lunch. We checked a few pubs out for the price of wine and beer on the way and then we finally settled for Mc Donalds. Once we had eaten we decided to firstly go to the Reject shop and then onto Crazy Clarke's for a few items.
Then off to Woollies and then Coles for veggies and a few groceries and then off to buy grog to top up our near empty supply. Three cartons of 30 cans for me and 3 cartons of wine for Liz. I think we need to go bush again for these cities drain your finances very quickly.
Back to the park and before we knew it happy hour arrived so we had a session with other happy campers around us, as a matter of fact it went for quite awhile which meant we had our evening meal a little later than usual. After our meal we watched the All Stars football game before retiring for the night. All this retail therapy and happy hour has worn us out.
Kilometres travelled 212
Looking across the city to suburbs
Where city meets the mines
Mullock hills of Mount Isa Mines
Wednesday the 6th of July
A very peaceful night and I didn't know what to do with myself when I hopped out of bed this morning so I went off to the shower at 7.30am and then had breakfast. For the first time I connected the water to the motorhome turned on the hot water cylinder and fitted the drain water hose and put our the awning out and laid the ground mat. Even fixed the blown outside light before relaxing under the tree reading yesterdays paper. Liz went off to use the washing machines and then packed rolls, hot water and oranges etc for our picnic at the lake today.
When we left the caravan park we drove up the lookout that gives you wonderful views of the area. There is no doubt that Mount Isa must get hot during the summer months for you notice heaps of trees in the suburbs around the houses and they all have large air conditioners fitted. We were to see the ochre coloured hills and ranges that surround the town and the city is built right on the doorstep of the mines. At the moment one of the stacks is spewing out black smoke into the air and what you think is hills or mountains behind the mine is in fact huge mullock heaps of the mines waste. The interesting thing to note is that the mine does not detract from the beauty of the area. We spent considerable time at the lookout for there was no wind just sun and clear blue sky's and beautiful views in all directions.
Looking across Lake Moondarra
Looking towards the dam
Different type of fish in the lake
When we left the lookout we drove out the 15 kilometres to Lake Moondarra which is the recreation and water supply for the district. Though the road was a bit rugged we were gob smacked when we arrived to see the wonderful blue coloured lake and the dam all surrounded by the ochre coloured hills with the many differing greens of the trees and shrubbery. First we drove to the car park near the dam and walked down and took a few photo's, far to many to list here it is so picturesque and they spend plenty of time making the area presentable to all. We were to see a school of banded grunter working there way along the dam face sucking on the algae. There were a few in canoes and on other water craft and boats trolling for fish. The signage shows the types of fish and even lists Red Claw as a type of crayfish, no I am not bringing out the nets. They even release many hundreds of Barramundi each year into the lake for recreational fishers. A wonderful area and as the school holidays are in operation there were plenty of children enjoying the facilities. We finally found a spare table and we were joined by another couple of happy camper's for lunch and we swapped information on fuel prices etc. It was after 3pm before we headed back to Mount Isa to finish our shopping. First to Woollies to buy the last of our goods for the coming month or more and then onto the Honda/Stihl dealer for a new spark plug for the generator and a new chain for the chainsaw. Shock Horror! $56 for a twelve inch chain. As they said take or leave it and I am sure we only pay $25 at home. By golly I will be looking after this chain and be a bit more selective as to what type of wood I cut. Then purchased some demineralised water for the battery's and radiators for I have leant my lesson about topping up with bore water. Oh well, off to happy hour and tonight we are being picked up by the courtesy bus and going out for our evening meal and to watch the state of origin match on their television. What a wonderful night at the Buff's Club we enjoyed a good meal of Barramundi had plenty to drink whilst we watched the state of origin match. The atmosphere was electrifying with fans dressed or painted in the in the colours of the state they were supporting. Every time a try was scored or they thought someone had infringed there would be a mighty roar or clapping or booing. Liz won a meat raffle to the value of $50 which we will collect in the morning for we are going to stay another day and leave tomorrow morning. After an excellent night we had to catch a taxi back for the courtesy bus had closed for the night.
Thursday the 7th of July
A cool evening and again the early risers commenced at 5.30am with all the noise and no consideration for their neighbors as they started their travel early. Thankfully we are back into freedom camping tomorrow when we get back on the road.
We started our packing and loaded digger before going into the city to cash in the meat voucher and onto K-Mart for a couple of pairs of shorts and tops for Liz and then onto the chemist to stock up then onto the Post Office to call the taxation department to explain their wrongful claim on Liz which they sorted out.
Went to the butchers and Liz's voucher bought T-Bone steak, Pickled Pork and spare ribs and we only had to add $4.50 to the voucher for a lot of meat. The fish shop was next door so we bought fish and chips and headed home. Had lunch and then out to fill Digger and the generator drum with fuel and then back and fitted the towing frame then in with the awning and other jobs that needed to be completed. When happy hour arrived we were still working away after completion we went with our neighbors to the Camp Kitchen and had our happy hour and had a chat with quite a few happy campers before cooking our meal on their Camp Kitchen facilities. I have to say the facilities are very good and they are kept clean and the barbecues and stoves plus micro wave's were all electric and plenty of, so when the crowd came in there were plenty of tables and cooking facilities. Earlier we noted a banana tree with a few Lady Fingers that were not far off ripening.
Back to the motorhome and then watched the Marngrook Football Show and then off to bed the day seemed very short and we didn't seem to do much at all.
Turn at Mount Isa Power Station
Hills on way to Boulia
Across open plains
Friday the 8th of July
Out of bed at 6.30am for our showers and then breakfast final packing and we were heading for the Fuel Station to refill both tanks at $1.41.9 a litre a good price for a change. Liz popped into Coles for a loaf of bread and we were on our way. Out past the power station for Mount Isa and then we found ourselves winding our way uphill on single bitumen highway, they call these Development Roads in Queensland.
The wind had picked up and of course we are driving into it again though the bonus is the beautiful rugged beauty of the area, we were to meet many vehicles coming towards us who moved off the road and gave us the bitumen. We only had trouble with a couple of caravans that were impatient to get past so I made them wait until I reached a suitable stretch of road where I could pull off. Before pulling off I slowed them right down so as they wouldn't spray us with rocks from the side of the road and one of them was real cranky that we didn't pull off straight away. Again the beautiful countryside was making up for the impatient drivers. We came across road works being carried out and by the look of it they were widening the bitumen for overtaking lanes. We then came across plains and they had a rugged look about them and then back into mountain ranges where we were to see four wild camels moving through the bush for there were no fences. Plenty of cattle and heaps of dry sandy creek beds so we are not sure where they are getting their water from. Before we knew it we had arrived in Dajarra a small town mostly indigenous people. We pulled into the rest area and discovered that you could stay and there was free power. Apparently they were going to charge for power however as the amenities are below standard they are not doing so at the moment. It was another good day with nice blue sky's though windy and a little cooler than we are used to though I am still in shorts and singlet with my so called tan now peeling away. We have elected to stay here the night and as there is television we will not worry about the satellite dish. This is one of those little bonus's that you run across now and again, needless to say the area is filling up quickly.
Museum of Dajarra
Dajarra Hotel
Bar of the Dajarra Hotel
Around 3pm we decided to go for a walk around the town and really there is not much here even the general store has closed and the housing only goes to two blocks and it is all for indigenous people. They have a museum where for a gold coin you can see the history of the area. The displays were excellent and the old tools and droving, shearing gear is plentiful. There are plenty of old steam irons those you fill with water and sit on the fire to heat the water. We spent awhile just looking at the displays well worth the coin and then it was getting a little warm. Oh no! The hotel is just across the road so we dropped in and you could only buy stubbies they do not have beer on tap. A couple of cold stubbies out in the beer garden in the sun was just great and I was surprised to find the stubbies were only $4.50 each. I thought they may have cost more. Back to the motorhome and a few new happy campers have hooked into the free power. Then it was happy hour, just a little late, and then Liz cooked a nice chow mien with some left for tomorrow for lunch.
We settled in then to watch the Geelong V West Coast football and then off to bed.
Kilometres travelled 169
Our campsite at Dajarra Brumbies at Dajarra
Saturday the 9th of July
A chilly morning with the temperature at 8am at 2 degrees which we really felt after the warm weather we have been accustomed to. Actually I didn't bother getting out of bed until 9am when I was told the temperature.
It would warm up later in the morning and rise to 22 degrees though there was a cool southerly wind. I haven't much on the agenda today other than relax. A few left and it didn't take long to fill the rest area again with happy campers from all states.
We walked up to the road house and bought salt and whilst there we bought a few pies for lunch just for a change. Back to camp and had our lunch and just relaxed and watched television before have a poppy and nanna nap. Watched the V8 races from Townsville and then it was happy hour.
We all gathered around and the happy campers where to contribute their views on various travels they have experienced. Then came the Chiacking about different states with Tassie copping the brunt of the discussion. Especially about having two heads, I retorted " Yes we leave our second head at home for we believe we don't need it here, which head? the intelligent one" which bought forth peels of laughter. We had a few brumbies come close to camps and most everyone was to take a photo before they moved off.
In all it was a great happy hour and most are leaving in the morning either driving on to Boulia or Mount Isa. We came inside had our meal then watched football, Essendon V Richmond. After the football we went off to bed and read our books.
Sunday the 10th of July
I hate to say this, This morning in the motorhome it was 10 degrees and it felt freezing, outside it was 1 degree. Needless to say even though the sun was shining brightly and we had a clear blue sky this chilly southerly wind dulled things a bit. After breakfast we decided to stay another day and watch the football leaving in the morning bound for Boulia. We said farewell to the happy campers that were going in both directions this morning and as late as 2pm we had the area to ourselves. Then it filled again and it was to cold to have a happy hour outside.
Watched the television for awhile and then went and had a shower and it was cold mate!
Then we watched the Collingwood V North Melbourne match which Collingwood won so easily by 117 points, then the V8 Supercars racing and then cooked our evening meal of silverside and then more reading of our books and off to bed. In all we have not been outside much at all today for it was cold and and at one stage I figured I would need to get rid of the shorts and wear trakkies, though I persevered. What a lazy non productive day.
As a postscript Dajarra was the receiving centre for cattle from the Northern Territory and other areas. Drovers and their crews drove the cattle for over three thousand kilometres to Dejarra and then they were railed to the coast and either processed locally or shipped overseas. As you travel the highways you see many signs stating stock routes and it is these route's that mean so much to the old timers especially when they have a historic cattle drive. With the advent of the (Trucks) Road Trains with three trailers 53 metres long in total killed the old outback drover and their trade plus the railways. The history of the drover is in the Drovers Shed at Camooweal. So the township of Dejarra slowly decreased in size to where the majority of of the populace is indigenous today.
Single lane bitumen highway to Boulia Wedge Tailed Eagle and other hawks with road kill
Monday the 11th of July
8 degrees inside 2 degrees outside. After breakfast and packing we said our farewells to other happy campers and we were on the road to Boulia. The wind had not as yet risen so we were travelling pretty easy on the single bitumen highway to Boulia, hopefully we will not meet a road train. One of the things you notice on single bitumen is that you need to concentrate much more than you would usually do. The edges are real tyre destroyers so care must be taken. Though concentrating more you still get the opportunity to take in the countryside which at the moment is flat plains with plenty of trees spread around. The grass may be bone dry, the trees on the other hand do not seem to be stressed through lack of water.
We were to come across plenty of Brahman cattle hugging the road and crossing at times in front of you so the need to take care is there, there were several with their hoofs pointing to the sky after being hit no doubt by vehicles. We were to see a Wedge Tailed Eagle consuming road kill right on the edge of the road and did it take off as we neared? No! It stayed there even though we were less than a metre off it. The other eagles and hawks flew away and no doubt came back after we left.
We were to come across around ten caravans and two motorhome's heading towards Dajarra a few were a problem with others pulling off and we did likewise to a couple. The four wheel drives were the best being locals they went off the road and gave us the full bitumen.
We entered new country that was a little hilly though we wound our way around them so the road was reasonably flat, then we came across wild pigs a sow and boar and four small piglets. They were to quick getting off the road to take a photo. As we neared Boulia we came across flocks of Major Mitchell Galahs and plenty of Correla's. The wind had now risen and we were battling it. We finally arrived at Boulia and wound our way out to the Camel Track. Boy what a sight there must be 80 caravans, motorhome's and other rv vehicles set up for next weekends Camel races. We are not sure whether we are staying for the weekend for the cost is $80 to go to the races over two days which includes camping. The Camel races in Winton the following week is only $10 per head and is held on the day.
Hills on the way to Boulia
Training Camel's in wagon
Camel's for races at Boulia

We had our lunch and gathered a bit of wood for the fire and then went into Boulia. We drove out past the caravan park which is nearly empty and then onto the golf course which is just plain red dirt fairways. Back to the pub and had a few coldies and spoke to the locals who are not all that excited about the explosion in population for next weekend. Back to the motorhome with the still cold wind though sunny conditions and it was time for happy hour. We had our evening meal of silverside and salad and would you believe it is to cold to stay outside by the fire so we stayed in and watched television before going off to bed and read our books.
Kilometres travelled 163

Emu close to our camp on twilight Twilight at Boulia Camp
Tuesday the 12th of July
At last the cold southerly wind has disappeared and the warm weather has returned. We have decided not to stop for the Camel Races on the weekend and will move on Thursday morning. We decided to have an easy day so when the firepot was set up and wood was cut and other daily chores completed we both sat out in the sun and read our books. We were to watch many come into the camp grounds though we still have no one close to us, we were to see many camper trailers head for the river where the water is. Now I have to admit I was a bit embarrassed yesterday for when we set up I took it for granted that there was water in the river where we camped. Out came the red claw nets and baited up and then I took them to the river. Ho! Ho! down to the river though I never put them in, why? No water mate just sand! The moral of the story is check first and avoid embarrassment!
We had our lunch and after Liz went into Boulia to post off a birthday card whilst I had a poppy nap. Then we drove down to the complex and had showers which we will use over the next couple of days. Back in camp and it was great to sit outside in singlet and shorts again soaking up the sun while reading a book
For our meal this evening we had sausages, eggs and bacon just for change cooked on the firepot and as the chill of the night was coming in we came inside and consumed it whilst watching television. When I went outside to get the kettle I spotted a couple of Emu's though trying to take a photo the flash kept engaging which really did not make for a good shot, the sunset was great and even at 6.20 pm the sky around is a nice crimson colour.
Tonight will be a case of read or watch television or use the internet.
Advertising Min Min Lights
Mural at towns water supply
Original Drovers Wagon
Wednesday the 13th of July
Awoke to that cold southerly wind again and a few clouds that would increase during the afternoon. Set up the firepot had breakfast and carried out the usual chores and by this time it was 10.30am. We went into Boulia and up to the water plant. They have covered the tanks on the ground and and the elevated tank in Murals depicting the area especially the famous min min lights.
The large windmill does not operate any more they use pumps to bring up water for the use of the town and its surrounds from the Great Artesian Basin. You can actually hear the water falling into the main tank before treatment and the series of pipes which then takes the water up into the high tank no doubt to pressurize the water for distribution. We filled with water whilst there.
Nearby is one of the old drovers wagons they would have used to cart wool and other materials and goods for the their journey south, given its age it is in good order though one would imagine that in a few years they may have restore it before it become derelict.
The sign tells the story Emu walking/swimming across river

We drove down to the supermarket that also doubles as a hardware store, we noted that the bread they had out for sale was all frozen and that is to be expected for even when we inspected the airport there no planes and we haven't heard any come in over the last couple of days. They will probably start arriving from the outback stations about Friday. Liz was to buy some band aids and then we drove out along the gravel road to where we did not know. After five kilometres we turned back drove down the roads on the other side until we reached the part of the river that hasn't dried up as yet. We met two couples from Victoria who were fishing and are here for the Camel Races. We had a good old natter about this and that before we bid them farewell. We were to see an Emu walking and then swimming back and forth across the river maybe ridding itself of freeloaders on its back. Back to the service station and the take away food section and bought three spring rolls, wait for it, and a bag of chips which cost $5. We went back to the rest area near the bridge that takes you to Winton and had our lunch sitting in Digger.
On to the library for a look see and then home for a poppy nap.
Later in the day we went for a shower and to speak to the Tassie's who are parked close the camel race entrance.
4pm and happy hour arrived no wonder we run out of alcohol quickly. Lit the firepot and on went the chicken casserole simmering away, as usual I had cut to much wood so poor old Digger was the recipient of that extra wood. We had a couple of happy campers stop by and I could see they were viewing the ground around us until I told them that the generator goes until 11pm. My nose is growing when I make statements like that so they moved on with the exception of a camper trailer which is set up some 100 metres away, when I started the generator they looked in our direction.
Clouds are appearing and they look like rain clouds and showers are predicted for this area over the next couple of days so it is good that we are moving in the morning.
Packed Digger with our firepot etc plus he extra wood so we are generally speaking ready to move off in the morning.

Watched Television and then read our books before turning off the lights.

Sunrise with heavy rain cloud
Rainbow bursting through Clouds
Salt pans along highway
Thursday the 14th of July
What a night we were buffeted by head winds all night and luckily we were facing into the wind. When we arose we had to make a call as to whether to move on or stay and sit it out, we decided to go for it was going to rain and we would hopefully drive out of the crook weather. When we walked outside we were met with the sun rising in the east and a rainbow trying to break through the heavy rain clouds to the south, Quite spectacular. We departed at 8am, once out of Boulia we had the wind on our side most of the time and then head on. You could see the diesel tank gauge dropping though we should have enough to get us to Winton.
We were on single bitumen highway with little traffic to begin with, we were driving across open plains and the watercourse was plain to see for there would be a line of trees in the distance. The sky's still looked pretty bad until about a hundred kilometres out then we had the white cloud so we assume we have driven out of the rain. We were to come across two road trains and we drove of the road and gave the single bitumen to them; which they both thanked us by UHF. The amazing thing was that all the caravans and camper trailers coming at us all went off the road and gave us a clear run. We could see the jump ups in the distance and as we drove across some flood ways we noticed they all had salt pans and there were certainly no cattle around them. We came across plenty of windmills working bringing water to the surface for the cattle, no doubt again from the Great Artesian Basin.
The start of the Jump Ups
Middleton Hotel
Old Cobb & Co Coach at the pub
The sun was now breaking through the cloud and in through the front window screen so off with the pullover and driving along in shorts and singlet. We now reached the Jump Ups where the min min light is supposed to habitat. These Jump Ups only occur in Australia and South America. We didn't bother going up the lookout we could see enough from the motorhome. We were to see plenty of cattle and emu's along the way though the grass is that dry we wondered what they were eating.
Before we knew it we had arrived at the Middleton Hotel where there is free camping so we elected to stay the night. Well, we were to find out that the Winnibago club is having a Safari on the way to the Boulia Camel Races and are staying here tonight the whole 27 motorhome's and at 2pm the area is packed out with caravans etc and they all haven't arrived as yet.
We plan to a meal at the pub tonight and it is just like an old homestead and you can drink any type of beer you like as long as it is a stubby and the interior of the place well I wouldn't want to take photo's who knows what the kitchen is like.
We just rested up for the afternoon and read our books the wind has not abated though it doesn't look like rain here, back towards Boulia the sky is black so I wouldn't be surprised if is raining. We spent the a few hours in the Middleton Hotel soaking up the atmosphere of an outback hotel with all the local patrons. I have to say we spent a heap of hours there and plenty of money as we joined in with the fun on the area. We had a meal there and after saying our farewells we retired to our motorhome an watched the Marngrook Football show and then off to bed after a good day especially at the pub.
Kilometres travelled 220
Scene that met us this morning
Storm Abating
Rugged beauty of the countryside
Friday the 15th of July
Pitter, Patter went the drops of rain on our roof at 4.30am so it required me to jump out of bed and bring the generator inside for we didn't want it getting wet. Back to bed and we hopped of bed at 7.30am and the scene that met us was not good. Coming towards us was an obvious storm so we decided to get underway as quickly as we could heading for Winton. The Winnebago safari had left the grounds heading to Boulia, we then went and said our farewells to the publican and his wife plus daughter in law. They tried to entice us to stay another night and hook into power at the hotel for free. We just smiled for the power would have cost us heaps in alcohol and a meal at night. We thanked them and before we headed out they made the prediction that the Winnebago group would be back for they would not get through the road deviation on their way to Boulia Camel Races.
We were on our way with the rain falling steadily and at times there was lightening flashes. There were two camels in the nearby paddocks and they are used to pull the Cobb & Co Coach at the Middleton Hotel. We were to come across five mobs of Kangaroos who were drinking water from the puddles on the road, they were over ten kilometre stretch of the single lane bitumen. The big reds were easily over 2 metres tall with the others being grey's all hopped off before I could get a photo.
Though it was raining steadily you could still see the rugged beauty of the countryside especially around the jump ups. We had heaps of caravans and camp trailers plus motor bikes of which there were 30. Most pulled up and moved off the road to give us right of way which we appreciated for if we went off we have bogged down.
Then we came to a road deviation that was made to allow re-construction of the main road. We slowed to 40kph and watched the small car that had passed us going in the same direction. It started to slide a little and wouldn't you know it the motorhome slid sideways and I recovered it and dropped down to 20kph and it slid again and we were only half way through so we took it easy and was pleased to see the single lane bitumen again. We could hear the workers saying on their UHF radio that they would need to shut the highway if the rain continued.
We were very, very pleased to put that behind us and we continued on our way, we had plenty of traffic coming at us causing problems with the slushy conditions off the bitumen even three more motor bikes. About 90 kilometres out of Winton we came across a new rest area with brand new toilets and we stopped with the thought of sitting out the storm. We came to the conclusion that it would be in our interests to push on. Rain and more rain plus lightening and poor old Digger was being covered in slush and other rubbish off the road, We noticed when still 70 kilometres out that the creeks were starting to run again and the water was across the road in two sections which we drove through very slowly for it was about 400 mills deep.
We were very happy when about 10 kilometres out when the highway doubled in size though the traffic had stopped a truck went past and indicated they had closed the road behind us so we were lucky to get out. When we reached the Matilda Highway there was a sign that stated "Road closed to all vehicles with the exception of 4x4 drives".
We made the decision to head for a caravan park for the weather was still not looking all that good.
We set up and unhooked Digger and threw bucketfuls of water over to get rid of the road grime and then went into Winton to have lunch and buy a newspaper. Whilst there we spoke to the last three motorbikes we saw heading to Boulia and they informed us that they had been turned around at the road works as the road was impassible. We checked out the fuel stations and will be getting our fuel at Caltex and then we drove out to area where we were going to free stay and as it is a slippery surface when it rains we were not surprised to see it empty though you could see a lot of tracks where people had obviously left this morning.
Liz has been bitten by a diamond back bug and it has left a nasty sore and swelling to her leg so it was decided to be sure about so off to the doctors and he confirmed the bite and placed here on antibiotics for the next five days.
We had our evening meal and just settled in to listen the rain on the roof and watch television which isn't that crash hot not as good as the satellite dish for sure. We have hooked water and power to the motorhome and turned on the hot water system for hot water etc, so it means we can use our own shower etc. Hopefully we will watch the Essendon V Adelaide or the movie, which we are not sure for the paper lists the game at 11 pm and we won't be staying up for that.
Kilometres travelled 170
Road to Boulia via Middleton
Welcome to Winton
Monument at Pelican Water Hole
Saturday the 16th of July
A cool damp night with just the occasional shower of rain. The good news was last night they aired the football game and not the movie that was advertised. Essendon overcame a 33 point deficit and won by 11 points over Adelaide. We had our breakfast and went off to buy bread etc. The shops only open until midday and then the town is deserted other than hotels, service stations and few take away shops. No papers today though tomorrow they will have the Sunday papers in the afternoon. There were plenty of caravans and other vehicles coming into town and they were dirty to some extent. We travelled out to the long waterhole and there is still only one happy camper there so dependant of the weather we will move out there tomorrow for a few days.
We checked out the supermarkets for bread and decided to go to the bakery where we where able to buy fresh bread for the same price $4.50 a loaf, then around to the butchers shop and bought some lamb chops for our tea this evening. It won't be long before we need to restock with veggies and fruit and I was a bit horrified what the cost of potatoes were $5 a kilo at the supermarket.
We decided to drive out to the turnoff to Boulia and see if the they had restored the road to all traffic, we found that it is still only open for 4 wheel drives, we also heard on the radio that the camel races yesterday and pin a tail on the camel were cancelled for they considered it to dangerous and they are waiting for later in the morning to see if the weather improves for it may be still to dangerous for the camels to race.
On the way back we drove into the Pelican Water Hole where we discovered the original hotel and store was built alongside the water hole over one hundred years ago, there are plenty of signs warning you that the water is contaminated with what they did not tell us. I ruled it out as a camp spot for I was to see the dreaded diamond back bug though I didn't tell Liz what I had spotted. Liz would have had a heart attack, so to speak, if I had told her.
The day is so poor that we will stay in the motorhome reading our books and give Digger a rest, poor Digger looks so dirty with the grime all over it. We checked the air pressure in the tyre's and they were down so we inflated them.
We watched the Collingwood V Carlton which Collingwood won even though Carlton was not disgraced at all, watch football again tonight though we are not sure which game we will get.
We had our showers late tonight and doesn't the water smell it is definitely bore water and Liz is not happy for it ruins her cup of tea giving a strange taste. Back on with the A Frame on Digger and load up with firewood etc ready to get on the road in the morning bound for the Long Water Hole which is about two kilometres out of Winton, hopefully the spot we have chosen will not be taken when we arrive. At the moment at 5.30pm the sun is shining and no clouds in the sky so with a bit of luck the rain has gone.
Our camp at Winton Long Water Hole Long Water Hole Winton
Sunday the 17th of July
A restful night and then it was time to unhook the water and power after breakfast and we were on our way to the Long Water Hole at Winton. After five kilometres we arrived and went to the campsite we selected yesterday. It is not looking at the water which is brown in colour though it affords us privacy. Oh! it is great to get back to freedom camping once again. We set the camp up in no time at all and then time to set up the satellite dish and once I had everything set up I timed how long it took to find the satellite and tune in the signal. It took exactly three minutes to hook into the vast system which I have stated before is a superior quality of picture than the old system and tonight we will be able to link into the news service from home to catch up on what is happening, an added bonus.
We spent the morning relaxing in the sun reading our books before lunch time arrived. Then it happened hundreds and hundreds of ants streamed our way and a quick spray and I thought they were cleaned up. Liz went into Winton to purchase the paper and whilst there also bought more ant kill. We spread it around outside and we couldn't believe how many flocked to get a drink.
We will revue it tomorrow for the all the camp spots have been taken up by happy campers who were still coming in at 5.45pm, as yet we have no ants inside the Motorhome. We watched the football then had our evening meal and retired to watch television for the night. Tomorrow we will need to travel down the road to get wood for our fire, thus sitting outside by the fire.
Kilometres travelled 5
Mob at the water hole
Visiting our camp site for drinks
The only egret at the water hole
Monday the 18th of July
A heavy dew this morning so after I lit the fire and waited for the kettle to boil I wiped the grime from Digger whilst wet. It was great having breakfast by the firepot with the beautiful blue sky's again with the morning sun warming up the day. Our ant problem seems to be resolved with just a few ants appearing and none in the motorhome at the moment, hopefully none made their way inside. I put a bit more bait away from our camp and it didn't attract many ants so maybe the expenditure was worthwhile, so given this we will stay where we are to maintain our privacy.
Up with the clothes line and Liz did a little washing and with the little wind that was about it was fluttering and drying. We read our books as we relaxed and again I have this problem in that irrespective of the size of the book I read it from cover to cover before I put it down. A John Grisham novel with 360 pages. Lunch time arrived and Liz went into Winton to purchase the paper and buy some pies for our lunch today, on her return Liz indicated the newsagent stated that there will be no papers today for the pilot of the plane was lost in the fog around Gladstone so had to land and call off the days travel. What can I say strange things happen in Queensland. Any way the pies were nice and then I finished my book and for an hour had a poppy nap.
We then went for a walk and found a tassie bloke and his dog who had been here for three weeks and intends staying a bit longer. Whilst there two native hens walked up to us showing no fear and just walked around us they went over to the dog on the lead and they knew when to stop while the dog went ballistic at the end of his leash. Then around to the other side and boy it now looks like a caravan park with people parking so close together.
Back to our camp for happy hour and we had the cattle drop in close by to join us, first they went for water and then ate the very dry grass near our camp. What surprised us is the lack of birdlife in the area in past visits there has been plenty of birdlife. We were to see only the one Egret with two Native Hens as far as water birds go. There were mobs of Major Mitchell Galahs that came for water late in the afternoon and then left for other areas.
We had a couple of people drop in for a chat for they recognised the motorhome and more so Digger and we discovered they had just come in from Boulia today and they told us that the Camel Racing was cancelled for the first time in 15 weeks though they indicated there was still entertainment which helped the people who had arrived. They indicated that the motor bikes only made it to the Middleton Pub where they stayed for the weekend. They were not sure about the Winnebago Club.
Again there were about 6 caravans that came in looking for a spot after 6pm as I was cooking our evening meal on the firepot. We had our meal inside and then sat out by the fire for awhile and then inside to watch Australian Story.
Looking across our back yard
An interesting wall
Rubbish bins in Dinosaur feet

Tuesday the 19th of July
Another beautiful morning with clear blue sky's and sunny, when looking to the west it was unusual to see the moon still high in the sky and it looked excellent with the blue sky . Lit the fire and cooked our breakfast and listened to the radio and just enjoyed the morning watching the Galahs with their mating antics, there was a fairly big mob of them.
Out with a bucket of water and cleaned the motorhome of its road grime first wiping with a wet cloth and then using a chamois to do the final wipe down, I didn't realise just how dirty the motorhome was. That cold south easterly wind came again so we moved our chairs to the back of the motorhome to avoid it and to read our books. I looked up and realised how beautiful our back yard looked, once you looked over the spear grass the greenery of the trees and the clear blue sky was great. Even the though the wind had a chill with it the temperature was a warm 24 degrees. We had our lunch and then packed all the water containers into Digger plus our shower gear for we thought if we obtained our water at the show grounds then they may have showers saving us the use of our water and facilities.
That turned out to be correct and we used the showers after obtaining permission of the caretaker who informed us that they expect rain this weekend which will not auger well for the Camel Races. We hope that is not the case for the ground we are on will bog easily with rain on it.
Round to vegetable place and to be expected the prices were very high, as a indication the bananas were $18 per kilo, needless to say we left them alone and bought a cauliflower for $4.80 a very small one indeed.
We had a look at the wall which has every imaginable piece of equipment and bric a brac cemented in. A most unusual sight indeed though a lot of thought must have gone into it. Then down to purchase the paper as we heard the plane overhead after lunch. A most unusual main street with the buildings being at least over one hundred years old. The rubbish bins in the main street were all in dinosaur feet for they believe this area has a lot of Dinosaur relics and history. The Lark Quarry some 110 kilometres away is an area that shows this to be true.
Back home via the post office and we noted that there many more happy campers coming in to camp, the grounds are now showing signs of overfilling, maybe they may be from the Boulia Camel Races. I hauled out two yabby nets and baited them and set them so we will see what happens in the morning. I spoke to one woman who indicated that she had caught a yellow belly (Golden Perch) in her nets.
Happy hour arrived and a couple came over who we had met on the road two years ago and as they were from Tasmania we chewed the fat for quite awhile, which meant that I didn't get our pork roast on to cook so we have put that back until tomorrow and just a quick easy meal tonight.
Comedy night on the television tonight though I will read my book that I started this morning a Clive Cussler novel.
Wednesday the 20th of July
That damn wind again today though with still blue sky's and sunny, the temperature would rise to 24 degrees by mid afternoon. Lit the firepot and cooked our toast and boiled the water for our cup of tea for breakfast though the cold wind forced us to eat inside. I then checked the yabby traps and there was nothing so back in they went, obviously the water is still to cold in the water hole. Carried out our usual chores and then moved our chairs around the back of the motorhome out of the wind and into the sun and then read our books. We were to see 8 caravans leave and then by 10am four more arrived.
We had our lunch and then I went for a walk and spoke the tassie bloke who is really chuffed at those who are parked right on him and he was to tell me that two cartons of xxxx gold cost him $98 in the pub in Winton, unbelievable.

Liz drove Digger into town and bought bread and the paper and indicated there were heaps of caravans parked in the streets. We just relaxed and watched many vans come in and then it was happy hour and time to put the Pork in the camp oven then into the firepot. It was wonderful listening to it cook and the aroma was beaut. We had a couple of happy campers come and chew the fat with us and then a bloke and his wife pulled in from Burnie I think they wanted to park next to us until they saw the ants and we explained the many hundreds we had already killed.
By the end of the day we estimate there are now 45 caravans, motorhome's and camper vans here. Parked as close as a caravan park and we were still seeing them come in at 6.15pm. At the moment there are 6 in the long paddock for the first time. We had a couple come down and look at our spot and then moved on when they realised that there was no room for more.Then time for our evening meal a very nice meal of roast pork complete with baked spuds and five veggies. In all a wonderful lazy day not even one photo was taken. I will finish my book tonight while Liz watch's tellie.

Home made vehicle
Liz waiting for the washing
Some of the memorabilia for sale
Thursday the 21st of July
At last the wind had dropped off and it was a great morning as we had our breakfast by the fire. Chores completed and we went into town noting there were caravans leaving and more coming in. First stop was the laundromat to do the heavier types of clothing and doona covers. The first thing you could smell was the bore water, it has a terrible smell and taste here in Winton. It took over an hour for the machines to do their cycle and the machines themselves were in a dirty condition, the bonus was it cost only $2 per machine.
Whilst this took place we went walkabout and checked out some of the shops and looked at the memorabilia on display. There was plenty of boulder opal on display and some of the manufactured pieces were very expensive. Of course you could buy pieces of rock though it looked like more potch than opal that is why it is $3 a rock.
We noted there were caravans lined up in most of the streets and we came across this strange looking vehicle that looked more like early model Peterbuilt which was called "Bufcobuilt". You could see the hand made panels and it had twin exhaust stacks and fitted with a 6.6 litre chevrolet engine. It would appear that it was built on a land cruiser ute base. There were plenty of admirer's making all sorts of suggestions. We checked the washing again and it wasn't completed so Liz pulled up a dinosaur foot and had a seat and took in the streetscape.
Filled with water and fuel for the generator and then around to the shop and baulked at buying carrots at $4.90 a kilo and the most noticeable thing is that there are no weekly specials in any of the three supermarkets. We have shopped in all three now and the prices all appear the similar. We checked a few other shops out in the main street and the newsagents and again no paper and then around to Vinnies and spent a couple of dollars there and had a good look about. I mistook the door to Vinnies and ended up in a private house entrance and luckily I thought that it did not seem right and therefore thankfully I never opened the inner door, I was one doorway out.
Back to the motorhome for lunch finished reading my book and then had a poppy nap whilst Liz did her cross stitch. On awakening I then went walkabout and had a chat to a few happy campers and then it was time for happy hour. Before having a beer I went to pull the yabby nets for there has been no result for three days, lo and behold there was one small yabby and one yellow belly in the other net. I put both back as they were to small though I took a photo of the yabby before returning it to the water.
The young bloke on the motorbike came and said hello again and was still followed by the Suzuki car which is owned by him though driven by a young girl, as we were talking the Police came along and the girl hopped out of the car very quickly and when I asked why she said she no licence.
Tonight again at 6pm they are still coming in looking for a campsite both caravans, fifth wheelers and motorhome's. There are now 9 in the long paddock an increase on last night. We did our footy tipping after our evening meal and e- mailed it off and then settled in to watch the Marngrook Football Show before retiring for the night.
Sunrise over water hole Winton
Old wool bale cart
Monument to Pelicans Winton
Friday the 22nd of July
It was a cold night with the temperature a low 6 degrees inside the motorhome and 4 degrees outside, when I looked at the solar regulator it showed the batteries at 12.7 volt and straight away I thought the fridge could not be working. I didn't stop to think it was that cold, it was colder than the normal fridge operating temperature outside. The fridge eventually cycled on as the day warmed. When I went outside I could not believe how cold it was and there was not a breath of wind.
I walked up onto the levee bank and looked down at the water hole and the reflections of the trees on the water with the sun rising at 7am looked absolutely beautiful
. After taking photo's a happy camper came along walking his dog and we chatted away for at least a half hour before he moved on. He was an interesting bloke who among many things indicated that this was his 12th motorhome that they were travelling in and there wasn't much of Australia he hadn't travelled over the years. I had to laugh a few times for he certainly spoke in no uncertain terms on warranty issues he has had with his latest acquisition.
Down to check the yabby traps and they were empty so I placed them back and it there is no result tonight I will pull them in. There is no doubt they are there it will take the water to warm up considerably before they start netting successfully.
Lit the fire and cooked our breakfast as the that cold wind returned making it feel colder that it actually was, so to speak. Mid morning we had a visit from the Tassie bloke and his dog and we chewed the fat for an hour or so as to our forthcoming travels and the timeline to board the ferry in Melbourne for the return trip home, Ken is on the ferry three days before us.
We packed the water bottle and shower gear for we have been using our facilities for the past couple of days and we thought we would swing by the showgrounds again and see if we could shower there and see how they were going with their preparations for the Camel Races tomorrow.
When we arrived there were a few stall holders setting up and there were no Camels to be seen anywhere so we had our showers and then into the town centre. The amount of tourists are high with many vehicles we recognise from the Boulia Camel Races in the streets. Later in the day they would come out the Water Hole and set up there must be sixty vehicles of one sort or another here now and we are still on our own with the nearest some 300 metres away.
We walked about for awhile waiting for the paper to come in, I noted in the main street they have built a Matilda Centre since we were here last, the pelican monument is still in the main street and how they get the water so blue is beyond me. There was an old wool bale cart restored and looking splendid with it different colours of blue and yellow and there is no doubt they look after it not like the one at Boulia. This area is renowned for its sheep and there a few displays in shop fronts of the shearer's of old with their shears and the new with their electric shears all good displays.
Down to the bakery and bought a few pies and rolls for lunch and then found the paper does not arrive today until after 1pm so we elected to go back to camp for lunch. Hung out our shower towels etc and then had lunch.
Liz was later to go back into town for the paper and drop off our rubbish that we had forgotten to take this morning.
It wouldn't be the same without a poppy nap in these cold winds. When I awoke it was time for happy hour so we went around to the back of the motorhome our of the wind and enjoyed our liquid gold. Bradley the young bloke that arrives daily on his trail bike for exercise dropped in and chatted, he is one of the workers at the local BP service stations and he indicated that they expect to run out of diesel by Monday due to one tank being out of action. So hopefully we can refuel before they run out and be on our way. He was a wealth of information on Winton and the surrounding areas and we have enjoyed his visits over the past couple of days. I went and checked the yabby traps and there was only one small fish which I returned to the water and then pulled them to dry and I will put them away tomorrow.
As usual the the wind dropped off at sunset though the cold is setting in already so we went inside and cooked our meal and of course we were to watch the St Kilda V Adelaide football match on the television tonight and then off to bed with an extra blanket over the Doona.
Kids ride the rams
Kids ride the poddy calves
Liz browsing among stalls
Saturday the 23rd of July
Another chilly morning with little wind and sunny with clear blue sky's as we cooked our breakfast and cleaned up the camp. We went walkabout and had a chat to the many happy campers that are still here. There were quite a few that left this morning and we suspected they had gone up to the Winton Camel Races, this turned out to be correct for when we arrived there we came across a few of them.
We were pleased with the entrance price of $5 for pensioners; so our cost was $10 for what would be a most entertaining day. We just arrived to witness a camel race and they were all over the place coming down the home straight and it is obvious the jockey does very little other than hang on behind the single hump. It certainly is a family day with many events for young people and children. There was a farm section with all the domestic animals that you would expect to find on a farm. The young people could go in and get close and personal with the many animals, you could see that the children were very pleased and there was much laughter and smiles as the animals attempted to get out of there way. We were to see the first couple of camel races and then over to the arena to watch young children ride the rams and there was no lack of competitors which ranged from about 5 years to 10 year old. They have no fear and whilst the smallest were held in place the others had a real rough ride until the rams bucked them off their back. Next was the poddy calves and again the youngsters were to ride them like true professionals, I strongly suspect that they have done all this before due to the way they were kitted out and the hand in the air for balance. The winners were all given prizes which made them very happy and there was much applause from the audience for their efforts.
Camel race in full flight
1st place Uncle Reggy
Trophy for most successful Jockey

We then adjourned for lunch under the grand stand where we had roast meat rolls with gravy and a pie and sausage roll, needless to say we will not be having much for our evening meal. Liz was to look around the many stalls and bought some ear rings to add to her collection. There was plenty to see on the stalls including the chance to purchase soup and damper for lunch which we declined.
It was back to the camel races and what a sight to see them coming down the home straight. Just because one camel was leading didn't mean it would win for was the chance they would shoot off the rails and go over to the crowd thus loosing the race. What a cantankerous animal they are. Then they had tag the camel event. The idea was to place a piece of electrical tape on the body of the camel then back to the fence and then you had to take it off the camel and return to the fence, It was a timed event with the winner earning a prize of $500. Well the camel has the ability to kick sideways, forward and backwoods and there were a few bruises with some electing to concede defeat due to the amount of kicking of some camels. Then it was the Winton plate and the camels were really frothing at the mouth as they came down the straight. Then off road trail bikes in the centre ring put on a good show especially the very young on their small bikes and the quad bikes.
Finally, the running of the Winton Camel Cup and the race was won by Uncle Reggy who has won 14 out of the last 15 cups and he won it by at least three lengths. Prior to the race they had a calcutta on the cup and Uncle Reggy was sold for $750 so that bloke won a fair bit given the amount paid for the other camels in the calcutta.
The presentation of the gold cup and sash to the owner and jockey and then the most successful jockey of the day which was won by the jockey of Uncle Reggy she was beaming from ear to ear.
Tonight they have a band playing and a fireworks display we opted go home after the camel races were completed and what a wonderful day it has been we even met a few people we met on the road a few years ago which was great. We expect we will hear the music for it is Rock & Roll and you can expect it to be loud and I am sure we will see the fireworks from our camp site.
We will settle in to watch the Collingwood V Gold Coast and then off to bed very tired for it has been a wonderful day with sunshine and clear blue sky's.

Young Camels
Pin the tape on the Camel
Heron on the water hole
Sunday the 24th of July
Another cold morning so we didn't arise until after 9am, lit the fire and cooked our breakfast by which time the sun had risen over the embankment and was warming up the day nicely. After our cleanup it was time to go into Winton and out to the showgrounds to shower and top up our water drums, after today we will need to shower using our facilities. The grounds were all clean when we arrived so they must have had their clean up very early as the place was looking pristine once more and all the stall holders and their caravans had departed. Down to the newsagent to get the Sunday paper and then around to the shop to buy rolls for lunch, then it was back to camp for lunch where we finished off the lovely roast pork in the rolls with tomato and cheese. Very nice indeed washed down with a cuppa.
After lunch it was time to pack so in with awning and dismantled the firepot and packed all away in poor old Digger. Time for a poppy nap and then happy hour and today due to the wind abating we went onto the top of the embankment and set up our chairs to look out across the water hole and out to the distant hills which presented an excellent sight. It is strange that we haven't noticed the mountains in the back ground before this and again they are reddish in colour blending nicely with the different greens on display.
Ken came and joined us on our last evening at the water hole and we chewed the fat, we had a couple of happy campers come join us also which was great. Then we all enjoyed the sunset and watched the many birds wing there way in for water. There must have been at least 20 white Heron's land and walk into the water plus more birds than we have seen all the week whilst here, did I have the camera with me; No!. We said our farewells to Ken and the others and we went inside for our evening meal of curried sausages on a bed of white rice, very nice indeed.
Then we settled in to watch television and read our papers and books before retiring looking forward to moving on tomorrow.We have enjoyed our time here in Winton meeting the people we did and enjoying the water hole. For a change the motorhome's out number the caravans today.
Flat plains as far as you can see
Cattle road train overtaking
Shopping centre Longreach

Monday the 25th of July
A much warmer day greeted us this morning and as we had packed everything away we had a leisurely breakfast inside the motorhome and then cleaned around our campsite making sure that there was not even a piece of paper left.
We departed the Winton water hole and made our way to the service station where we pulled on 108.83 litre's of diesel at $1.52.9 cents a litre and to date we have travelled 6732 kilometres with more to go before we arrive home. The wind had not picked up and it was just a slight breeze on the nose as we drove out of Winton bound for Longreach, we came across plenty of camels in the paddocks a short distance out and they looked great silhouetted against the blue sky, by the way there was not a cloud in the sky. We were to drive for more than a hundred kilometres through undulating land that in the distance looked flat. This must have been an illusion for we seemed to be climbing up all the time though there wasn't a requirement to change gears at all.
When we looked straight ahead it looked flat and when looking to the side you could see mountain ranges that in the early morning sun looked great especially the shadows that were cast in the ravines.
The traffic was relatively heavy with heaps of caravans going in both directions and road trains as well. When we saw a cattle road train coming or going we would instinctively close the vents and any air intake in the cabin for the smell was something we did not desire. There was heaps of road kill especially kangaroo's and we also spotted two wild pigs that had been bowled over on the road.
The hawks would only eat the kangaroo meat not the pig meat. The road trains coming behind us were very friendly indicating that we were not a problem and they would pass us when they had the opportunity, they requested that I maintain our speed and they would come around us at an opportune time. These have been the best truckies we have struck to date and willing to have a chat to you as well you always knew when they were about to come around by the amount of the black smoke coming out of their exhaust stacks. Ken from the water hole caught up with us and passed bidding us farewell for he is going onto Illfracombe for a few days.
We were to pass some very nice rest areas complete with toilets along the way though we had made up our mind to go to Longreach to restock the cupboards for the next few weeks given that we are heading back into the outback.
We finally arrived at the Thomson River Rest Area and what a shock there must have been over 70 caravans and motorhome's with still plenty of space left. Needless to say they were all parked as if they were in a caravan park with not much room in between each other. We opted to park between two motorhome's that we had seen at the water hole at Winton thus we renewed our acquaintances again. We had a good old chat and then we drove into Longreach in Digger to do our thing. We had decided not to do the touristy things just re provision and then back to the camp. First job fill the 9kg gas bottle costing $24.90, we were quoted $42 for a refill in the caravan park at Mount Isa.
We then wandered down the main street looking for door handles to no avail and then we opted to go and have lunch at a small cafe where we had fish & chips for me and chicken kebab with chips for Liz. That will be our junk tucker for the next month. Then onto IGA for our groceries, shock-horror! the Tim Tams were on special so purchased four packets of those plus a good range of vegetables and a few groceries which now should see us through for the next three weeks or so.
Back to camp and packed them away and then went for a walk on the bridge over the Thomson River and boy the river was creating its own gentle breeze which was most enjoyable, took a couple of photo's of the brown river and than it was time for happy hour so we came together with our neighbors and enjoyed the social intercourse that took place.
Both groups indicated that they were coming down to Tassie in December for four months so we were to answer many of their questions those we could not we referred then to the visitors information centre's when they arrive. Time for our evening meal and the next door neighbor invited us to hook into his generator so we did, I suppose that is one way of making sure your neighbor does not get concerned about running the generator. We watched a bit of local television and then off to bed.
Kilometres travelled 191

Bush pigeons Thomson River
Road Deviation very rough
Rest area at junction Isisford road
Tuesday the 26th of July
A much warmer evening and when we arose this morning the sky was blue and no clouds though the morning was a little chilly. We had breakfast and then had a chin wag with those we have met at other camp areas and we then readied ourselves to depart. On the way out we were to see many bush pigeons scratching around in the dirt. We still had trouble coming to grips with 78 vehicles of various makes and models still camped here this morning. Into Longreach to top up one diesel tank and we only pulled on 24 litre's to fill which now should suffice until we arrive in Quilpie some time in the future. The cost was $1.54.9 per litre.
On the road again saying our farewells to Longreach though not spending much time only money there and we turned onto the road to Jundah. The early going was great with two lane bitumen and the land was still flat with plains as far as you could see with little bush or trees evident. That was all to change for we came across the single lane bitumen which they call a development road for some reason that eludes me.
The traffic was sparse and we did not have to get off the bitumen that is until we struck our first truck and then three road trains of cattle over the next hundred kilometres. We were somewhat astounded by the amount of kangaroo road kill though the crows and hawks were having a field day with plenty for them to eat. We came across flocks of Major Mitchell's and again to slow with the camera to capture them in flight, they are a pretty bird I believe.
Then we were to see plenty of cattle and sheep and we spotted our first Bustard (wild turkey) on the edge of the road again to slow with the camera and it didn't seem fazed at all with us as we drove by. They are a big bird nearly as large as the Brolga and I can now understand why they cause so much damage to windscreens and body's of vehicles if you hit them.
Then by signage we were taken of the bitumen and onto a deviation road whilst they are re-building the highway again after damage from the floods. Well what can I say! Other than bloody rough mate down to third gear and doing 15to20 kph the curtains dropped down on one side the biscuit cupboard flew open and thankfully the Tim Tams were in the oven and didn't get damaged. We were pleased when back on the single lane bitumen once again.
We came across a rest area out in the long paddock with no shade or shelter from the winds and elected to pull up for it was now lunch time. The rest area is new for even the toilets were spick and span so we decided to stay here tonight and push onto Jundah tomorrow. We fixed the curtain rod and the cupboard door and then a ute and caravan came in and we noted we had met them at the water hole at Winton so we renewed acquaintances and talked away for an hour or so about our travels and once again they didn't remember us by the motorhome only by Digger our little red car that we tow. They were on the way to Jundah so we said we would see them tomorrow.
Set up the satellite dish and again the signal is getting easier to get once you get the hang of the satellite signal. We had our lunch and this is all I am going to do on the diary today for for we are going to read our books for the rest of the afternoon then as usual we will have our happy hour and watch tellie and read books again this evening. In other words I am taking the rest of the day and evening off. Though a bonus we did not expect is that we have next to full service for the phone and internet, which carrier? Telstra of course and in the Barcoo Shire!
Kilometres travelled 135
There you go I said that I was finished with the diary though it would be remiss of me not record the afternoon with just a couple of happy campers coming in and then leaving giving the area to ourselves. Wasn't it great looking out over the plains in the Barcoo Shire watching the sheep and kangaroos feeding and listening to the crickets in the long dry grass. Due to this our happy hour went longer than usual sitting out in just a singlet and shorts and not needing any other clothing until the sun dropped over the horizon at 6.10pm. We cannot express strongly enough the afternoon when the clouds dissipated and the action of sheep, kangaroos and hawks taking over the outback scenery. This has nothing to do with the 6 cans or the amount of wine that was consumed and we have to say it seemed as if we were the only people on this earth, what a wonderful relaxing afternoon.
Our first hill
White flowering gum
Welcome to Jundah
Wednesday the 27th of July
We were awakened in the early morning by a cattle road train which was parked opposite our camp site. The driver was no doubt sleeping and the cattle were kicking the living suitcases out of the trailers and making a hell of a racket, once we realised what it was we drifted back off to sleep. It was 7 am before the road train left heading to destinations south of Jundah no doubt.
We really enjoyed the evening and morning out here on the western plains with no clouds and just a little breeze before we pushed off toward Jundah. Along the way the GPS did not recognise the road at all and kept repeating " Recalculating" until I silenced her, the interesting thing was that it recognised the waterways and creeks even if they were bereft of water. We struck a few caravans and one in particular I thought was going to come to grief, I had pulled completely off the single bitumen for I saw a cattle Road Train coming behind him unfortunately he thought that I had pulled off for him. What did he do? pulled out right in front of the road train which I thought was going to collide with him, the old bloke saw him just in time and headed off road before the collision. The truck driver just said "Some mothers do ave em". So we hope the old bloke does not get himself into trouble and he should look in his rear vision mirrors more for how can you miss a road train fair up your clacker!
We left the open grassy plains and now were climbing up small hills until we came to a mountain pass that had us down into low third gear and just climbing steadily. We came to the turnoff to Stonehenge and after that the road was double bitumen all the way to Jundah. It was just wonderful and when we met traffic there was no need to go off the road.
Cormorant in the trees
White Ibis disturbed by us
Dead fish lining Thomson River
We were to see an enormous amount of road kill along way the including wild pig again. The hawks and crows were only eating the kangaroo and leaving the pig carcasses alone, We were to see two very large Wedge Tailed Eagles though we they were to quick for our camera.
We finally arrived at Jundah so we took a photo of the welcoming sign and then headed straight for the Thomson River. We went into the left side of the bridge and took Digger off and I went to look for a suitable camp spot. Along the way I was surprised at the amount of birdlife in the dirty brown river, there must have been 500 to 600 cormorants and about 20 Pelicans and heaps of Ibis and cranes and I also saw two Brolga's.
I chose a spot one kilometre in from the road and then we set up, when looking at the river all we could see was a blanket of cormorants and heaps of dead fish along the shores, they were just not in one spot they lined the banks thickly all the way along. It was a sickening sight luckily we can't see them from where we are set up unless you walk to the side of the bank of the river; which I might add is only two metres from our camp.
We set everything up and including the satellite dish and then went to gather wood. First we drove to the other side of the road and there was only one camp set up over there and on the way back we stopped and talked to them and they indicated that they hadn't caught a fish at all. It was the same on this side the fish dead along the shore was amazing and the cormorants on this side were thicker than our side perching in trees and hundreds in the water so their must still be live fish here in the river.
On the way back we spotted a couple of dead trees so we cut them up and took the logs back to our camp. Had lunch and packed empty water containers and our shower gear into Digger on the off chance we could get a shower. Last time we were here we had them at the council caravan park and when we drove in this time we noted there were five caravans there. We noted the sign that said the overflow was at the showgrounds so we checked that out and what a bonus beautiful hot showers and able to fill our drums with water.
Now it wouldn't be the same if we didn't check out the local pub and have a few. As usual it is the place for all the local information for you will receive more than at the tourist information centre especially after they come to except you. The blokes indicated after I asked about the dead fish that it was because of black water. Now the first thing I thought was that campers had been dumping their black water into the river. No, it is the term they use when the water is short of oxygen thus all the dead fish. As usual the pub was manned by irish backpackers all of them girls so they were attracting the local blokes from the cattle stations and sheep stations. We had a chat to the local kangaroo hunters for we had seen the chiller boxes on the way in. After a good session we went back to camp and wouldn't you know it time for happy hour. Tonight we are just having a cold corn beef salad with all the accompaniments. As we are on our own again in this end of the camping area we will not have a fire tonight just relax outside until it gets cold and then we will come in and watch a bit of tellie.
Kilometres Travelled 105
Even Ducks getting into the action Beautiful reflections of a patient bird fishing it reached down and caught a live fish
Thursday the 28th of July
Out of bed at 7.30 am and lit the fire and then I noticed the large amount of birdlife on the River this morning. There must have been between 60 and 100 pelicans alone in front of us not to mention the cormorants, ducks, ibis, cranes, hawks and a couple of Brolga's. It was difficult to take a photo for the they are so skittish, though what a wonderful sight to see all these birds gathered in front of us. No doubt I will take numerous photo's of the brown non flowing Thomson River and its birdlife. Lit the camp fire and had our breakfast in the wonderful sun again with not cloud in the sky. There is not much on the menu for today for have decided to spend the day in camp, against my better judgement I will set two yabby pots and see what they yield.
The birdlife is prolific on the Thomson River at Jundah there must be at least 60 to a 100 Pelicans alone It was difficult to get a photo for they are so skittish
After lunch we drove around some of the bush tracks sight seeing and we were to find billabong's with the beautiful Coolibah Trees lining their banks, I suspect this is where the locals come rather than the main channel of the Thomson River. Digger is an amazing little car wherever you point it that is where it goes on road or off road. Considering the load in the back plus the two of us it does a wonderful job and never falters. Its a pity we are going to pension it off for it has a lot of life left in the mechanics and motor.
We had a couple of roo shooters come along to our camp and we chewed the fat for quite awhile they were interested in our fire pot and after I explained how it worked used as a normal fire and then as a cooker plus for baking items in the camp oven like rolled and seasoned kangaroo he just laughed and said. "I picked up the hint and I will see what we can do". Well, if he delivers a hind quarter that is what we will do bone it out then roll and bake, bloody beautiful mate!
We relaxed for awhile then drove into Jundah, even though we said we were going to stay in camp, to get some water and it does not appear to be bore water for it has no smell, being the headquarters of the Barcoo Shire Council may have something to do with. Oh well! bought an ice cream each to eat on the way back to camp, there goes my reading again. Whilst there we noted that one of the four wheel drives that checked us out this morning is in the caravan park and we wouldn't be surprised if we do not see them tomorrow unless they are addicted to caravan parks and power among many other things.
The cormorants are still taking fish and the are trawling the water though the pelicans seem to have disappeared so sitting on the bank watching the dead fish float by and live fish being caught by the birds does not enthuse me to pull out a rod, though we will see what tomorrow brings.
I pulled the yabby nets and there were no yabby's so I baited again and tossed in the first net and then the second net unfortunately it flipped over so I pulled it in again and in doing so trawled a nice size yabby and a dead fish. So hopefully tomorrow morning will bring results.
Five types of birds resting Jim tossing in Yabby Net
Time for happy hour and today it will just be a cuppa for we had today's ration yesterday, Liz is cooking a steak stew on the fire pot for our evening meal and we will sit out tonight by the fire. I do not think that I have mentioned anywhere in the diary just how clear the night sky is out here in the outback still enough light and plenty of stars and we have seen the satellites crossing the sky and plenty of constellations, so we will give the tellie a miss tonight, that is after we watch the Marngrook Football Show and then go outside. Another wonderful day of 25 degrees with just a slight breeze and in singlet and shorts still.
Sunrise over our camp Pelicans galore on the Thomson River
Friday the 29th of July
We both had a restful night and we hopped out of bed at 6.45 just in time to capture the sunrise over our camp. I lit the fire and put the kettle on to boil whilst I checked the yabby nets. I only caught one Yabby this morning though it has given me the incentive to pull the rest of the nets out and set them along the banks close to our camp. The birdlife is now getting used to us being here and are not so skittish, I did a count of the Pelicans near our camp and the figure was 65 and that was of what I could see for there are more around the bend.
Time to cut a bit more wood for the fire and clean up around the camp, really we do not make a mess it is just a refresher more than anything. We then settled in to read our books in the glorious morning sun at the moment it is 17 degrees celsius at 8.30 am.
The Jundah Hotel
Quaint little Jundah Store
Thomson River from the bridge
We drove into Jundah and had showers and obtained water for washing etc. Whilst there we spoke to a council bloke who informed us that the had done a phd on the water in the water of the Thomson River yesterday and it came up ok. He indicated that the large amount of fish dead was due to the fact that the river was not running and it was starvation that was causing the problem. This was due to the floods and the river flow that had bought on a larger breeding season and they had noted the large amount of fish that was coming over the weir.
We had a drive around the town and noted that they had a museum and several other attractions for tourist to retain them in the area. We returned to camp and noted that we are the only happy campers on this side of the highway thus there are plenty of camp spots along the rivers edge.
I had put all yabby traps in the water and then I pulled them around 5 pm and only had one yabby in six pots though there were at least twenty small fish in the nets the bulk were cat fish and the others were silver perch all to small to eat so I returned them to the river.
We still had our happy hour and then at 6pm we went to the hotel in Jundah to have a meal, well hadn't the atmosphere changed with the bar nearly full of locals and a few from the caravan park who informed us they pay $10 per night with power etc.
Then they had a goose raffle and I wasn't game to ask what that entailed. There were 10 very good prizes and as the norm was to buy twenty dollars worth we opted for ten dollars.
I had a tap on the shoulder and when I looked I had the living suitcases frightened out of me for there was bloke in a chicken suit asking for a kiss. Needless to say I declined. Then they drew tickets from a bin and now I was understanding why they call it a goose raffle. The chicken man must have been a contortionist for he went into several impossible poses and dropped a golf ball out as if he had laid it. If your ticket was drawn then the number on the golf ball represented the prize you had won off the board.
We were to talk to several locals and happy campers one of which had been staying down on the Thomson River for the past nine weeks though he had now moved to the hotel for ten dollars with power for where he was camped had become smelly due to the number of dead fish. We spoke to other happy campers who had been on the river for the past five weeks and they indicated they came from Victoria and drive to this spot on the river for the past five years and then home again. We ordered our meal of fish and chips and T bone steak medium rare both had salad and chips as there accompaniment. The cost was $14.50 and $18.50 respectively.
Now the pub is so old and you can see the additions made over the years and the toilets are outside at least 40 metres from the bar which consists of just concrete floors and the bar. The kitchen is in building on the other side of the hotel which means the food has to be carried at least 30 metres. Most in the bar were to drink stubbies or cans even though they had two taps for beer. The first thing you notice is the lack of young people in the twenties and thirty's.
The pub was full with heaps of kids outside playing on trampolines etc. I noted what looked like crickets racing across the concrete floor and when I asked what the were the reply was they were toe bighters for they would latch onto to toes and sting heavily. I noted that most of the customers where wearing thongs so I stood on one and it certainly had a hard shell for it really crunched. Our meal arrived and it was great even the steak was medium rare, we had noted a few purchase the special of beef goulash for $15 with vegetables and it didn't look all that good and we never heard a kind word about it.
Now what did I do with the fat and bone off the steak? Why just toss it on the floor near us and the resident black labrador just gulped it down though at least he took the bone outside to chew. He was back in 15 minutes looking for more. We had a few more drinks and left the pub saying our farewells to the locals and happy campers and headed for Digger which we had parked in a back street away from the hotel in case the police were about. A good idea though we didn't know that they had no street lights and it was as black as and we had no torch, where was it? in Digger of course isn't that the most logical place to leave it? Anyway we blundered our way along and it was just that the number plate reflected once that helped us find it. Now who was the silly billy that bought the camera to take shots inside the pub and forgot to put the memory card back!
Back home we cranked up the generator and then watched the Carlton V North Melbourne which Carlton won and then off to bed very good day indeed.
Coolibah hanging on to dear life
2 Metre Monitor Lizard
Jundah Golf Club
Saturday the 30th of July
Arose early this morning and went around the yabby nets and had plenty of fish again though no yabby's. I figure they have plenty of dead fish to feast on at the moment so I decided to pull the nets ashore to dry out and then I will pack them away.
Lit the fire and had our breakfast and then again looked at the glorious sight on the river once again of the many Pelicans and cormorants plus others. Unfortunately we have had a wind change and it is blowing quite strongly and blowing all the dead fish down to us and the stench that comes with it.
We had three groups of happy campers that came to visit us that we had met last evening in the pub and they all noted the smell though not overbearing, one lot even suggested we pack up our camp and move up into town. We have had worse smells than this to contend with over the years so we will stay if we move it will be towards Windorah.
Well before we knew it lunch time had arrived so we came inside to eat and we noted that the fish had slowed down they must be caught up at the island, which we check out after lunch. After lunch I was looking along the river bank and it noticeable the amount of roots the coolibah trees have exposed no doubt to floods over time. Its a wonder they do not slip into the river. I did a check on oils, water etc and changed the wiring to the temperature monitor and hopefully that will solve the intermittent fault, it is just annoying and in no way effects the running of the motorhome. Having done over 7000 kilometres the engine has not used a skerrick of oil. The Yabby nets were then packed away in Digger after drying.
The temperature around the camp has reached 27 degrees celsius and we decided to go for a drive and find the nature drive along the river etc. We drove by the caravan park and that was full we then checked the show ground and there were two lots of happy campers there. We had met one lot last night so we chewed the fat for awhile then we headed off to find the road for the nature drive and as we doing from the finish the road was hard to find, first we ended up at the race course which they are repairing received some instruction as what road we were to take and wouldn't you know it we ended up at Mitre 11. We spotted a Monitor Lizard which must have been all of 2 metes long and he was chewing on some fish cages that had been dumped sometime today, he wasn't going to move for anyone. I nearly trod him for he was camouflaged with the earth and a branch on the ground.We moved on and came across the golf course and the 19th hole wasn't all that flash though no doubt does the job. The fairways are just red dirt with earth dug up forming barriers which must make it more difficult to play. Then passed by the Health Centre and close by were two Emu's who shot off into the bush before I had a chance to take a photo.
Back on the nature trail and we wound our way back down to the Thomson River and noted that there were few dead fish they must now be all up our way, we stopped and said hello to the Victorians that we met at the pub last night and they were to tell us that they will be moving on in the morning, along a little further camper trailer people indicated they were moving along also in the morning. Both these groups have been coming to Jundah for the past five and eight years. This is the worst they have experienced due to the smell from the dead fish.
Back to camp and started happy hour a little early and watched the last half of the West Coast V Western Bulldogs game which West Coast won by eight points after squandering a 50 points lead. Tonight we are having an easy tea. Bacon and eggs plus baked beans on toast.
We will settle in at 7pm to watch the St Kilda V Gold Coast game and then off to bed. St Kilda was to win by 20 points.
Good morning Pelicans and ducks Carpet of dead fish
Sunday the 31st of July
That wonderful sight of the pelicans and ducks and other birds greeted us again this morning, the downside is that the wind is coming down the river again blowing all the dead fish our way. I went for a walk up to the islands and the dead fish are lying there very thick like a carpet and very smelly. Luckily they are a good kilometre from our camp so we do not suffer the stench no wonder no one is camped there.
This is our last day on the Thomson River for we move on in the morning towards Windorah so after breakfast we started to pack up our camp, I have cut far to much wood so we bagged it and poor old Digger will have to carry it to our next bush camp. We went for drive into Jundah had our showers and replenished our water in the drums drove around the town. Headed for the museum and even though it is closed today we were able to wander around the outside exhibits. We backed digger up to one of the carts and took a photo trying to make out that he was towing it. Both carts represent history of the area the painted and restored cart was used for general produce and wool bale cartage to the railhead some 200 kilometers away. It had between 10 and 12 horses as its motive power dependant on the weight that had to be pulled. The other cart was special in that it was used in the late 1800's early 1900's and used exclusively to carry wool bales. The interesting thing about the cart was that it was articulated and you could get a good view of the steel ringed turntable and was capable of carting 100 wool bales at a time. and the equipment displays took you back once again to the 1800' up to present days. We drove around and found the caravan park still full, why wouldn't it at $10 per night with power and all facilities including a washing machine, and the showground having only one happy camper.
As we drove down the main street we noticed two caravans with Tasmanian registration so we stopped and exchanged information for the they were in Windorah this morning and are heading for Stonehenge . We then headed back to camp for lunch then the packing in earnest, though we took a detour to check the western side of the bridge and found that all the happy campers had left and there was one new one that came in very late last night for they drove around our camp about 9pm. I am still coming to grips why people come in so late to camp up; for the life me I just cant understand why.
Is Digger going to tow this?
General and Wool Cartage
Articulated Wool Bale Cart
We had our lunch and finished our final packing with poor old digger down at the rear again carrying so much, including wood. Yes we move on to tomorrow and we have really enjoyed our time here. We have noted many happy campers park in the main street and then they depart for other places unknown in around an hour. As we usually do we set out in a small town like Jundah with a population of 90 to discover its soul and what it means to the community. Did we find it of course we did! As usual the hotel is a wealth of information, once they accept you, even more so than the tourist information centre. We knew we were onto something special when they won the Tidy Town competition. This is something you only win when the community pulls together and it does from the 84 year old lady that drops into your camp on the river with small cakes and sets about to tell you history of the town down to the children of the town. The goose raffle at the hotel, all funds raised go back into the community and the moment they are raising cash to beautify the town even more and those funds are raised by the community. The local school only has 9 pupils and we witnessed them being schooled outside in the shade and the pupils were attentive.The community boasts of not having to lock doors on houses or cars. Take the treasurer of the goose raffle she counted the proceeds left in on the small counter and walked away to have a cigarette there must have been 6 to 7 hundred dollars in there. I went outside and said to her that she had left the money behind and the response " That's ok nobody will touch it" and that pretty well sums up the towns folk. Employment is mainly on the Barcoo Shire Council for their headquarters are in Jundah and they boast of having an area larger than the state of Tasmania to look after. There is a small mining operation and then you have the professional Kangaroo shooters. Finally, one of the ladies that befriended us indicated that she had only been in Jundah for five months and doesn't intend moving on. Why? simple really, she had trouble getting employment so she went to the council and guess what they created a job for her. All of the above sums up the township of Jundah in a small way and have we enjoyed our time here even if we get a whiff for an hour a day of dead fish. You can bet your sweet bippy we have, we found the soul and the people of this township and we feel sorry for those who do not worry about exploring the landscape plus meeting the people and just pass through. Thats enough for now for we could go on and list a lot more reasons why we have enjoyed the area. Sadly we move on in the morning heading for home ever so slowly hopefully delaying entering the cold zone. Thus, this is the end of another month on the road! Temperature today 29 degrees celsius with no wind later in the day. The interesting thing is that we have not had fly's since Northern Territory.

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