Old shops at Cracow
Single Lane bridge
Parked at Eidsvold IGA

Thursday the 1st of October
We had another severe storm last night with thunder and lightning. The wind was not as strong as the night before though we were to get more rain. Luckily we were able to use the barbecue to cook our meal last night.
This morning was bright and sunny and we had our showers first and then had breakfast. It was time to leave so we took down the satellite gear and electrical cords made our donation and then said our farewell to the two Tasmanians that came in last night and also Terry an old bloke on his own that I went to the pub with yesterday. He indicated he was here for another week.
We pressed on and along the way we were to see a Dingo, our first this trip, and then a metre long snake on the bitumen who reared up as we came close to it and then a frilled necked Lizard that just raised itself up in the opposite lane. Being so close together we thought we would see more though we were to see only one dead snake on the road further on. We were into hilly country now and the need to change gears on some of them big hills was a necessity and the same coming down some of the hills.
It was not long before we arrived at Eidsvold and parked up in the street and then went into the park to have a look see and then walked the streets of the town looking into shops and other touristy things. We went into the IGA especially to buy their brand of honey which we find very nice and it is made in Australia which is a bonus. We bought the newspaper and then went around to the Liberty service station and topped up with diesel at $1.40.9 cents a litre. I wasn't to happy when we arrived at Ban Ban Springs to see it advertised at $1.24.9 a litre however them's the breaks.

Start of 7% decline
Welcome to Mundubbera
Farewell Mundubbera

Back on the road and we were on our over more hilly country though it was to getting steeper. There were many cattle farms on the way with most of them being Brahman and there were plenty of them. We were to see huge man made dams and of course this was where the cattle were grazing on dry long grass.
We then came to a section of the highway that had 7% decline and it was back to fourth gear and on the brakes for some three kilometres going down though I think this is better than climbing the mountain. More cattle and the land was green given they have experienced rain over the past month. Some of the farm houses that were close to the road were really big and kept in good order. We then arrived at Mundubbera and drove off the highway and through the town and even though Liz spotted an op shop we did not stop. The whole town appears to service the farm community though we saw no evidence of cropping going on.
We drove to the rest are out of Mundubbera and pulled in and it even had showers and clean toilets though we decided not to stop for it was only 11am. Though we have to admit it had excellent views back over the town and over the countryside. There was only one happy camper set up with their washing out and I noted the sign that indicated 20 hour stop only and infringing this would result in a $5.500 fine.

Burnett River at Gayndah
The Big Orange at Gayndah
Countryside on way to Ban Ban Springs

We continued on over mountainous country and we still had blue sky's and the day had warmed up so much we had the air conditioner going in the truck part of the motorhome.
Before we arrived at Gayndah we were to see many citrus farms and a few had oranges etc for sale by the road. We were unhappy that we didn't stop to buy oranges for when we pulled up in Gayndah rest area for lunch across the road was the packing sheds and they had nothing for sale. We had crossed the Burnett River to enter Gayndah and the place looked most prosperous. We were tossing up whether to stop at the rest area for it was a 48 hour stopover and it had showers and toilet plus a dump point. It had beautiful views of the Burnett River though we noted coming across the bridge that there was a weir which was quite large and this explained why there was not a great flow of water down the rest of the river and no doubt as well as the town water supply, the water from the weir must also be used to water the citrus crops.
We decided to move on and went back to the dump point and unloaded the cassette and then we were on our towards Ban Ban Springs. Again into very hilly country and more cattle and a few citrus farms though no road side stalls. We were enjoying the scenery going along for there were few white clouds and maybe tonight we may not get stormy weather.
We finally arrived at Ban Ban Springs which consists of vegetable and citrus farms and a hotel/motel and service station.
We set up and we remembered we had stopped here before in 2000 along with a couple of mates from Tassie. As a matter of fact we set up nearly in the same position as last time. I set up the satellite dish and noted that they had built toilets though just basic and no showers though we do not mind we have our own.
It was warm inside the motorhome and so we sat outside in the shade and read our books until happy hour. It has been a good day for travelling and we probably should have spent more time in the towns that we came through and Liz says that we should have stopped at the op shop. Tomorrow we will move onto Benarkin for a few days if we can get a spot. Kilometres travelled 210

Rest area Ban Ban Springs
Old water wheel irrigation method
Main Street Goomeri

Friday the 2nd of October
We had chosen a very noisy rest area yesterday with cattle trucks and cattle constantly kicking the side of the trailers to refrigeration trucks with the refrigeration engine going all night.
The funny thing was that the refrigeration driver unhooked the prime mover and moved over the road away from the incessant noise. Needless to say we slept little at all during the night. We were out of bed at 5.45am and packed the satellite dish away and then had our breakfast. It was to early to be on the road so I walked around the area and took a few photo's. One of the signs indicated that this is the "Sacred site of the WAKKA WAKKA'S Guarded by the Rainbow serpent and meeting place for all." They must have protected us from the storm last night for though we only had a few spots of rain the thunder and sheet lightning was over the coastal way.
We moved off around 8am heading for Benarkin which is out next overnight stop. Along the way were driving into mountainous areas again and at times coming down onto to flat country. We were to come across two very steep declines one at 7% and the other 10% and boy do I miss the exhaust brake of the old motorhome this one is not equipped with this function and you have to rely on gearing down and a lot of braking. Even though it is steep country it still has bold beauty it and on the side of hills you could see plenty of cattle grazing.
Down onto one flat and there was an old water wheel irrigator watering the large paddock and we were not sure if it was for crops or just greening the pasture for cattle.
We finally arrived at Goomeri and as it was still early in the day we pulled up and went walkabout up the main street of the town. First into IGA to buy the paper and whilst there we noted in one corner of the shop is the lotto counter even at this hour of the morning was doing a brisk trade. We then walked down to the cafe and had a cappuccino, the outside and the inside were very old. The interior could even date back over a hundred years, the air conditioning was the old overhead fans that we still in operation and the lights were covered by shades from the 1960's which were common in the foyer of picture theatres of that time.

Old Coffee Shop Goomeri
Cropping land beside highway
Very large farm dam

We really enjoyed the cappuccino for the owners knew how to brew the coffee correctly, we find in many instances the vendor for some reason believes the contents have to be boiling which is not the case. This person did it right we felt and you could taste the bitterness of the coffee bean for we do not use sugar and the temperature was just right. Thank you Goomeri for giving us an excellent Cappuccino. We then travelled on the Burnett Highway and again it seemed be going up and up and there were again level flat spots in between hills that were being cropped.
Our next stop was Nanango where Liz wanted to drop into the op shop so we pulled in and had a walk of the main street and ended up at the op shop where Liz was to buy a few items and I bought a shirt still in its original wrapper. We looked at the books and nothing tickled our fancy so we walked up to the IGA and bought a kilo of thick pork sausages for our meal tonight which being a friday is a catch and kill your own, so to speak,.
Back on the road and we were still climbing large hills and on some I was changing gears something that is not required many times other than on very steep hills. Then we started coming down and finally arrived at Yarraman where we pulled up and took in the main street and just window shopped without buying anything. Back on the road and then we came through Black Butt though we didn't stop and as usual all the shops are on the main road.
Then we finally arrived at Benarkin our rest area for the weekend and the first thing we noticed was that the free power was no longer free and in fact it is now $1 per hour usage. So it means 24 hours use means $24.
We chose a spot where the solar panels would get maximum sun and then decided for the AFL grand final football tomorrow we would run the generator. The shower and toilets are still available with the shower $2 per shower. It just shows that if you abuse an area things change and now I can understand why there is only one other happy camper here at 4pm. No doubt when campers find out about Cracow they will probably do the same and it will have changed circumstances. However we will stay her until Monday and then move onto to Kilcoy. Television tonight for we have all the channels and we will watch the footy shows, AFL that is.
Kilometres travelled 180

Ant nests in gum tree's with others on ground. One has a strangling fig
History board on the area plus tilt Dray

Saturday the 3rd of October
This morning was fine and sunny with those beautiful blue sky's. We pulled out the Baby Q to cook breakfast. I used the grill plate and cooked Eggs,Bacon, tomato and toast. The baby cooked them all to perfection. Liz was to have scrambled eggs on toast and of course we had cups of tea to wash down the food. The food cooked on the Baby Q is really great and you could not fault the end results.
After breakfast we went walkabout and as we walked we came across an area that was heavily timbered and we noted that even though there were ant mounds on the ground there were several trees where ants had made their nests of mud. It looked a little strange with the mud nests sticking to the side of the tree's. One of the gum tree's had a strangling fig vine climbing the outside of the trunk and even through the ant nest.
We then strolled back to The First Settlers Park and noted the old dray and the new dray that had been built locally to highlight the transportation vehicles when the area was first settled. This area was known as Black Butt in the early days before the town was moved ten kilometres down the road. Where the township Black Butt is now a thriving township serving the timber and rural industry's. The original Black Butt now is called Benarkin and is a small township that has a small store and fuel pumps though there are many houses and a school in the area.
We are camped in First Settlers Park and at the back of us is where a railway line went of to Brisbane. This area is now used for walking and a lot of bikes use it over a 23 kilometre section.
We were able to find out from the shop why the charge for power at $1 per hour was introduced. We were told that an old bloke in a caravan had been on continuous power for a month and despite being asked to move on he refused and the police became involved. So the free power disappeared and this is probably why there are fewer happy campers coming into the area.
We didn't hook into power until midday today and put $4 in the power box and that should see us watching television and charging our 12 volt apparatus before it runs out and we go back onto solar power. The showers are $2 and last for at least four minutes of hot water. We had about 15 horse riders use the old railway embankment behind us and though I did not capture all of them we noted that three bikers had to climb the bank to allow the horses pass by. The bikers resumed their travels in the opposite direction to the horses. We will probably see a lot of this occurring for it is a long weekend.
Well, that is all for the television is going with the pre grand final entertainment before the grand final starts at 2.30 pm With the West Coast V Hawthorn who are trying for a third premiership in a row. No doubt we will have a couple of coldies during the game. We probably will have to put up with repeats tonight. What are we going to do with no football for the next four months or so?

What is this representing?

History of Benarkin Station

Sunday the 4th of October
A cool evening that left a dew on the ground this morning. We hopped out of bed at 7.30am and then had showers and breakfast cooked inside the motorhome and then outside into the sunny morning to enjoy, Liz had her cereal and I had banana's on toast.
After breakfast I noted the awning had dirt marks on the underside so out came the bucket and the next hour was spent cleaning and wash down. Our next door happy campers came over to say their farewells for they have decided to move on this morning to dodge the traffic that no doubt will be on the road tomorrow at the end of the long weekend in Queensland. After they left we read our books in the brilliant sunshine until it became to hot and we moved around the back of the motorhome in the shade. We will be doing next to nothing today other than just lazing about. Lunch time came and I went over to the small shop and ordered a egg and bacon roll for myself and a box of wedges with cream for Liz.
While we were eating there were seven happy campers arrive and set up all bearing Queensland number plates.
There were a group of horses come into the park and the owners tied them to the large log by the road whilst they went into the shop, we heard a crash and looked and found the horses had pulled the large log off its support logs. Liz went over and informed them and they came and untied their horses and lifted the log back into position and then they rode away down the railway cutting. We were to see more bikes riding along many more than yesterday.
We both had a snooze during the afternoon and then a small happy hour on our own today and put away the awning etc for we are moving on in the morning to Kilcoy which is only about 50 kilometres closer to the coast.
We cooked chicken and roast potatoes on the Baby Q before packing it away to use another day.
We will sit outside for our evening meal and enjoy the last rays of sunshine before coming inside to watch a bit of television before going off to bed. The temperature at 2.30pm is a warm 29 degrees celsius.

Sheer cliff's near highway

Cafe selling cow hides Moore

Monday the 5th of October
We hopped out of bed at 6am and had breakfast and then did our final packing and then we were on our way to our our next stopover at Kilcoy in Queensland. We left early for we were aware that those who had enjoyed their long weekend would be returning home today.
It was a nice sunny morning with no cloud at all and the going was reasonably easy with the first part of our trip spent climbing a mountain range. As they say what goes up must come down and that was the case before we knew it we had arrived at the top and boy this was the worst decline that we have faced to date and for most of the time coming down we were in second gear and using the brakes frequently.
The scenery was nice with the tropical greens showing in the various types of rain forest though once we arrived at the bottom it was all farming land with no cropping just used for raising cattle. The land was very dry and in fact looked like a tinder box and all houses we saw all had rain tanks for their water supply. We were ahead of ourselves and when we arrived at the township of Moore we pulled up. We noted that their free stay had several happy campers set up. It was strange to see three cafes side by side vying for business from the travelling public. All were open and one was also selling small and large cow hides of various colours the dearest being $1150 and the cheapest $350 for just a small hide.

Cow hides Moore
Flying Fox near our camp
Creek rear of our camp Kilcoy

We bought a paper and then we hit the road again with only 20 kilometres to go to our destination. We finally arrived at Kilcoy and recognised it straight away for we have been here before. We pulled into the rest area and there were a few motorhome's, caravans and campervan's. There was plenty of room and we set up and pulled our awning out and put down the groundsheet and Liz made us a cappuccino as we relaxed in the shade for the day was getting very warm. At 3pm the temperature was 35 degrees celsius.
Liz noticed the flying foxes hanging from a the trees near the creek so I went and took a photo of them. They were flapping their wings whilst hanging upside down no doubt that is their cooling system. They were doing a fair bit of squawking. We then went for a walk across the bridge and noted the very small creek that looked quite nice and it was running water as well.
We then went walkabout and on the way Liz checked out the hairdressers for she is in need of a haircut. They were both closed today so we went on down to the IGA and purchased some ham for our salad tonight and then a few vegetables and wraps for our lunch's.
Back at the motorhome and we just relaxed and had our lunch and watched the traffic going by and it was obvious that the bulk were returning home after the long weekend. The rest area was filling fast and it was noticeable that the bulk were Queenslanders, we had noticed the same in the last rest area so we took it that the people from other states were moving south.
The showers and toilets are very clean and all tiled floors and walls on par though not quite as good as Cracow, though we are not complaining for they are free and the area is a 72 hour stopover. Liz was to talk with two elderly woman who had there own campervan's who were 84 and 86 respectfully and they indicated that they had been here for a month and intended to stay for a further two weeks. We did not say anything though we thought that this is what closes down rest areas or charges are in invoked.
I tried to have a snooze during the afternoon though it was to hot so we read our books and are holding off having a shower until after 4pm or we fear we will just sweat again.
The television is a bit on the flickering side so I may have to put up the satellite dish tomorrow we will see what happens.
There is no doubt we will have our evening meal outside tonight and probably won't come inside until it cools down a bit.
Kilometres travelled 53

Somerset Dam out of Kilcoy

Diagram of Somerset Dam and statistics

Tuesday the 6th of October
We were somewhat surprised when coming back from our shower's last night to find the Vanessa the country and western singer had set up beside our motorhome. We were to have a good chin wag and then went inside when things cooled off.
Around 5.30am this morning I awoke to fridge trying to ignite the gas and on inspection it was noticeable that the gas bottle had run out. I just turned the fridge off and went back to bed.
When I arose at 7.30am and the first thing was to change over the gas bottle and get the fridge going again. What amazes me is that the fridge always drains all gas from the bottle and when unconnected there is no need to turn the gas off.
Even at this time of day it is warm and would reach 32 degrees by 3pm. We had breakfast outside and Vanessa moved over under the trees in the shade for she does not have solar panels. We then decided we would go out and have a look at the Somerset Dam and have lunch there. First Liz was to go to the hairdressers while she was away I put up the reflectors up to the front and side of the motorhome windows and then filled the main water tank with our our twenty litre drum. Emptied the diesel from one of the drums into the main tank and now that should be enough to get us to the Sunshine Coast on Friday. Lightened up Digger and placed all in the front of the motorhome especially the wood bags off the roof rack.
Then set up the satellite dish though I had some trouble getting the signal with the new digital finder until I noticed the orange light informing me to charge the battery pack straight away. I then resorted to the old version of the digital satellite finder and found the signal in about 15 seconds. It is marvelous how many are watching when you are striking problems getting the signal.
Liz arrived back resplendent in her hair cut and so she packed enough food for our lunch which included the wraps and plenty of water. We set off in Digger with plenty of fuel for the return trip was around 65 kilometres.
The roads as we went along were cut into the sides of hills and mountains and it wasn't long before we saw the waters of the Somerset Dam. We still had 20 kilometres to go to arrive at the Dam itself.
Along the way we were to see small towns perched on the side of hills and in some cases houses well up the sides of hills and they must have wonderful views of the dam waters.
There were few places to pull off the road to take photo's and the road itself had two sections that were 11% and 12% gradients not to mention the amount of switchbacks we encountered. We finally arrived at the Dam face and were surprised how small the dam was considering the amount of water that is backed up behind it. The first thing you discover is that it is the water that is used in south east Queensland as their drinking water. There is a small hydro electric station that is used when they release waters from the dam.
There is no provision for you to have a good look at the dam except from the road. We drove on a little further and found the caravan park that is $20 per night and $8 per extra person. This is run by the parks and wildlife and there is no power available.
We then went and had a look at the village of Somerset which is the old dam construction village that was sold off to individuals as shacks and homes etc. We noted there were a few for sale.

Somerset Dam from the Spit
Lone Koala at the Spit
Waters of Somerset Dam

We then drove back to the Spit which is a recreational day use only and this is where all the water activities take place. We drew alongside a picnic area and table which gave great views back to the Somerset Dam and in the opposite direction the containment waters of the dam.
Even though it was warm we were lucky to have a nice cool breeze coming off the water. We unpacked our gear and made salad wraps which were very nice and there were mynah birds and wood ducks waiting for us to feed them which we refused to do. It was strange to see a seagull and a crow so close to each other on the edge of the water they were both unfazed. One thing we have noticed in the past week is no matter where we go there are small black ants to annoy you, and this place was no different.
Whilst we were eating Liz spotted a Koala in a gum tree nearby and of course I had to have a photo of it. What is noticeable is that it does not have a white flash on it head like those at Tocumwal on the Victorian side. We were to see several visitors come near and we pointed out the Koala and they all took photo's though one South Australian lady said they were sick of looking at them for they are everywhere where they live back in S. A. I asked they be quick taking there photo's for the Koala's batteries were running down and I needed to put it back in the boot of Digger, that bought on a few chuckles.
We swapped sides of the Spit and watched the boats come and go both for fishing purposes and for recreational purposes. There were those enjoying water skiing and others were out on their Ski Doo's. All up we sat and enjoyed the surroundings for around three hours it was so peaceful on such a sunny day with no clouds in the sky once again.
We started back for Kilcoy and stopped and went into the caravan park that has taken over all of one of the spits and if you want to fish or launch your boat then you need a permit from the caravan office a charge apply's of course. We decided to take our time going back to the motorhome and along the way we were to pull up where we could and admire the vast expanse of water. Being such a good day with little wind and plenty of sunshine it all looked glorious, though I wonder what it would look like when there were high winds whipping up the water there is so much of it.
We finally arrived back in Kilcoy and Liz went into the tourist information centre and grabbed some brochures for what we could do and see over the next few days before we move on. Happy hour arrived and Vanessa came over so we spent a pleasant couple of hours talking about all and sundry since we had seen each other. Then out came baby Q for we are not cooking inside tonight nor are we setting up the firepot. We are only having chops and vegetables tonight and tomorrow I will roast a chicken along with all the trimmings for our evening meal and no doubt sink a few cans while waiting for all to cook. Tonight we will watch television for awhile and will not have to put up with pixelating television as we did last night and then off to bed to read our books once again.

Kilcoy Town Clock
Local's on display
Very ornate Public Toilets

Wednesday the 7th of October
Other than squawking Flying Foxes the morning was very quiet with just a small amount of traffic going by. We had our breakfast outside under the awning and soaked up the early morning sun for it was another cloudless day with plenty of sunshine and at 3pm it reached 30 degrees celsius.
We spent most to the morning reading and watching the happy campers leaving and others arriving. Again they are all Queensland plated vehicles so we must assume that the southerners have gone home to their respective states.
Liz was to do a bit of hand washing and then we went walkabout first to the Chemist and then the fruit and vegetable shop where we bought a small pineapple for Liz and I purchased a few pears.
We then went to the antique and collectable shop and browsed and that's all we could do for the prices were astronomical though we have to say the goods on display were of quality and some from the 18th century. Then into the auto shop and found the prices a bit high so we will wait until we get to the coast to buy new wiper blade refills.
Purchased the newspaper and then onto IGA where we purchased a chicken to cook on the baby Q for our meal tonight, which will leave enough chicken for a salad tomorrow night. As it was lunch time I headed for the bakery where I purchased two pies for lunch. Liz had a cheese, ham and salad wrap.
After lunch we went walkabout again and took photo's of the Kilcoy Town Clock which is at the top end of the town and wouldn't you believe it we stumbled upon an op shop and we spent a fair bit of time within, Liz purchased a few items and I did not bother.
On the way down the street we noted what we first thought was a small church and it turned out to be elaborate brick public toilet block right next the main bus stop of the town. As we strolled down the hill further we noted the tin cattle and sheep displays indicating that they were "Local and Loving It".
We headed for home for the day was really warming up and on arriving cold drinks were the order of the day as we sat in the shade enjoying the slight breeze. 4pm arrived so on went the Baby Q and the chicken was placed inside to cook. Now this is a rather hard job cooking isn't it so I had to have a couple of cans of XXXX gold. We will have our meal out under the awning and come in later to watch a bit of television before going off to bed. Another enjoyable day doing nothing.

Rain Forest Creek
Flying Fox's asleep
Last Day at Kilcoy

Thursday the 8th of October
It was overcast and windy when we arose this morning. We had our breakfast outside and watched the traffic go by and the happy campers who were leaving this morning. Liz was to do a little hand washing whilst I cleaned the Baby Q and packed it away.
After our morning tea cappuccino we took the cassette out to the dump point located at the showgrounds then we drove back through the business centre and back to camp.
The first thing was to load Digger up again and connect the A-Frame for towing in the morning.
It was lunch time so we sat outside and the clouds were still going overhead and they looked to contain rain. It was windy so they passed over quickly and there was enough sun to charge the solar batteries. Lunch time and after that we went walkabout over the bridge and admired the rain forest that straddles the creek that passes through the camp grounds. Then we noted there seemed to be more Flying Foxes roosting in the trees we then stopped and had a chat with Vanessa and then to one other woman that is on the road full time and back to our motorhome.
We bought the clothes in and before we had a chance to bring in the awning it sprinkled rain which made it damp. However, the rain was short lived and with the heat of the day and the sun now and again it dried the awning which allowed us to pull it in and store away.
Packed the table away and then the chairs so nothing is outside at all now, with us having a chicken salad for our evening meal there is no need to heat the motorhome up inside by cooking etc.
Happy hour arrived so we went visiting without our chairs and said our farewells to those happy campers we have met over the past few days. Then inside four our meal and then watched television and the satellite gear will be packed away in the morning prior to us leaving.

Driving into stormy weather
Misty clouds around the hills
OH! no into traffic and traffic lights

Friday the 9th of October
Steady and heavy rain occurred during the night and when we hopped out of bed at 6am it had dropped to a steady drizzle. We went over and had our showers and then back for breakfast and as it was only 7am we only had to wipe down the satellite dish and instead of storing it in the motorhome we stored it in Digger.
We sat and read our books until 8.30am and after saying our farewell to the two elderly ladies, one being 84 and the other 86 years of age with both having their own modern campervan for their respective travels we then backed onto the bitumen to hook Digger up to the motorhome.
Said our farewells to a couple more happy campers and we were on our way. The rain had stopped temporally with just a wet road. Further on the rain started again and with the road spray coming off trucks going in the opposite direction the going wasn't all that easy especially seeing road signs indicating that when raining the roads were slippery.
We were travelling up through hills and mountains and there were misty clouds shrouding their peaks. Even with the dismal weather the hills etc still had a good look about them.
We drove through a few small towns with speed limits which we didn't mind for we were going to arrive on the coast very early. When came across a larger town we could not pull up for a look see for the rain was now falling reasonably heavy so we continued on. The traffic was starting to increase, something we were not used to.
The GPS on this occasion did not take us through Caboolture in what we were used to it seemed to bring through on a side streets and then before we knew it we were in traffic full time with plenty of traffic lights to contend to as well as wet roads. When we reached Morayfield the traffic increased to the stage that our forward motion was reduced somewhat.
As usual cars would drop in front of us when I had left a space to be able to pull up and thankfully the dash cam was recording them doing this so if I ran into the back of there car it was recorded what they had done. Even so it was a pain to have to drive bearing this in mind. It seemed to take forever to cross over the Bruce Highway and onto the Deception Bay Road that would take us towards Redcliffe. At least the traffic lights had dropped off quite a bit and the going was easy now we had double lanes going each way.

High winds at Pelican Park

Bridge across the peninsula at Redcliffe

We actually arrived at Pelican Point at 10.30am and went straight into the parking area for both Glen and Tina and Kerry and Julie were at work and wouldn't be finishing until later in the day.
We noted the wind was very strong though the rain had stopped and the palm trees nearby were swaying in the wind and even the water near the bridge was choppy and whereas on normal days you would see the cranes and other port equipment in the distance today that was all blocked out by rain and low cloud.
We had a cappuccino and a few biscuits and then I unloaded the satellite dish etc an put it back into the space in the motorhome where it would normally go. It was to windy to walk about so we settled into read our books once more. Liz happened to state that we have now been from the Murray's green basin to the Dusty Outback and now we have arrived on the coast and the sea, which we haven't seen for the past five months.
Whilst we were contemplating that a car pulled up beside us and it was Glen and Tina who had finished work early. So we packed away and then drove to Woody Point and set up our motorhome the same as in previous years. We had to trim a few branches away from the fence line to ensure we fitted in and could open the doors.
We had a late lunch and caught up with what had happened since we were here last year with Glen and Tina and then settled in and relaxed doing some repairs to our mobile phone case that had virtually fell to pieces. Kerry and Julie arrived home for awhile and the two sisters were to greet each other with hugs etc which Liz had been looking forward to. Then had a cuppa or two and Kerry and Julie then had to go back to work.
Along with Glen we went up to the noodle shop and for us we purchased fried rice and with Singaporean noodles with all the usual ingredients like prawns etc and then 6 steamed dim sims and a packet of prawn crackers for our evening meal. All very nice washed down with wine and beer.
We then watched television on a 60 inch television set until 10.30 pm and then off to bed and neither of us needed rocking to go off to sleep it was good catching up with family once again.
Kilometres travelled 87

Mangrove swamp at low tide
Pelicans awaiting fish to arrive
Pleasure craft sheltering behind Mangrove's

Saturday the 10th of October
Slightly overcast this morning though the day would turn out ok. The temperature would not rise though the humidity would increase later in the morning. We had our breakfast and then showered and decided it was time to do a bit of retail therapy.
Kerry and Julie offered to take us to the shops we wanted to go to. We headed off up Deception Bay Road and on the way to Morayfield. We were to go to Anaconda and looked at camp chairs of a particular make that we have decided to purchase. Then onto BCF and looked at a similar chair and then chose that with the discount they offered. Lunch time had arrived so we went into the shopping complex and went to the food hall and chose chinese for our mid day meal. We were to sample a bit of everything and it was very enjoyable. Then into Big W and purchased a few cans of gas then onto the cheapo shop and made a few purchases. Over to the Golden Circle outlet and made a few more purchases.
Kerry then drove us down to the boat ramp area near Burpengarry. There were plenty of mangrove swamps and we were to see many Pelicans just sunning themselves awaiting the return of the tide and hopefully fish. There were plenty of boats and yachts anchored behind the mangroves in an inlet. We could see Morton Bay Island in the distance and the day was a little windy otherwise fine with plenty of sun.
Then back on the way home and pulled into Dan Murphy's and purchased beer and wine and then drove back to the house and loaded the gear into the motorhome then relaxed in the house with the big fan blowing cool air around the room. We are thinking of replacing Digger soon with a Daihatsu Terios so we spent a few hours looking on the internet and located one close by which we will look at. We rung the bloke that put the add on Gum Tree and found other people were looking at it and would come back to us later in the day.
If we purchase this vehicle Liz will drive it down to Melbourne and then we will worry about how we would get the car on the Ferry and home. In all it has been a tiring day so now that happy hour has arrived we will sink a few to help us to cook down. Ha. Ha. As far as retail therapy goes it has been a good day especially looking at my wallet. Tonight we are going to have fish and chips for our evening meal.

Dragon Boat Race's Redcliffe
Hinterland from bridge
Driving through tunnel to Lutwyche

Sunday the 11th of October
A cool evening and a sunny day greeted us this morning, We went inside the house for breakfast and to watch the start of the Bathurst 500. Kerry and Julie went off to work for a couple of hours and we had a cuppa and a chat to Glen and Tina while waiting for the car race to begin. Liz was to use the washing machine to do the sheets and towels and a few clothes. We then had our showers and when Kerry and Julie arrived home I then took the air cleaner filters out of the motorhome and Digger and used his air compressor to blow the dust and grit from them. I was surprised that both filters did not contain much dust or rubbish at all.
Returned them to the vehicles and then went inside to watch the start and a bit of the car racing. The start was clean and there were no crashes which is a change and they were hard at it given that later in the day they were predicting rain which will change the flow of the race.
We then went for a drive with Kerry and Julie and as we went down by the foreshore we were to see the dragon boats holding their races. The speed of the boats once underway surprised us for they were very fast with the paddles going ten to the dozen, so to speak.
We then drove across the bridge on the peninsular and we could see the mountains in the hinterland with clear blue sky's as a back ground and then before we knew it we were going along at a fair pace heading towards the city of Brisbane. We were to drive through the tunnel and arrived at Lutwyche and then into the car park at the shopping centre. It was lunch time so we decided to have our lunch before continuing on into Aldi's.
I selected a beef and chicken Kebab with the lot along with Chilli sauce, Liz was to have savory muffin and we chose a cappuccino and chocolate Latte, Liz having the latter.
After this we went into Aldi's and purchased some meat for our meal tonight and some cryovaced meat for coming days. We had a look at the boys toys and then we were on the way to the car park.

Beautiful Jacaranda tree near City
Story Bridge Brisbane
Lone Egret in the Nature Park

Kerry was to drive into the city of Brisbane and we were to pass many multi story buildings under construction and past many beautiful Jacaranda trees with their nice purple flowers.
We did not go into the city centre though we were to cross the Story Bridge and out past Kangaroo Point. We were to see many parts of the river with the catamaran ferries working from terminals on various parts of the river.
We were to see the cruise ship "Sun Princess" moored to the wharf awaiting the next lot of passengers to go on a cruise of the Pacific Islands. The ship looked very large though Kerry was to say that it was only a small ship for the larger ships are unable to travel up the river thus they are berthed down at the Port of Brisbane wharves located on the start of the Brisbane River.
Being a sunday there were a lot of people out and about enjoying the nice sunny conditions and you could see them having picnics in the various parks we drove past.
Kerry then drove down to the Minippi Nature Park where there are many section of the swamp land set aside for recreational use. We first passed the area where they fly the model airplanes and we were to see one fellow putting a model helicopter through its paces.
Down further we were to see many people enjoying the shade provided by many trees and swamp lands harbored many birds both those on water and on land. In all it was a very pretty and tranquil area and so close to the hustle and bustle of the city centre.
Back on the road towards home and we were to drive over the Gateway Bridge and pulled into a chemist warehouse so Liz could restock with fish capsules. Then on our way and Kerry took us through Brighton and the water front before we headed back across the Sandgate bridge and home.
We were to put our purchases away and then relaxed for what was left of the afternoon. We have declared today an alcohol free day. We will be cooking inside the house tonight and watching a bit of television in between chatting before going off to bed another good day.

Gateway Bridge in the distance
Hi rise building in Brisbane
Boat Ramp at Margate

Monday the 12th of October
I could not believe we arose at 5am this morning. We decided to go for a stroll down to the waterfront and were surprised how many were out this time of the morning walking, running or cycling. It was a hazy morning and you could see the port of Brisbane and I was surprised to see both the Gateway Bridge and the Hi Rise building of Brisbane. I was surprised how many small boats that were out fishing and there were a couple of canoes with fishing rods as well.
We returned about 6.30am and had our breakfast. I was then to load Digger with the empty diesel drum and the empty gas bottles which were three in total. I then laid on the couch and had a snooze until 9am.
We hopped into Digger and first went to the service station where we filled the drum with diesel for $1.23.9 a litre and then onto Anzac Parade and pulled into Ray's for the gas bottle refills.
I was only allowed to fill two bottles since I had only a car though if it was a ute fill as many as wanted. So we filled two bottles and went into Office Works and had a look at the lap tops etc. Then back to fill the other gas bottle where I was told it was out of date by two months.
We returned home and on the way we pulled into Aldi's and bought a few items and then home. We had to reorganise the gear over the cabin for it was starting to build up willy nilly and before we knew it midday was upon us.
We then drove along the foreshore through Redcliffe and then Margate and finally Scarborough then onto Newport. The scenery along the way was excellent and a lot of people were enjoying the warm weather on their sail boards and one had a parasail taking him along on his ski. For a week day there were plenty of people down at the beach area soaking up the sun and a few were enjoying the shade of the trees along the foreshore.

Glass House Mountains
Canal housing at Newport complete with boats anchored outside house

As we arrived at Scarborough and noted the Glass House Mountains in the distance with the optical zoom of the camera bringing them closer. We were then to come across the area at Newport where the sailing club and marina was located with plenty of boats and yachts of all descriptions moored in the Marina. We came across the canal estates with very large houses down to the edge of the canal with each having their own pontoon and mooring facility for their boat. We were to note that each canal had it own name based on the type of birdlife in the area. Where we pulled up was called the Pelican Canal.
We were starting to get a bit peckish so we headed back to Margate and Subway where we enjoyed the food. It was interesting sitting out on the footpath having our meal and watching the traffic including foot traffic go by.
We then went into a cheapo shop and made a few purchases and then back to Digger and then back along the shoreline and home arriving back at 3.30pm. It has been an interesting day and then we chewed the fat with Kerry, Glen, Julie and Tina before happy hour arrived. The day is warm though there is a cooling breeze helping to keep the temperature down to 28 degrees celsius.

After our meal we just relaxed and enjoyed the company and watched a bit of television before going off to bed. We cannot believe how quickly this month is going.

Fishing Recreational Wharf
Foreshore at Gayndah
1884 Queensland War Ship remains

Tuesday the 13th of October
At 5.45am Liz hopped out of bed and went walkabout and I stayed put and read my book and then dropped off to sleep until 9am. Then inside for breakfast though everyone had gone off to work. I read yesterdays paper over breakfast which consisted of crumpets and sardines just for a change. Then around 10.30am Glen and Tina returned home having finished their work for the day. We had a chat and while Glen watched television I had another snooze on the couch after having a shower and shave. Liz was to do a bit of washing and the day was good at this stage with just a slight breeze and clear sky's.
Before we knew it lunch time had arrived and we elected to stay home today and have lunch and then I had another snooze while Liz did the ironing for the clothes had dried.
Later in the day I went out in Digger on my own to check out the fuel stations for refueling with diesel tomorrow for we are back on the road heading to Dad's place at West Burleigh Heads.
I found that it would be a bit difficult in the morning to fill the motorhome for all the service stations were on the opposite side of the road to where we are heading, so I may leave the refueling until further down the highway.
I then decided to drive back along the foreshore and I noted that when arriving at Gayndah they indicated there was an old warship wreck on the shore. I stopped and read the plaque that stated that the ship was the HMQS Gayndah that was built in 1884 in England for the Queensland Navy and was driven ashore 76 years later. That took me by surprise for it was the first I had heard that Queensland had their own navy way back then. Though I have come to expect anything other than the normal in Queensland. Most of the ship has been eaten away with corrosion and it rests on the shore near the multi story flats that are built on the cliff top. The area has been declared a Maritime National Park though no attempts have been made to restore or protect the ship from the elements, which is sad for eventually all that will be seen are signs indication where the ship laid.
I had a look at the recreational wharf where people were fishing from and then drove around the foreshore and noted the many picnic areas complete with barbecues then home.
It was time to repack Digger again so up went the wood and then the chainsaw etc and the rest of the gear. The sky's were not looking good and the wind had picked up so I wouldn't be surprised if it was to rain and hopefully there will be no huge hail stones.
When I finished I went inside for Kerry and Julie had arrived home from their work so we just chewed the fat whilst having a cup of tea before happy hour. We had our meal inside again and then just chatted or watched television before coming into the motorhome and bed. A lazy day today and very laid back before travelling tomorrow.

Saying Farewell to the Rellies

Pouring Rain on Hornibrook Bridge

Wednesday the 14th of October
Thunder, lightning and rain was the order of the day when we arose this morning, it did not auger well for travelling today. We had our breakfast and watched the television especially the weather forecast for the day. The forecast was not that great so at 9am we said farewell to our rellies and then hooked Digger up to the motorhome and we were on our way. The rain had ceased which made it easy hook Digger up and then we were on our way. I set the GPS for Dad's place and we headed off down the highway. As soon as we arrived at the Hornibrook Bridge the rain started once again and our GPS indicated that the road ahead was blocked with a delay expected of 25 minutes and it gave us the chance to deviate by passing what we assumed to be an accident and saving 17 minutes of travel time. I clicked on that and then we were detoured to the left over the bridge and finally onto the old Gimpie Road. I indicated that it looked as if we were going through Brisbane and then we arrived at Chermside. This meant that we would not be going over the Gateway Bridge which we had paid our toll money for.
I just left it to the GPS and followed the instructions and before we knew it we were in a tunnel that went for many kilometres and I noted from time to time that it was a toll tunnel and by which I could not avoid. We will need to check to see if the Gateway Bridge toll will cover this.

Going through the toll tunnel
On the way to the Gold Coast
Theme Park at Coomera

We finally came out onto the Gold Coast Highway and for the first few kilometres there was no traffic and then it started with all the side slip roads we were experiencing heavy traffic including interstate trucks so I just stuck to the inside lane at 90 kph and let others go around us. At least the rain had stopped and the day was now cloudy with no hint of rain.
We were to go from 3 to 4 and back to 2 lanes on our travels south. We intended to refuel as soon as possible though this was not to be for we did not want to take a slip road and end up who knows where. We passed the Fun and Theme Parks and they had plenty of cars in their parking area's and the rides looked to be in use.
We were to pass the Gold Coast turnoff and before we knew it the number 87 ramp appeared which we took and around the roundabout and then down on the road leading to our destination.
We disconnected Digger at the top of the hill which Liz then drove and then we arrived at Dad's place. First thing was to back the motorhome in the drive and level up and then up with Digger and unload the wood etc so as we can drive around at our leisure in the near future.
Said our hello's to Dad and Helen and then came inside and had a cuppa. Helen and Liz then went out to buy food and I stayed at home and had a good discussion with Dad about all and sundry. We had a roll and a cuppa for lunch and then the girls returned and of course they indicated that they had been to an op shop wherein Liz bought me a Clive Cussler book. My sister Julie came over later in the afternoon and we caught up again with happenings in her family.
What was left of the afternoon was spent catching up with everything that has happened with Dad and Helen since we saw them last. Then happy hour which Liz and I had for Dad and Helen do not drink at all. Tonight we will no doubt watch Television and boy are glad we are off the road especially as the sky has darkened once again so we could get rain or storms later tonight of both.
Kilometres travelled 121

On our walk through Reidy Creek Reserve this morning
Hi Rise of Surfers Paradise

Thursday the 15th of October
After four months sleeping in the bed in the motorhome it was strange sleeping inside the house last night, it took some getting used to the mattress and I only dropped off to sleep after reading for an hour or so. Liz never had that problem she just went straight off to sleep.
This morning we hopped out of bed at 6am and decided to go for a walk around the Reidy Creek Reserve. Down over the bridge and it was a good morning no wind and clear sky's and along the way we were to see the swamp land and along the sunny side of the creek we were to see many Wood Ducks sunning themselves. The area has a very large children's play area and plenty of flat ground for other games and exercises.
Arrived back home and had breakfast and a chat with Helen and Dad before they went off to the Dentist. I took the A Frame off Digger and we went down to the Burleigh Shopping centre where we had a cappuccino and then into to Aldi's to purchase silverside for our meal tonight. We went into Big W and had a look around and then went looking for a Post Office.
It took us to Robina shopping centre though they did not have what we wanted. We then drove and had a look at the Bond University which the campus is very large and borders on the canals where housing and pontoons aplenty are the norm.
We then drove down towards South Port and then noted the high rise's of Surfers Paradise. We went into another shopping centre though once again the Post Office did not have what we wanted.
We were to see the electrified Train coming through the centre of Surfers Paradise and it had a full load of people on board. We noted the overhead train going from the Casino into the beach area.

Going over the broadwater
Electric Train at Surfers Paradise
Entering Surfers Paradise

We decided to head for home in Digger and drove onto the old pacific highway heading for Burleigh Heads. We first noted Pacific Fair in the distance so we decided we would look for a Post Office there. When we pulled in there was massive renovations going on to refurbish the run down old Pacific Fair and the area we visited looked very smart indeed. As we walked in through the sliding doors we noted that we had walked into the food hall so we decided to have our lunch there.
Liz had a fried rice and seafood and I had a seafood Lusaka. Both meals had a bit of a bite with them especially mine. We remembered that my sister Julie was coming over today so we had to hurry and finish our meal. Liz was to finish hers and mine being hot hot was taking a bit more time to eat. So we asked for a lid to the container and took it away for later. I went and put it in the car and Liz went into the bottle shop and bought a couple of bottles of wine.
We headed back to the main road and then passed through Miami and other coastal area's and along the way we spotted another Post Office and pulled in and they did not have the article we wanted. So back on the road once again thinking we were not going get the item.
We arrived back at Burleigh Heads and then headed towards West Burleigh and there was a lot of traffic about though we did not let those big brutes intimidate poor old Digger as we changed lanes.
We finally arrived home at 2pm and Julie had not arrived so we had a cup of tea and I finished off my lunch. I then read my book ( Clive Cussler Medusa) for awhile then went to have a poppy nap. Then Julie, Norm and Sulynn arrived so we chewed the fat and noted that Norm had health problems though he is dealing with them bravely so another cuppa and cake and when I explained the problem with the item from the post office Sulynn jumped on her phone and arranged to get one for me from the Pines Shopping Centre on their way home. Time goes quickly and it was time for them to go for Norm gets tired quickly so we will see them again in a couple of days.
Helen arrived home with the shopping and amongst it she had bought a nice big fresh Snapper which I had to scale and then wrap in glad wrap and put in the fridge for tomorrow night. We intend to bake it whole and it should be a good meal washed down with some wine and beer no doubt.
It is humid at the moment and the forecast is for rain so we will not be going out anywhere tonight especially with the likely hood of thunder and lightning accompanied by rain.
We will read or watch a bit of television who knows. It has been a full on day and we covered many kilometres in Digger and it never fails to amaze us as to how trouble free it is. Lets hope it stays like that until we arrive home at least.

On our walk this morning children's park and Wood Ducks aplenty

Friday the 16th of October
It rained a little last night though this morning was nice once again. We were to go walkabout at 6.30am this morning over the same route as yesterday and the area was very tranquil indeed. We were to see the wood ducks once again and they made no effort to fly away when we were close to them.
We had our breakfast and this morning decided to go to Office Works and buy a tablet for Liz as an early birthday present. We left around 10.15am and headed off into light traffic in Digger. We arrived in no time at all and went in a looked at the tablets on show. We settled for a 10 inch screen and then told the salesperson that we needed to be sure it was capable on downloading Wiki Camps especially the satellite direction finder for our satellite dish. This was carried out and it worked a treat so we said we would buy one.
Out the back to get one and the lady came back and said they were out of stock. No problem sell us the demonstration model which was white in colour. That was agreed and I informed her as I was buying a demonstration model I expected it to be discounted and after a lot of discussion they reduced the price by $50 with the warranty operation from today. By now the time was after 12 midday so after paying we decided to go home for lunch for Helen had made a vege soup.
The soup was nice and then we rang the bridge and road Toll People to ensure the monies we paid to go over the Gateway Bridge covered us for going in the M7 tunnel towards the Gold Coast. We were assured that the computer had taken into account our previous payment and therefore no fines etc would be issued for non payment. I took the persons name and requested a receipt of the call number in case they attempt to impose a fine future.
We had been playing with the tablet and discovered there were two app's on it indicating that a store version of movies showing the virtues of the machine were still on it and no amount of carting to the rubbish bin would they be removed.
So Helen drove us back down to Officeworks and I spoke to the salesperson and she tried unsuccessfully to wipe the store demonstration app's of the machine. The app's would not allow a reset of the programmes neither. Then the calls to the main dealer looking for the passwords etc took place and there many calls so much so that we were still there three hours later. I was keeping my cool for the woman was trying hard to resolve the problem.
Then in desperation the lady said would we accept an Ipad of the same configuration which was some two hundred dollars dearer. No problems we said so long as there was no extra charge and the woman indicated the store would cop the loss. So she went out the back to see what she could find and was gone for at least 30 minutes and when she came through the door she was holding a box which we presumed was the exchange.
Would you believe it a new load of tablets had arrived and one happened to be what we bought the only difference was that it was black and not white. We checked the specs and downloaded wiki camps and then waited for the paper work to be finalised for the new transaction. It was now 4pm and we were pleased that it had been sorted out so we then went to the tip recovery shop and had a look and found that I could buy 6 novels for $1 which was duly done and we headed for home and a cuppa for it has been a tiring day and it isn't Liz' birthday for another month.
What are we doing tonight who cares, we will have our evening meal of Snapper and then a few wines and beer before going off to bed.

Looking from the Hinterland
Crowded beach at Burleigh Heads
Hi rise buildings of Surfers Paradise

Saturday the 17th of October
Out of bed again at 6.30am this morning and went walkabout around the reserve again. Liz walked a block further for she said I was stopping to much to take photo's. We did not have breakfast until around 9am. Then Liz went out with Helen to do a bit of shopping whilst I finished setting up the tablet and the wi fi activation. When they returned we then hopped into Digger and drove up to the top of the hill opposite the house and it gave us good views of Burleigh Heads high rise buildings and a clear shot of the sea. With clear blue sky's and little wind it was warming up and I once again it was only in shorts and singlet.
We then drove down and into towards Burleigh Heads with the first stop at the service station to put fuel in Digger for once again the gauge was showing empty and $20 all but filled the tank.
Then we drove down through the main shopping centre of Burleigh Heads and then up to the headland where we had trouble getting a parking spot. I ended up parking illegally and we then wandered over to the looking platforms. We had good views to the beach which appeared to be crowded with people with little space on the sand and plenty of people in the water. We were able to have a clear view of the hi rise buildings of Surfers Paradise who had a blue haze about them. With the blue of the sea and then the sky it all looked very nice indeed.

Looking towards Surfers Paradise
Surfers awaiting the right wave
Hi rise of Burleigh Heads

We wandered along the promenade and saw the few surfers who were trying to catch a wave on the point and surf in to the shore. They were not having much luck so we continued our walk and noted the high rise building along the shoreline at Burleigh Heads. Then we decided to drive back for Max and Jessie who is my cousin is coming down from Caboolture for Dad's birthday party tomorrow at the golf club.
We arrived home and had lunch at 3pm and the Max and Jessie arrived with their daughter Terry who we haven't seen for some years. Needless to say we sat and chewed the fat for quite awhile catching up with old news etc.
It will be a noisy house tonight until at least after our evening meal when the woman are going to the Casino at Surfers Paradise to play the poker and bingo machines. We do not expect them home early so along with Dad and Max we will probably just watch a bit of television. And definitely go to bed before the woman get home

Gold Coast Sun's Stadium
Liz at Emerald Lakes Golf Club
One of the many small lakes on the golf course

Sunday the 18th of October
We were out and about walking again at 6.30am this morning with another nice day once again. We walked a little further this morning though I suspect we will need to do many more walks if we are to lose any weight at all. We have seemed to put weight on this journey this year. When we returned to the house it was a bit noisy with everyone trying to get breakfast at the one time. Before we knew it time had come to get ready for the big day. Even though it is my Dad's 90th birthday tomorrow the main celebrations are today due to people's work commitments tomorrow.
We had to be patient because there is only two showers and there were 7 people lining up to use them. I sat back and let the confusion prevail while I read my book for I knew there would be plenty of hot water.
We piled into the cars and we were on our way driving back towards Brisbane to Carawartha past the Metricon AFL Stadium and onto the Emerald Lakes Golf Club. The south bound traffic of three lanes was piled up and the going was very slow whereas our three lanes was relatively free of traffic and moving smoothly we then turned off the highway and into the Golf Club.
When we arrived the place appeared to be packed though there was plenty of room to park. It is a large complex and they readily accept the general public to use the restaurant and bar facilities so there was no need to book in which of course we did due to numbers. Of course I noted the dreaded Poker Machines in action when we went inside to order meals and get a wine and beer for ourselves. Only Max, Jessie and Terry played the poker machines and Jessie was to win a hundred dollars.
We were seated over three large tables out on the verandah over looking the golf course and the first thing I noted was that no one was walking at all they were using golf buggies to get around the 18 hole golf course.
Dad was duly seated and there was a small tree of scratchies of at least one hundred tickets and surely there must a winner or two amongst these. We all sat down and ate our meal then sang a hearty rendition of Happy Birthday and then Dad was to cut the three birthday cakes for there was family from Helens side and myself plus Liz and my sister Julie and daughter Sulynn represented our side of the family. Our eldest daughter Carol was to ring from Tasmania speaking to Dad and wishing him well. There was a group of woman who come together each week for social events and of all names to be called they call themselves the Wankers Club.
Our food was excellent and then we were to mingle and talk to each other about all and sundry and the birthday boy. Dad's voice is now a little quieter so he asked me to thank all those that arranged the day and everyone that came along and they gave him a ovation that continued for some minutes.
All things must come to an end so it was we said farewell to all including Julie, Sulynn and Max and Jessie and Terry plus partner Steve and then we were heading back to Burleigh Heads somewhat feeling a bit content and sleepy.
We arrived home we unpacked the scratchy tree and and the remainder of the cake and then had a cuppa and we all headed off for a snooze not wakening until around 6.30pm. It has been a good day and we will celebrate Dad's actual Birthday again tomorrow with family. I am sure that we will not require much for our evening meal and an early night is on the cards for sure.

90 scratchy cards

Dad 90 today along with my son and grandson

Monday the 19th of October
Very laid back today, the morning walk went by the way. We had our shower and then decided to go for our final Retail Therapy. Included in that was a trip to Aldi and bought a few items and then the green grocer to stock up with veggies for the next fortnight. We had a look around a few shops and only bought a hot chicken and sausage rolls for our celebration lunch today of my Dad's actual birthday.
My son Robert and his family had flown up from Tasmania especially for today and they will now stop a week or so to do the tourist thing. We were to have our photo taken of the four generation of men in our family and of course after the cake we sung happy birthday again. Many photo's were taken during the afternoon and many cups of tea with me opting for a cold beer or two.
Robert left with his family to travel back to their accommodation and will visit Dad and Helen during the week.
Then my sister Julie and niece Sulynn arrived and we had a birthday afternoon tea and relived some of the last 90 years of Dads life which was very interesting. Then when everyone had left it was time to get ready to depart for the southern states in the morning.
Poor old Digger was reloaded with wood and water etc and the towing frame attached. Then the motorhome was squared away, so to speak, for these travels which should put us in Melbourne by the end of the month. So tonight we will take it easy and spend time with Dad and Helen before going off to bed after an interesting day. Happy Birthday Dad on your 90th and may you have many more.

Crossing the New South Wales Border

Entering tunnels and bypass highway

Tuesday the 20th of October
Thought we had slept in this morning given we hopped out of bed at 7.30am. We had our showers and then it was breakfast sitting down with Dad and Helen and going over the last couple of days happenings. Then it was time to pack the finals for the motorhome and then down off the blocks.
We were to say our farewells which took awhile with both Dad and Helen thanking us for extending our stay on the mainland for Dad's 90th birthday. Dad still has a good memory and is still able to talk about all and sundry even if in a lessor tone. It is only his legs and eyes that are giving him trouble.
Into the vehicles and waved goodbye and drove up near the roundabout and hooked up Digger to the motorhome. Then around the roundabout and down onto the Pacific Highway and it was not long before we had crossed the NSW border. Prior to this the GPS had tried to divert us onto the old Pacific Highway through Coolangatta and Tweed Heads and finally through Tugan. The new Pacific Highway by passes all these towns thus saving travel time and kilometres.
We were to go through many small tunnels that had been carved out of the sides of hills thus turning the highway to flat running and dodging the dreaded traffic lights.

New Pacific Highway bypass
Sugar Cane growing
Tunneling through mountain for new highway

We were to come across many hectares of Sugar Cane beside the highway and it run for many kilometres and going well back into the hinterland. Some of the paddocks had been partially cut and others had the Sugar cane cutting machines in action.
The going was easy with just a few rises until we came across the section that took you to Byron Bay. The new section of highway was being cut through the mountain that we had to climb, though looking back it gave wonderful views of Byron Bay and the sea for many kilometres. We were still seeing sugar cane growing and the mountains in the background.

Macadamia Castle
Big Prawn Ballina
Country Road to Casino

We were to pass by the Macadamia Castle and there were plenty of people visiting the castle. Needless to say the area is growing Macadamia trees in plantations and which produce the well known Macadamia nut also we came across Banana Plantations. As we neared Ballina the GPS wanted to detour off the Pacific highway and onto the road leading to Lismore. I was to ignore this and thought we would detour through Ballina and then rejoin the highway and turn off onto the Bruxner Highway as we have done in previous years.
We drove past the park where have stopped overnight on previous trips and that is now only day use area. We drove through the city centre and out the other side. There have not been a lot of changes though we noted that an Aldi store has just opened.
We were to drive past the Big Prawn which is fading in colour and then out to the Pacific Highway again. Only one problem when we entered the Pacific Highway we were to take a right hand turn onto the Bruxner Highway though this was not possible for they have closed the entrance to the highway by putting the next section of the new Pacific Highway across the turn off.
The GPS finally re-routed us around 9 kilometres down the highway and on this occasion we allowed it to plot the course. Well! for the next hour or so we were to travel on sorts of narrow country roads some with trees overhanging. After many turn offs and an hour and half later we were rejoined with the Bruxner Highway onto Casino. We had cut Lismore off so I really do not know if we saved any time at all.

Lions monument at Casino
Single lane timber bridge
Clarence River and Bridge

Of course we have had to change the clocks to day light saving time which meant they were advanced an hour and so we arrived at Casino at 1pm. We drove down to Woolworths past the memorial clock and noted that there was a Coles supermarket since we were here last. We parked up in a side street and went first to Coles for bread rolls for lunch. They did not have an in house bakery and when we checked the rolls they appeared to be old.
Over to Woolworths expecting them to have a bakery though this was not the case and their rolls were hard as well. Back to the bakery in the complex and their rolls being freshly baked so we made a purchase.
We then pushed on back to the highway for our overnight stop and along the way we spotted an Aldi store so the town has a good selection of supermarkets and no doubt there would be a IGA as well.
We were to drive back onto the Bruxner Highway and at one stage we had to cross a single lane bridge and we noted that it was all timber held together by bolts and flowing underneath was the Clarence River.
When we pulled in off the highway into the rest area we stopped at last year we were surprised to see how run down it had become in twelve months. So Liz made us a salad roll and we pulled out onto the highway again heading for a rest area only 8 kilometres up the highway.
When we pulled in we noticed the rubbish bins where overflowing and their were tents everywhere so we decided to pull out and go another 40 kilometres to the next area.
Well we were to travel over a large mountain where we had to put the motorhome into fourth gear on numerous occasions. Then we encountered switch back's and we were still climbing and then we had the trip down the other side and again I had to use the gears more for it was steep not wanting to overheat the brakes on the motorhome.
We had to go off the road and the instructions had warned us that we had to go down steep road to get to the rest area. It was steep though we handled all ok. We pulled up and all you could hear was birds and no traffic noise. We are surrounded by trees so I am not even going to try to line up the satellite dish through them. So tonight we will read before going off to bed. The temperature at 5pm is 29 degrees celsius and humid.
Kilometres traveled 269

Crooked Creek Rest Area
Beautiful Scenery
Welcome to Tenterfield

Wednesday the 21st of October
We were somewhat startled last night at our Crooked Creek Rest Area which is located down in a valley in amongst thick bush. There is a table and a long drop toilet. It was very peaceful being on our own with no television or telephone service. Around 9.30pm we heard a car come into the camp area and close its engine down so I immediately grabbed the flash light and opened the door and saw two persons standing by a station wagon. They were equally surprised as I was and they turned out to be back packers in an old falcon station wagon. We swapped greetings and I went back to reading my book. Around 10.30pm we went off to bed and really did not need any rocking.
This morning we left at 9am and rejoined the highway and the corners and hills were just as bad as yesterday. Most of the bends were sign posted at 45kph or 70 kph and they were not kidding with a few switchbacks to worry about. Needless to say there were plenty of gear changes and use of brakes. We finally came down off the Richmond Range and then along undulating farm land with plenty of cattle grazing and then we were to go through several small towns that indicated they were historical though they did not say why. There were a few old building other than that they just looked another small town.
Then back climbing again with all the signs again on corners and when we reached the top were informed that we were at the top of the Great Dividing Range. This is the third occasion we have crossed this range.
Down and the land once again was undulating farmland with a few a Grape vines growing, other than that we were to see cattle grazing once again, though on this occasion they were Herefords.

Old Buildings Tenterfield
Devils Mountain
Road Works

We arrived at Tenterfield where we filled with diesel at $1.23.9 cents a litre. Liz checked what we paid last year and it was $1.55.9 cents a litre. We parked up and went walkabout in the main street and first we went to a cafe where we both had a cappuccino and I had a beaut fresh baked pie and Liz had a muffin. After this we strolled the main street and then into the newsagents for a paper then walked down into the Coles Complex where there was an el cheapo store, so we went in.
We bought a few items and then returned to the motorhome.

Welcome to Glen Innes
Main Street Glen Innes
Welcome to Guyra

Back on the highway and heading to Glen innes. We were to strike hilly country once again and the first thing we saw was a huge rocky outcrop which is called the Devils Mountain. We pushed on and the going was easier with just a few large hills to climb over and before we knew it we were going over the Ben Lomond Range and again heaps of sign posts just before the many corners. The land was very green and the mountain side's looked a treat with a few farms along the way. We were to strike roadwork's and pulled up on the red light.
It had never happened to us before when the light went green we were actually escorted by a ute through the roadwork's keeping us all to the speed limit designated. We were to see hectares of covering over what we can only assume were grapes.
We finally arrived at Glen Innes and first went down to the Lions Park and had our lunch and then went walkabout in the main street, We were here last in 2009 though there appeared to be little change in that period. We did not do any shopping other than window shop and then we were on the road again with only 7 kilometres to our next stop for the night. When we arrived there it was mostly taken up with road works machinery so we decided to go onto Guyra some 50 kilometres down the New England Highway.
You wouldn't believe it we were held up with road works once again around five minutes on this occasion. We arrived at Guyra and went down to the Mother of Ducks Lagoon where we were to see at least 20 lots of happy campers. We found a spot to camp up for the night and then Liz did a bit of hand washing and while I was writing this part of the Diary she went for a walk up into the town centre and took a few photo's of the main street which was nice and leafy.
Kilometres travelled 207

Welcome to Armidale
Driving into Armidale
Thunderbolt Rock

Thursday the 22nd of October
We were awakened at 5am this morning by heavy rain on the roof of the Motorhome, so much so that we did not get back to sleep. We hopped out of bed a 6am and the rain had stopped and the first thing we noticed was the people that put a tent up last night were gone. We are not aware whether they packed up prior or during the rain storm.
We had our breakfast and packed away and we were on the road at 7.30am bound for Armidale. The GPS indicated that we had over 300 kilometres to go to Armidale and we knew it was only 40 kilometres. We ignored the GPS as we had to for it was giving incorrect information all day. We could only put it down to the thick clouds and the heavy rain that we struck for most of the day not to mention the lightning.
It was very hilly on the way and again there were small villages along the way with many farms in between. We were now seeing sheep in their hundreds feeding off the lush green pasture. We had to detour off the New England Highway to go into Armidale and did the GPS go cranky. We were going to have a cappuccino and buy a paper which did not occur due to lack of parking space for the motorhome and Digger. We drove around the city centre and noted the many shops with no vacant shops at all so we suppose the town must being doing alright economically. We worked our way back to the highway and the rain was coming down heavily and there were flashes of lightning though we did not hear any thunder. We were to pass through Uralla a small town that boasts the grave of the infamous Bushranger Captain Thunderbolt and they play great store in this fact. It is a nice little town and very tidy. Once we left the town we were to pass the famous Thunderbolt Rock wherein they state the Bushranger Thunderbolt would lay in waiting to ambush and rob lone travellers and coaches. Unfortunately the rock itself has a lot of graffiti upon it which spoils the legend a little.

Terrible descent into Tamworth
Run off from highway
Storm over wheat fields

The going was pretty tough what with the rain and wind and the hills one after another making for many gear changes though the roads were very good. There were plenty of b-double trucks appearing and thankfully there were plenty of passing lanes so we were not holding any up even though we were doing 90kph.
Then we came across the dreaded descent down the mountain into Tamworth. As the sign states low gear for trucks is required and we came down in second gear and using plenty of brakes, boy how I miss those engine brakes, There were plenty of side road run offs if vehicles lost brakes or gears. Later we were talking to a few people in Tamworth at the service station and they indicated they do a big trade in blown brakes and gear boxes plus axles due to the mountain road both up and down.
We drove into Tamworth of the highway and due to the wetness and once again parking we were not able to pull over and enjoy the town. We went to the Woolies Caltex and refueled due to the Coles pumps not recognising our credit card. The difference was that the depot shell was $1.23.9 cents a litre and the woolies with the discount was $1.27.9. The GPS was playing up again and we knew which way to go so we just turned it off and relied on the traffic signs to get us to Gunnedah.
We drove off the highway again and drove through the city centre and found a parking spot out a little and wouldn't you know it. It was outside KFC and as it was lunch time we went in and had some delightful chicken pieces, strips and nuggets with chips all very nice.
We ate in the shop and then went walkabout up the street to walk the food off and wouldn't you know it we ran across an Aldi store so in we went. We started comparing prices with what we recalled from Burleigh Heads and we were very surprised to see bananas for instance some $1 a kilo dearer here in Gunnedah and the meat and groceries were much dearer as well. We walked back to the motorhome and no sooner had we closed the doors than the rain started belting down again.

Welcome to Gunnedah
Welcome to Coonabarabran
Driving through Coonabarabran

So we headed back to the highway and our next stopover for the night. We were still in hilly country and the farms were now cropping wheat and there was plenty of it by the highway and the clouds were black with rain. When we arrived and went into the rest area it was only 2pm and we did not feel like sitting there with the rain pelting down so we moved on.
Another 70 kilometres down the road we joined the Newell Highway into Coonabarabran and went we went through we were lucky enough to have driven out of the rain and the sky was blue in places though the wind had picked up. We did not bother stopping for I was getting tired and we moved on down to a rest area some 50 kilometres from Gilgandra. Just before we arrived we came across a red stop light and we sat there for a least five minutes awaiting the green light to proceed. I said to Liz I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't park their earth equipment in the rest area overnight. I was correct we are surrounded by all this equipment though we are not concerned. We will have a bit of road noise with the many interstate trucks going past and we will probably watch a movie tonight off the memory stick.
Oh well time for a beer! its 4.30pm.
Kilometres travelled 417

Peak Hill gold mine
Wheat ready for harvest
Parkes Radio Telescope Dish

Friday the 23rd of October
We arose early this morning and noted the morning was cold. We had breakfast and then said farewell to a happy camper we met late last night. We moved out around 8.30am and had to wait for the lolly pop man to signal us when it was appropriate to go out onto the roadwork's that were in progress.
The going was easy and the traffic on the highway was light though a few of the interstate trucks were going in the opposite direction and we knew that it was only a matter of time before those trucks going south would catch up to us.
Forty kilometres later we arrived at Gilgandra and we drove around to say hello to Mick and Todd at the mechanical shop that fixed our old motorhome many years ago. We chewed the fat for awhile catching up with what they had been doing and Mick indicated he would be in Tasmania early next year and would drop in to see us. We went around to the Truck Service station and topped up with diesel at $1.34.9 cents a litre. We were to use their showers which allowed us to linger longer, so to speak.
We then pushed on and before we knew it we had arrived at Peak Hill and noted the huge hills of overburden from the gold mining taking place. The actual open cut goes over both sides of the highway and we were to see large dump trucks travelling under the highway with their loads.
We then travelled onto Dubbo and on the way we were to notice the wheat was ready for harvest on both sides of the highway and again it went for kilometre after kilometre and then back as far as we could see. We came across three huge harvesters moving along the highway and we had trouble passing them for they were so wide, there were three in all.
We then arrived at Dubbo and left the highway and travelled down into the business centre and as usual there was not place for us to park so we moved back to the highway.
The trucks were coming at us and we did our best to allow them to pass so as not to hold them up and of course there was the odd one or two who let out a grumble because we were not doing a 110 kph. One trucker was so foul mouthed I went on the UHF and gave him his pedigree and as I thought he could not take the reply and went quiet.
We were still in wheat country and now and again we would see flocks of sheep grazing near the wheat paddocks.
We came across the radio telescope dish at Parkes and I had a gone past before we knew it, though we took a photo from the highway as it was revolving.
15 Kilometres down the highway we came across the township of Parkes and they lay great store in the Dish and all its worth and they also advertise the Elvis entertainment every year and would be Elvis look a likes come from all over to perform. We drove though the town centre and noted the statue of Sir Henry Parkes whom the town is named after.

Thom, Dick and Harry's corner
Peach Grove
Truckers memorial

We then drove onto Forbes and drove through the city centre once again and there was only parking for cars not for our type of vehicle so we moved on. We pulled into a rest area along the highway and had our lunch. We then rang Ian who had invited us to his place and confirmed we would arrive later in the day. Back on the road and the trucks were really building up heading south though we did not cause them any problem. We then arrived at Forbes and noted that the price of diesel had dropped to $1.23.9 per litre which was a bit of shock. Though we pressed on and we noted that the wheat was now green and not drying out at all not like a hundred k's back. We were to see a very large Peach grove which was a change from wheat and other crops. We arrived at West Wylong which we have stopped and visited many times in the past travels so we just drove through and noted the beautiful flower display on the corner we had to turn to get back on the Newell Highway. We stopped at a rest area on the highway and noted the elaborate memorial to a deceased trucker it must have cost a fortune and we have to say we have never seen anything like it.
It wasn't much longer before we turned at Ardethan to head towards Barellen and Ian's place. When we arrived we noticed once again the large tennis racket and ball indicating that this was the birthplace of the famous Evonne Goolagong a former wimbleton champion.
We pulled up and Ian and Denice greeted us and made us welcome and wouldn't you know it happy hour had arrived. I only a couple for I knew I had to deal with a troublesome GPS and do this diary as well.
Tonight we will have our meal inside with them both for we are moving on in the morning to arrive at Tocumwal and spend a few days relaxing before going into melbourne and our daughters place.
Kilometres travelled 479

Canola Paddock
Large wheat silo's Narrandra
Old wooden railway trestles

Saturday the 24th of October
We had our breakfast at around 7am for we were woken by the shunting of wheat wagons by the large silo's across the road from Ian's. We first thought they were cattle kicking the side of the road transporters.
I noted that we still had that diesel leak problem though it did not appear too bad so I topped the tank with the spare 20 litre drum and then we said our farewells to Ian and Denice and we were on our way towards Narrandra. It was a beautiful morning with little or no wind. I stated to Liz how the fuel gauge had dropped after around 100 kilometres and then did not take much notice for I felt we had enough diesel in the tank to arrive at our destination at Tocumwal on the Victorian side.
Along the way there were large paddocks and wheat and canola the latter taking us by surprise for we were used to seeing the yellow flowers and of course we are later travelling this year thus no flowers. On arriving the very large wheat silo's really stand out next to the highway and there was a train filling its wagons with wheat to transport to the wharves no doubt.
We were to see the old railway trestle bridges made of timber which are not in use any longer. Back on the Newall highway and we were heading towards our destination further down the highway.
There were many paddocks of grain awaiting harvesting and we noticed the greenery of the land had disappeared and the area was very dry, luckily they have the water channels to water their crops etc.
Next we drove through Jerilderie and noted the water bucket monument to the farming community and the water channel systems. Also we were to see some old farm sheds that obviously have not been used for some time.

Old farm shed on the Newall
Monument Jerilderie
Party boat cruising the Murray River

We were travelling along nicely and all of a sudden the computer went crazy and the sound of the engine had stopped and why? Because I had run out of diesel only five kilometres from our destination. When I hopped out and went around to the front there was diesel pouring onto the ground.
Luckily I still had a twenty litre drum of diesel which I poured into the tank and when I placed the drum back in the holder I saw that the front of Digger including the window screen had a film of diesel and later I was to note that the side of Digger was also covered in diesel.
Being common rail diesel engine there was no need to prime the diesel pump and after cranking the engine over a few times it started and we proceeded to our spot on the Murray River. When we pulled up I went looking for the reason for the leak and after taking the sump protector cover off I could not see the where the leak was. I suspect the line from the tank to the pump goes partially through the chassis and that is where the break or leak may be. I needed to get this attended to as quickly as possible. There was nothing more I could do so I looked up the dealers for the Iveco brand and they are in Shepparton some 135 kilometres away. I rang them and the telephone rang out so they must close at lunch time on a Saturday. There is no doubt I will be on there doorstep so to speak on Monday morning very early and hopefully they can fix the fault quickly.
In the meantime I will chill out and enjoy the short stay enjoying the Murray. It has not been a good day for the season to catch Murray Cod is closed so that idea is out though we set up the awning and the firepot which we will pack away tomorrow. The rest of the afternoon will be spent relaxing and no doubt I will have another look to see where the fault is and why the diesel is leaking so much. I suspect it will take the best part of the full tank to get to the repair shop. Oh bugger it time for an early happy hour and enjoy the river traffic.
Kilometres travelled 231

Cooking breakfast on the firepot
Wood Ducks on the Murray
Our camp taken from Town Point

Sunday the 25th of October
Brian from Tasmania came around after I finished yesterdays diary and he spotted me looking forlorn with the bonnet up on the Motorhome. I had taken the sump guard off and there was diesel everywhere though it was all forward of the diesel tank and I could not find the leak.
Brian hopped under and he could not find the leak. So after a fair bit of discussion it was decided to put the handbrake on and we chocked the back wheels so the motorhome would not move. Brian hopped underneath and I started the engine then the cry of turn it off came. Brian indicated that once the line was under pressure it was squirting diesel out quickly thus the mess over Digger and the back windows Motorhome etc.
We had nothing other than duct tape and that would not hold on the diesel line. We talked about it and came to the conclusion that we would not able to drive to Shepparton for the diesel loss would be astronomical. As it was when we ran out I put 20 litre's of diesel from the spare drum in the main tank and that had all gone and we had only covered 5 kilometres.
So options were ring for a tow truck or ring the dealer after hours breakdown service I opted for the latter. I was informed that there would be a $150 call out charge and $100 per hour travelling rate plus the time to fix it plus parts and then he could not guarantee that he could fix it in the field. So I said I would think about it. I rang back for there was no other cheaper option and he stated he would have to call in the spare parts man and then he expected to be at our camp at 7pm. Which he was I was amazed thanks to daylight saving. We were able to point out the problem and he indicated that he could not locate the proper hose at the workshop spares though he could cut and fit a joiner over the affected part. This was all achieved by 7.30pm and then he indicated that he would use cable ties for the problem was with a battery lead from the motorhome to the battery that had rubbed through the fuel pipe. So it looked like it took 8 years to wear through the pipe and the beauty of it was we were only 73 kilometres from the dealers and not out in the outback as we would usually be. The connection he could not guarantee to hold though on starting the engine and revving there were no leaks apparent. So a few more cans and then a good wash down and then into bed absolutely worn our. Not to mention stress.
I hopped out of bed this morning and and lit the firepot for breakfast and while the kettle was boiling I hopped under the truck and there appeared to be no leaks. Cooked eggs, bacon and tomato plus toast and enjoyed the the Murray River flowing with the many wood ducks moving with the current.

The search for Koala's this morning discovered a big Koala sleeping and in another tree close by was Mother Koala with her baby on her back

After breakfast out came the washing machine and generator and the washing was underway and whilst that was happening we recharged all the items that needed it. I couldn't help myself under the truck again looking for leaks.
After the washing was done we went looking for our mates the koala's and near our camp we spotted five in total. They were all asleep so out came the camera and there was one really big Koala that was asleep and then we spotted Mother Koala with baby on her back and they appeared to be both asleep also. We hope that they will come closer to the ground later in the day when it cools down a little. If it wasn't for the natural river breeze it would be really hot.
We packed the washing machine away and then unloaded Digger and stored the gear in the front of the truck and then went off into Tocumwal to get water, a paper and a 20 litre drum of diesel. First to the shop to buy the paper and an ice cream and then we went over to the town beach rest area where they pay $5 per person per night with only a rough bush toilet. We took a photo of our camp across the river on the freedom camping site while eating our ice creams and then back into town to fill the water drums.
Onto the service station to fill the drum and we paid $1.29.9 cents a litre for diesel.
Back to camp and put the diesel in the tank and then went underneath to check for leaks and the repairs were not leaking so I had Liz turn the ignition on and I heard the electric pump working and could spot no leak at the repair. There were a few drops going on the ground near the filler pipe so I wiped it all down around the area and could spot nothing to worry about.
We had a late lunch and then relaxed and watched the river traffic whilst reading the paper and our books. How relaxing it is though there a few fly's now and again though not enough to be real pests.
We are going down to the other camp tonight for a happy hour with those we met yesterday and especially Brian who helped me out.
We will watch out for Koala's again and then inside later in the night to watch a bit of television, there was no need to put up the satellite dish. A wonderful warm to hot day.

We went walkabout this morning the 26th looking for Koala's in their natural habitat and only found mother and baby first she was asleep and then stared straight down at us. So I zoomed the camera in for a better shot so you can just see the baby in front of the mother and it appears to be asleep. Where the others have gone is a mystery no doubt inland.

Monday the 26th of October
There was intermittent rain during the night and this morning on day break the wind increased. Hopped out of bed around 6.30 and happened to get a photo of the sun rising over the trees and the Murray River as the firepot was lit and the kettle put on to boil.
After breakfast we had a couple of happy campers that we met yesterday at the other campsite come visit for they are leaving this morning. They are both Collingwood supporters so along with Liz they had plenty to reminisce about.
After they left we decided to walk into Tocumwal on the NSW side of the border. We were looking for Koala 'a along the way though we did not spot any. We crossed over the bridge which depicts the border between the states of NSW and Victoria with the Murray River to the high water mark on both sides of the river belonging to NSW.
I stopped and took a photo of the old railway bridge which is still in use and of course the middle span lifts to allow river traffic to pass under.
The morning was sunny with just a few clouds which still left the walk in good weather conditions. Once off the bridge we put our rubbish into the bin provided and continued into Tocumwal shopping centre.

Sun rising over the Murray River
Railway bridge spanning Murray
Liz by the famous Murray Cod

Along the way Liz posed in front of the famous Murray Cod for a photo and then we continued on to the Newsagent to buy a paper. Then into IGA to have a look and only bought a bottle of soft drink for Liz, then onto the coffee shop where we had a cappuccino each and that was enjoyable as we had a conversation with the owner about all and sundry.
We then left and walked to the op shops. There are three of them side by side though I prefer the last one for the ladies are friendly and you can have a joke with them. While Liz was in the second op shop I had a good talk to the woman in the third one and when Liz came in she indicated she could hear me talking through the brick wall into the shop next door. We made a couple of purchases and we were on our way back.
Along the way we came across a happy camper that owned an Iveco motorhome so I enlightened him to the problem I had and he lifted the bonnet and sure enough there was the same problem waiting to happen. So when he pulls up later today he is going to use cable ties and lift the power cables away from the fuel line. We continued on and on the way across the bridge we noted that they were doing road works and using traffic lights to control the traffic. It was then that I took the photo of the sign welcoming us to Victoria.
Back in camp and we had our lunch and again I checked for any diesel leaks and there were none. We decided to wash the diesel off the motorhome panels side and back. What a job it was for we did not have truck wash and had to rely on dish washing liquid that lost its foaming very quick. At least the motorhome looks a bit cleaner now and then we washed Digger and it had diesel along the sides and on the bonnet and roof. We used buckets of water from the Murray so I washed and Liz used the chamois to wipe down. The back of the motorhome will need to be polished it was that bad.
We then just relaxed and read our books in the shade and watched the Murray River waters go by. Being a Monday there were no canoes or other water craft on the water today.
Well getting close to happy hour so again it has been a good restful day with a bit of exercise thrown in. We will be hopping into Digger and going into Shepparton tomorrow morning

Harvested Hay
Wood Ducks and their ducklings
Painted Cow's of Shepparton

Tuesday the 27th of October
A warm night and a cool morning as the sun was rising over the trees and river at Tocumwal. We had our breakfast and then cleaned up and then on the road into Shepparton. There was not a lot of traffic about and the interstate trucks had gone through earlier so it was no trouble for Digger navigating the highway.
Our first stop was at Strathmerton where we decided to pay $2 to have our showers thus saving our water and gas. Back on the highway and were to see many Friesian cattle on the diary farms in this area. We noted their pastures were irrigated and where there was no irrigation the ground was very dry with no greenery at all. We were to see many paddocks with hay harvested and others with the hay in rows waiting to be baled.
When we arrived at Shepparton the first thing we thought we would do was go to Taig Brothers and check the cost of the repairs to the motorhome on Saturday. Wrong move for that was to sadden our day. Especially when the woman advised the cost would be $1150 so my estimation the other day was way off the mark. I certainly made it known that this was unacceptable especially as it was only a temporary repair. I was staggered to find that they charged $1 per kilometre travelling and there were two people involved, the spare parts person and the mechanic that was on the job for only 30 minutes. The cost of the joiner was $12.95 The rest was overtime charges, travelling and out of hours plus a booking fee of $150. So after an hour and half they lowered the bill to $839.50. Big deal!! The problem is that the joiner has rubber O rings each end and in a short time the diesel will eat through them and I will be back in the same situation. Up to the spare parts section and bought oil and filter for the service when I arrive home and then spoke about ordering the fuel line part. They have no stock and he would ring me later to make arrangements for the part required to do the job. At 4.30 he has not rang.
As can be expected I was a bit down and when Liz saw the bill she was shocked. So we were both on a bit of a downer which spoilt the day and what we wanted to do.
First we went to the SPC- Ardmona wholesale centre and bought a few items for the kids and then into Cheap as Chips and had a look around. Normally I would find something to buy though today my mind was elsewhere.
We decided that today we would have Hungry Jacks for our lunch and we found the place no trouble at all. We ordered and sat down to eat our meal and I couldn't believe how many languages were being spoken some very loudly so we just finished and went looking for the Australian's.
We went into Aldi and bought a few small items then as we were still down a bit decided we would head back via the painted cows. We were to see the wood ducks with their ducklings and the parents were keeping a close eye on them.
Back on the road to camp and it was very warm and along the way we were to see the big Strawberry flanked by Roses that were in full bloom. We arrived back in camp and had a happy hour on our own watching the Murray flowing by again.

Moon rising last night
Ducks sunning themselves
Kettle boiling on firepot for breakfast

Wednesday the 28th of October
We sat out late last night after our evening meal and watched the full moon rise up over the trees and then the Murray River casting reflections which unfortunately the camera could not capture. This morning the breeze was cool when we hopped out bed though it would lead to a nice warm day. We have noted the drop in temperature since coming down from the north of the country. We are no longer tossing the Dooner off the bed and sleeping only with a sheet maybe we will need a blanket shortly.
Out and lit the firepot and before we knew it the kettle was boiling for the last time on this journey and the same with the firepot. We cooked our crumpets washed them down with a cuppa and enjoyed the tranquility of the Murray River. We were to note the ducks sunning themselves on the side of the bank and would have been out of the breeze.

Only one Koala this morning
Murray flowing easy
Pontoon on Murray at Tocumwal

After breakfast I went walkabout looking for Koala's for we had not seen any yesterday and this morning I only saw one sleeping as usual. I came back to camp via the other happy campers where I had a chat and indicated that we would come down to this end and for happy hour for we are leaving the Murray River and its confines in the morning. That was ok so we look forward to the happy hour this afternoon.
In view of this Liz decided to make a chicken casserole for our meal this evening and enough to have for our meal tomorrow night. I have not as yet dismantled the firepot and will not do so until the casserole is cooked.
We read our books in the sunshine until lunchtime and we had the last of the wraps and a cup of cappuccino of course. After lunch we took our rubbish into Tocumwal where they have a large trailer parked up for Campers Rubbish then on to the newsagent for the newspaper. I took a couple of photo's of the river at that juncture and the pontoon that is supposed to resist all types of floods.
Back in camp poor old Digger was reloaded though on this occasion there is no need to carry extra drums of water, even so the back of the car was full of our camping gear. While I was doing this Liz cleaned the cabin of the Motorhome including the windows for travel tomorrow.
We received a call from Taig Brothers of Shepparton advising that the new part for the diesel line had arrived and would we like for them to fit it tomorrow. My reply was " Only if you fit it without any further charge considering that you charged $839 for a temporary repair" The answer was that a new labour charge would apply. So in the morning I will drop in and purchase the new diesel line at a cost of $76 and be on our way knowing that if the temporary repair fails I can now fit the new line myself. I will be glad when all this is behind us.
Our meal is cooked so the firepot was emptied of the ash and allowed to cool down prior to packing it away. In came the awning and the table was packed away plus the clothes line etc and now it is time to go to happy hour and then when we come back Digger will be hooked up to the motorhome and we will be on our way via Shepparton in the morning on the way to Melbourne.

After meal last night we were to see the Spirit 11and Mother and Joey
Big Buck Kangaroo near our camp this morning

Thursday the 29th of October
We were sitting outside last night enjoying our evening meal in what was left of daylight when a craft went past our camp named the Spirit 11 followed closely by a runabout We were wondering if this was an omen for which ferry we will be aboard next Monday. On the opposite bank we were to see a Kangaroo with her Joey drinking water from the Murray River.
This morning we arose at 7am and on going outside we noticed the very large Kangaroo feeding on the grass nearby and then the colourful Parrots out the back of us. We went on our final walk looking for Koala's and found two. Unfortunately looking for a better position to take the photo's the camera batteries expired so we had to do with what we had already taken before the battery failure.
We backed off the chocks and away we went and there were no diesel marks on the ground which made us happy. We finalised our packing and down with the television antenna and then we started up and headed for the Murray Goulburn Highway. It was a beautiful morning very sunny and no clouds to speak of with little traffic about. The going was easy so we pulled up at Strathmerton and had a shower and then back on the road. We had a call from Taig Brothers indicating that they had received the fuel line I ordered yesterday, I indicated that we would be in to collect shortly. We pulled into the service station to refuel and a young chap wanted to fill the tank for me and I declined and as soon as I put the nozzle in the tank and without pulling the lever it showed 24 cents and when I made this known the bloke said it was probably a air bubble. So we did it again and this time it showed 17 cents without pulling the lever to fill. We swapped to the next hose and that read true so we filled up at $1.21 cents a litre. When we returned to the highway we wondered how many people were getting caught with this rip off. I suppose the fuel line episode has made me more alert and lest trusting of service people at the moment.
We were passing new plantings of fruit trees and they were very green and no doubt watered from the water channels that were running beside the orchards. We finally arrived at Shepparton and went to pick up the new fuel line. Yesterday they indicated that it would cost $76 and today they quoted $67 and I enquired since they had only carried out a temporary repair and the cost associated would they fit this for free. No doubt the answer was no so I just paid and took the part and will fit it myself in Launceston and even if the temporary repair gives out I now have the replacement part which makes me a happy chappy.

Our last Koala in the wild this morning along with colourful Parrots
Lake Nagambi

We do not intend going into Melbourne today so we decided to look for a space for the night and decided to pull in off the highway and head into Nagambi. When we arrived we pulled up and went walkabout. A woman noticed us pull up and indicated if we were looking for coffee go to the bakery for they are cheaper than the other cafe's. We tested that theory and found that she just wasn't spruiking business for the Bakery. We had a Cappuccino and then purchased cheese and bacon rolls for lunch and I bought a pie.
We noted that it was a fine day and the temperature at 11.45 am was a warm 28 degrees celsius and would rise to 32 degrees by mid afternoon. We had a look at Lake Nagambi and noted the caravan park on the opposite shoreline.

Duel Highway towards Melbourne
Winery & grape vines Nagambi
Old Wooden Bridge near Nagambi

We drove out towards the Winery's and vineyards and found a spot near an old wooden bridge. The bridge was the original road and the bridge is built completely of timber whilst the new bridge nearby was all concrete construction.
The area was flat though previous campers had left quite a mess with broken chairs, cans, bottles and of all things a toilet. We had lunch and then decided to move on closer to Melbourne.
We crossed back over the bridge that spans the Goulburn River which we thought was looking very healthy.
Back on the highway and there were a lot of interstate trucks now using the Goulburn Murray Highway. We decided to stop at a rest area that we stopped at some years ago, called Taungurung Country, knowing that it was bitumen and not so level at all. So when we pulled in we decided to go up onto the grass where it was level. We had a cuppa and then went out under the canopies supplied until those blasted fly's sent us inside.
Oh well it is nearly happy hour so in the morning we will head into Melbourne and our daughter and son in law's place for the weekend.
Kilometres travelled 180

Arriving in Melbourne traffic
Hi rise buildings of Melbourne
Held up at traffic lights

Friday the 30th of October
The trucks coming and going through the night was a little noisy and that is something we had to accept given the rest area was for trucks also even though they were on a lower level of the rest area.
We hopped out of bed at 6.30am and had our breakfast and then readied for the traffic we would be facing going into the City of Melbourne. We set the GPS for our destination in Thornbury which is a suburb of Melbourne and we were on our way at 7.45am.
It wasn't long before we joined the Hume Highway which is much more busier than the Newell Highway. There were many many interstate trucks travelling into and out of Melbourne and the close we came to the city the heavier the traffic was for we were now getting traffic joining from the side roads onto the Hume Highway.
The weather was great and there was no wind so the going was easy and the temporary repair to the fuel line appeared to be holding and I was to say to Liz how little fuel we used for the kilometres travelled since the repair. This leads us to believe that the leak has been there for some time and only decided to fracture fully in the last week. The motorhome was handling the traffic and conditions with no problems.
We finally arrived at a point where we could see the Hi rise buildings of the Melbourne City Centre and it appeared to have a smog over them.
We had to now come off the Hume Highway and onto the arterial road that would take us to our final destination. The traffic was heavier and the traffic lights were prolific and most we were to experience the red stop light. We were to see the train going by on the median strip and we finally arrived at our destination at around 9.30am and we were pleased to be out of the traffic until Monday when we head down to board our Ferry to Tasmania.
We set up outside the next door neighbor's house and then Jen arrived and we said our hello's and there were hugs all round. We took a few things inside hopped into Jen's car to do a bit of retail therapy. First we went to the coffee shop where the girls had skinny latte and I had the usual cappuccino plus a meat pie. It was all good though the noise of the patrons was something we were not used to and was to get a bit overbearing at times. When finished the girls went into the clothing shop and bought a few items.
Then up to Aldi to buy a couple of things and then into the Reject Shop and browsed making few purchases. We returned home to unload our purchases and then as it was lunch time we went down the Healthy Burger place for lunch and I have to say they were very nice especially the special chips as a side dish.
Then onto Dan Murphy's in Fairfield and bought a bit of alcohol for when we are here over the weekend.
Back and by this time we were feeling a bit tired so we had a cuppa and just relaxed for the rest of the afternoon awaiting the grand children to come home from school. What we are doing from here on is in the lap of the gods. The weather is a little overcast and 28 degrees celsius at 3pm.
The rest of the day will be family day and tonight who knows what will happen.
Kilometres travelled 108

Standing under water bucket
Riding the Rapids
Jen & Lucas at the pool

Saturday the 31st of October
We awoke to stormy weather this morning and the claps of thunder were very loud. There was lightning about and there were vivid flashes that made us go inside the house to have our breakfast. The boys were playing games and were rowdy at times though boys will be boys and it was not disconcerting.
After breakfast I went out to the motorhome to do the final packing away of goods and other items for when we are on the Spirit of Tasmania Ferry to Tasmania on Monday. We certainly have accumulated many items especially books that we wish to retain.
Lunch time arrived and I elected to just relax and see what the afternoon would bring. The boys had a friend for a stopover last night so we had to buy another item for their trick or treat time tonight. We presented them early for Chilli is heading home and wont be around tonight.
All the family headed off to swimming lessons and then onto a party for the boys while I elected to stay and do the last of the outdoor work on Digger and then rest up in the peace and quiet. On there return by the amount of laughter they must have enjoyed the time in the pool and all other apparatus.

Our Spirit of Tasmania Ferry is 30,000 Tonnes and look how it is overwhelmed by the 3 Overseas Cruise Ships at Port Melbourne. This was in this mornings paper

They weren't at home long and it was time to go off to a different friends birthday party. I decided to go with them and I don't think that was good idea for there were 11 children and six adults. Needless to say there was a lot of noise and I wished I had of stayed at home. Though the children's party was good and they had hamburgers among other eats that kept them quiet for a time and then when the sugary drinks cut in there was bedlam though I have to say they well behaved given the circumstances. We came home around 7.30pm and straight away the boys changed into Halloween costumes and with the woman they went out trick or treating. You can hear the excited noises from the many children and parents that are out trick or treating. I am a bit tired tonight so I wont take any rocking when I go off to bed. It has been a mixed day though very good for the grandsons and parents.

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