Beautiful water Lily's
Water Lily's galore with the birdlife enjoying it all this morning

Tuesday the 1st of July
A restful night with a few crackers going off in the distance. Today is Territory Day and part of the celebrations is the traditional fire works night. This day is the only day that fireworks are allowed to be sold to the general public and must all be let off today.
I was impressed with the wildlife and Lily's on the lagoons at Durack so much so that I decided to arise early and watch the Lily's open with the sun. Unfortunately the camera cannot capture the opening of the Lily's in the same way as the naked eye. The several species of ducks were on the water and they are certainly used to people for they do not move until you are nearly upon us. There was one only cormorant and it was skinny as so the lagoons are not supplying it with much food.
Back to the motorhome for breakfast and then Liz shouted to bring to my attention that there was a machine on the ponds cutting the Lily's and growth appearing above the water line.
By the time I grabbed the camera it was gone thought two hours later as we were leaving for Nightcliff we spotted the machine and it was really munching up the Lily's etc. It had paddle wheels and a cutting device under the water cutting the shoots. With the breeze the cuttings were piling up at the end of the pond. So there goes the pretty Lily flowers.

Lily Muncher
Pier at Nightcliff
Rugged shoreline Nightcliff

We set the GPS to take us to Nightcliff and so out onto the main highway and 18 kilometres later we arrived. The first thing we did was to drive to the water and noted the amount of Mangroves along the shore, though when we arrived at the car park they had diminished somewhat.
The jetty as we knew it was still there though rusting a little. When you walk out to the end it allows you excellent views of the harbour and the ships that are currently anchored out in the shipping lanes. The cliffs and underwater rocks are a treat and the coastal views are enormous. Especially with the sun shining and the cloudless blue sky's. At 12.30 pm it was a pleasant 30 degrees and even more so when we sought out the shade, tables and seats. We were to spend a pleasant hour just watching the young fishermen at the end of the jetty they seemed to catching sizeable Garfish and small silver fish.
We decided to go back to the Casuarina Shopping Complex and the food hall for our lunch. When we arrived the place was as busy as and in all there had to be over thirty food stalls in the food hall with food from many nations of the world. We opted for Vietnamese and Liz had the chicken and liver soup and I had the pork strip soup.
When they arrived I dosed mine up with chilli sauce and added a few hot peppers. We had duck dumplings first and then the soup even given the temperature was very warm. Mine was burning my lips though they had added a bowl of bamboo shoots and these took away the heat as required. In all we both enjoyed our meal and then we went into the Dollar and Cents cheapo shop and was surprised that we did not make a purchase.
It was not humid and though hot we were not sweating if this was to occur at home we would be sweating profusely, here it seems to be a hot dry heat and though very warm we were not sweating at all.
We were to drive around more of the coastline and noticed the large magnolia's with the white flowers and though shedding their flowers and leaves they still looked a treat.
We arrived back at the motorhome and it was 31 degrees inside so we took our chairs and sat in the shade and with the cooling breeze it was excellent. We have decided to have only a cappacino for happy hour this evening and try and ease up on the grog a little. We had our meal under the verandah overlooking the ponds.

Fireworks Northern Territory style

Around 6 pm all hell broke loose you would have thought it was a war in progress with all the sky rockets and loud and I mean loud bangs emanating from the many fireworks going off in the area. There was so much smoke it turned a cool bright night into a smoky sky. I was unable to capture all the fire rockets they were loud and very colourful. There were no dogs barking no doubt the owners had locked them up. It has been going for hours and does not look like abating for some time and the air reeks of burnt gun powder. These Territorians know how to celebrate Northern Territory day. Not only is there fireworks going off locally the sky is also lit up with the professional fireworks display being held in several public parks. Today we were staggered with the cost of fireworks with the dearest entitled World War Three selling for $500 down to a packet of sparklers for $2. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a million dollars going up in smoke this evening and no doubt we will be going to bed with loud explosions still taking place.

Destroyer of underwater plants and lily's with rake on the front

Wednesday the 2nd of July
The stench of gun powder was still evident this morning, in fact due to no wind the sky looked as if a fog had descended. The fireworks continued until 11 pm last night which was the ceasing time. It was strange around 10.30 pm the crescendo of bangs and explosions increased and then spot on 11 pm it all ceased. I have discovered you are only allowed to let fireworks off from 5 pm until 11 pm, failure to comply incurs a $900 fine.
When I walked along the path alongside the ponds the concrete was covered in exploded fireworks I suppose the council will come along and clean up. The machine which cuts the growth in the ponds was being unloaded and I had a chat with the operator who informed me that the machine is from Sweden and though four year old they have had no problems with the machine. He informed me that he would be connecting the rake this morning and picking up the material cut and stack it on the bank and another contractor comes along with a bobcat and takes it away. Later in the day I was to see Lily's etc stacked and the pond was clean though the ducks had not returned and there were no longer the beautiful Lily flowers.
Out came the ladder and climbed up and cleaned down the solar panels which were absolutely putrid. Then out with the hose and washed the motorhome and Digger plus Lisa's car. It was getting warm for there was a lack of wind.
I hopped into Digger and drove over to Yarrawonga and checked out the window repair service workshop to see if they could repair the star that is on the motorhome windowscreen, they indicated they could if it wasn't over an inch in circumference or had not gone through to the second pane.
I drove back and drove the motorhome over and was pissed off when they said they could not guarantee that a repair would be successful what was needed was a new windowscreen. Oh Well, at the moment there have not been any runs in the windowscreen and hopefully there will not be. I will look at repairs or replacement when we get home in September.
Back home for lunch for I have no intention to travel anywhere today as we are going into Darwin central tomorrow in Digger. Liz went out with Lisa and they went to the op shop among many other shops and did not arrive home until mid afternoon.
I am currently sitting in the motorhome in undies and singlet with a slight breeze entering. No doubt we will have a good happy hour as we cook a couple of chickens for our evening meal along with baked veggies.
Well that's it for the day as we will just relax and take in the cool of the evening under the veranda.

Fisherman's wharf Darwin
Stokes Hill Wharf Darwin
HMAS Tobruk Darwin Wharf
Commemoration Bombing Darwin
Inner Harbour where is my rod
Man made waves Stoke Hill

Thursday the 3rd of July
Our last day to do all the touristy things before we start our packing tomorrow. By the time we had breakfast and showered it was nearly 12 noon before we headed off toward the Darwin CBD. We turned onto the Tiger Brennan Drive and in no time at all we were going past the Fisherman's wharf where there were plenty of fishing boats moored. We turned off and headed down to Stoke Hill Wharf where we were to have our lunch.
There were plenty of people there and the food available was immense including many differing cuisines. Being good old Aussie's we settled for fish and chips and they were nice and very fresh, it was worth the wait. The day was very hot and even with the breeze coming off the harbour unless you were in the shade it very hot and humid. I figure we are leaving this area just before the humidity commences along with the wet season.
There were a few cruises out on the harbour and the HMAS Tobruk was moored on another section of the wharf along with Tugs etc. We finished of our lunch with an ice cream and noted the commemorative plaque for the bombing of Darwin. There were many waterside workers killed and many ships sunk in the harbour. The locals gather each February 19th for a service to remember those who lost their life's.
We headed over to the man made inner harbour where there is a large area for swimming and a section they have set up a wave machine. This is very popular with many riding the waves we couldn't believe that people were not getting hurt in the congestion of people. I was surprised to see many big fish like bream swimming about in the calmer section and if I had my rod with me I probably would have caught a few. Whilst here I copped a $40 infringement notice for parking when the meter ran out.

Smith Street Mall Darwin
Lemon Squash, Schooner of beer
5.1 metre crocodile "Sweetheart"
Aboriginal Art Museum
First Vietnamese refugee boat
Pearl Lugger and pearl shell art

We then drove into the mall area and parked making sure the correct amount went into the meter and noted the time we had to return. We had a pleasant stroll along the mall and it was hot and humid and when we spotted a hotel we went straight in and I had a schooner of beer with Liz having a lemon squash. It was nice with the coolness of the place with the air conditioner operating. We only had the one and then walked up to Woollies to get bread for breakfast and then into Digger and headed out to have a look see at the Museum and of course to enjoy the air conditioning.
It is an excellent museum with a special section where they animated old dinosaurs etc and we noted that bus loads of kids had arrived to see the show. As soon as we went into the building it was nice and cool and we spent nearly two hours looking at the displays they had. We noted the 5.1 metre Crocodile that had been caught after it tried to destroy a few aluminum dinghy's and on one occasions capsized a 15 foot dinghy and luckily the men were able to make it shore without being devoured by the crocodile they named "Sweetheart" even though it was male.
They finally caught it though it died in its capture so it was turned over to the taxidermist thus the appearance in the museum. We were to see countless displays including many facets of aboriginal art plus the authentic refugee boat used by the vietnamese back in 1974. I went into the Cyclone Tracy exhibit and into the dark room to get a feeling of what it was like that night that the cyclone tore Darwin apart. It was very eerie and the noise absolutely terrible. They were closing up the museum when we left to go to the Mindle Markets

Mindle Market
Didgeridoo and drummer Shows
The Drum Bear Show

We arrived and were lucky to find a parking space for there were many people there already. We then went walkabout among the many stalls including those who were selling food. The prices of goods on the stalls we thought were a bit dear though they appeared to be of good quality. On the food side it appears that every nationality of the world is represented here with the food on offer. We stayed with what we know and had chinese and sat down in the shade to eat, we were even paying for water it was that hot. Around 5.30 pm the act with the didgeridoo or should I say three didgeridoo's along with his accompaniment of a drummer who had countless drums and cymbals commenced. They attracted a large crowd and indicated that they had been playing at this Mindle Market now for 17 years. Whilst they were playing a few aboriginals hopped up and were dancing away. A couple of them seemed drunk and the security removed them after awhile.
We went for a stroll and I couldn't believe that we did not come across anyone we knew which in previous years we had. We stopped and watched the Bear Drum concert which had plenty of young kids spellbound and we stopped and enjoyed the show it was really great and no doubt the two bears are puppets. At the end of their show they certainly received a fair bit of cash for their trouble. There were many busker's doing a good trade and their were others setting up for when the darkness arrived such as the man that works with fire. There was a fair bit of smoke around through burn offs and the sky was very smoky which would mean that the sunset tonight at Mindle Beach would not be natural. It was so muggy especially with the crowd building that we decided to call it a day at 6.20 pm and headed back to camp.
When we arrived I had a few cold beers and Liz a couple of Ciders and watched the Marngrook footy show before going off to bed with only a sheet covering us. It has been a busy busy day and well worth it and in all I took 65 photos and these only represent a few.

Colourful Finches near pond
Lovely Lily's in smaller pond
Turtle coming up for air

Friday the 4th of July
Last night there were more fireworks going off which upset Ned the family staffy to no end, along with that it was a humid night. It was 24 degrees at 9 am this morning when I decided to go for a last walk around the small ponds in Durack.
It was good to see the ducks had returned and there must be fish for there was a cormorant once again drying out on the monument. I came across small colourful Finches both on the ground and on a fence and it was hard to get a photo they were so skittish. Around the golf course onto the bridge and when taking a photo of the beautiful pink Lily's I noted movement in the water. I remained still and it wasn't long before a Turtle came to the surface for air and under the water I was fortunate enough to see ten more Turtle's of various sizes. I must have watched them for over 15 minutes and when I moved they darted to the bottom of the pond. It was interesting that they would only come to the surface one at a time for air.
Back for breakfast and Liz was stripping the bed and washing what ever was available. It only takes a bit over an hour to dry due to the hot weather and slight breeze.
We are the furthest north that we intend to go and since we left home we have travelled just over 5 thousand kilometres in the motorhome and over a thousand in Digger. So tomorrow the long trip south begins via Queensland, NSW and Victoria.
We had to go out and put petrol in Digger for it is running on empty and whilst there we filled our spare drum with diesel. Digger took on $25 of unleaded petrol which nearly gave it a full tank and the drum of diesel of 20 litre's cost $35 at $1.74.9 per litre. We then went on up to Coles at Palmerstone and it was difficult to find a spot let alone in the shade. Even all the wobbly spots were taken.
We went into Coles first and bought bread, cheese and a few veggies plus a paper and then had a look at all the specialty stores that are in the complex. As it was after 1 pm we opted to have chicken and chips with gravy, we only bought one serve and shared and then a cappacino each and shared a large carrot cake and that was our lunch. We looked around a bit more without buying anything and then back to Digger and drove back to the motorhome.
It was 33 degrees with no breeze as Liz vacuumed the motorhome and I started loading Digger with all gear that had been placed in the front of the motorhome whilst here.
I just could not believe how much gear we were carrying in Digger including gas bottles and full water drums no wonder Digger is sitting on its rear rubbers there is just no travel left in the springs.
It is that hot I am contemplating jumping in the pool which no Northern Territorians would think of because they think it is cold weather something that we do not think.
Happy hour and a few beers and cider are the call of the day. Both Kim and Lisa have gone off to work so we will be sitting in the motorhome tonight watching the football game. Well that's it for the day as we are just sitting in the shade enjoying the slight breeze that has arrived.

Cattle Road Train
Coomalie Creek
Large Termite mound

Saturday the 5th of July
It was humid last night and it had to be the most uncomfortable night in bed yet due to the humid conditions. At 6 am it was a humid and 21 degrees with little breeze. We had our breakfast and cleaned up and it was time to thank Kim & Lisa for their hospitality over the past five days or so. It is never easy saying goodbye so we did so reasonably quickly and they came down to bid us farewell. Backed onto the street and honked the horn and we waved as we moved towards the service station for fuel.
We were to pay $1.70.9 a litre and then we headed for the Stuart Highway. There was no wind to speak of and then onto the highway and as they say in the Movies " South Bound with the hammer down"
The next section of our journey has now begun and strangely there was not much traffic going south in the early part of the morning it picked up around midday. Having a double lane highway to the turn off to Humpty Doo makes life easier. There was still a lot of smoke around and I discarded my T-shirt and opted to drive in trakkies and singlet. At 9 am the temperature had risen to 24 degrees and it was humid. We are just leaving in time we believe to dodge that awful humid conditions that Darwin can produce, even so the locals are still rugged up in jumpers and coats.
We passed the holding pens for the Brahman cattle that is to be exported to Indonesia and there must have been over a thousand in pens and paddocks that we could see. We were to see many more cattle road trains heading for the holding yards. Several Mango farms appeared along the way and the trees were in nicely spread out rows.
Our old mate has appeared and that wind we are now pushing into and the fuel consumption rate has increased. We were to pass the road we turned off into the Douglas Hot Springs and we also did not call back into Pine Creek even though it had the cheapest diesel fuel compared to both Darwin and Katherine. There were many road trains hauling ore from the mines and we assume it is gold for there are many gold mines in this area and we noted one mine was called " Crocodile Gold Mine" an open cut and underground mine as well.
We pulled into Coomalie Creek a nice secluded spot with plenty of rainforest and a cooling creek. We have camped here many time in the past though you can no longer do so for a RV Park is located nearby. It is strange to note it has no toilets though it advertises a dump point, we are not aware of what the charge per night is. We continued on back on the highway and the traffic was now increasing and before we knew we had arrived back at Adelaide River so we pulled in and had a cappacino. The temperature had risen to 28 degrees though not humid and the sky's were blue again for we had left the fires and smoke behind us.
We were to pass many burnt our spots and the Termite Mounds were large and stood out by their sheer size, nestled in amongst trees etc they look a treat though we did not bother to stop and investigate their colony's.
We were to drive through a few more small towns which contained road houses and the amount of caravans, motorhome's and camper trailers travelling north towards Darwin is enormous. There was one group of 11 camper trailers coming towards us we thought they would never end.
Even though we could we are not going to go into Katherine today so we pulled into the bush camp we had stopped in on the way up and had our lunch. The temperature is now 31 degrees with a pleasant breeze. When I went outside to set up the satellite dish I was like a magnet for small flies who would not go away, luckily I found the satellite quickly and was able to go inside away from them. Our time in Darwin was without fly's though I suppose we will have to get used to them again.
We will relax this afternoon and watch the football tonight via satellite and then off to bed without humid conditions hopefully.
Kilometres travelled 260

Daybreak at our camp

Traffic Lights in the outback

Sunday the 6th of July
We were to enjoy the Port Adelaide V Essendon game last night it was the best we have seen for awhile with Essendon scraping home by two points. This has been a good bush camp though we did not have a fire last night due to a few fly's hanging about. We did not hear the yelping of the Dingo's that we had experienced when here over a week ago.
It was an unusual daybreak this morning with clouds lit up by the rising sun. It had been a warm night and at 7.30 am it was 22 degrees while we had our breakfast, cleaned up and and was underway for Katherine some 65 kilometres away.
There was little traffic about mostly road trains with freight or Cattle heading towards Darwin though when nearing Katherine the amount of caravans, motorhome's and camper trailers increased dramatically. Right in the middle of nowhere we had to stop at traffic lights near roadwork's that were in progress. We waited over 15 minutes for our turn to move on one lane only.
We were to pass several mango farms advertising their fruit for sale though we did not stop and before we knew it we were in Katherine and filled with diesel at $1.66.9 a litre at Woolies with a docket and then moved over to the tourist information centre where we parked up. We unhitched Digger packed a few things and then went walkabout or should I say drive about.

Katherine Hot Springs
Liz in hot springs
Lower Crossing Katherine

It was a little after 9 am and we drove out to the Katherine Hot Springs with the temperature at 25 degrees and into the water. Though warm it was very refreshing and we stayed in and enjoyed the water for around one and half hours before getting out a little crinkled in the skin. We used the toilets to change into dry clothes and headed out to experience the lower crossing where the Katherine River flows. It is a delightful area where they warn you of the possibility of Crocodiles mainly fresh water croc's with the occasional salt water croc the most dangerous of the two.
We spent an hour there just relaxing in the shade and enjoying the cooling breeze off the water, there were a lot of people visiting this area though few ventured into the water. Back into Digger and then we took the long way back and passed mango and banana farms plus many tropical flowers and shrubs not to mention the palm trees. We arrived back at the tourist centre and then hooked Digger up and went over to to the shopping centre.
We only purchased apples, two pies and a large rock melon. We sat down and had a cappacino in small cafe for this will be last we will come across until we arrive at Mt Isa in Queensland next week sometime.
Then we were on the road to our next camp overnight at King River Rest Area. It was only 46 kilometres from Katherine so it did not take long to arrive. Unfortuneately we were pushing a head wind and the lucky caravans etc coming our way had a nice tail wind. Our next travels will be over 600 kilometres to reach Three Ways which is the turn off you take from the Stuart Highway to travel into Queensland. We are in no hurry so it will take around three days at a leisurely pace to reach the turn off with a refuel at high prices along the way.
We settled in and had a late lunch and out with the awning and hung out the wet washing plus Liz did a bit of hand washing. It will not take long to dry in this heat and the breeze. The temperature at 4 pm was 27 degrees and with some luck tonight it may cool off a bit. A few of the happy campers coming in are parking like being in a caravan park which is to their detriment. Well, off to happy hour with a couple of ex Port Sorell couples who are good company and tonight for our meal we are having chinese steamed dim sims and risotto a strange mix however I bet it will good. I have set the table up outside for the gas stove to cook on to keep the heat out of the motorhome. Another good day.
Kilometres travelled 109

Entrance to Hot Springs
Outflow from swimming area
Origin of Mataranka Hot Springs

Monday the 7th of July
Blue sky's greeted us this morning with little wind and it would stay that way all day with the temperature high of 26 degrees, you could say it is getting cooler as we head south.
After breakfast we said our farewells to those we met last night and we were on the road. The going was easy with most of the traffic coming towards us and again caravans and motorhome etc. There was only one wide load of 4.5 metres that we had to get off the road for otherwise it was just the usual 53.5 metre long road trains. Our first stop was at Mataranka to buy the newspaper unfortuneately it does not arrive until later in the afternoon. We posted off some birthday cards and then moved on to the Mataranka Hot Springs arriving at 10 am. Into the shorts for me and Liz into her swimming costume and we took the long walk from the car park to the springs.
The entrance is a treat with all the different types of palm trees and they have a metal walkway which makes the going easier. When we arrived at the pool there plenty of people including children who were frolicking in the warm crystal clear hot? springs. Again we remained in for over an hour the water was great and we were to talk to many people on their travels to date.
All good things must come to an end and we went back to the motorhome and changed and drove the 7 kilometres back to the Stuart Highway to resume our travels south. Traffic was increasing and we noted the lone biker pedaling along with a small trailer attached to the bike. We blew the horn in encouragement which he acknowledged.

Liz enjoying Hot Springs
Pink Panther Larrimah Pub
3.5 metre salty croc at Larrimah

We decide to pull into Larrimah for lunch and have a look at the Pink Panther Hotel. On arrival we had a look at the wildlife that they have around the sides of the pink hotel in a sort of museum. There were many birds including a magpie who crowed like a rooster if we had not been there when the bird crowed then we not have believed it. The hotel staff were complaining that the magpie starts crowing around 4 am each morning which then starts the rooster off. Though we are not going to stick around to see this happen.
They have a caged salt water crocodile in a pool at the back and though it wasn't moving when I kicked the tin it just opened its eye a bit. It is supposed to be 4.5 metres in length and though not stretched out you could see it was a big boy. The crocodile was just sunning itself beside the pool they have for it, his pool has a bit of algae on its surface and will stay there for no one is game to go in and try to clean it.
We then went into the pub itself which is rough as and noted all the memorabilia spread around and If we did not know better we would have said that the publican was mimicking the Daly Waters pub. As usual the staff are back packers from overseas. I had a XXXX gold stubby at $7.80 and Liz a small glass of wine at 4.50 in fact I had another stubby while Liz was finishing her drink. We had a pleasant thirty minutes or so speaking with backpackers and the publican about the area. They have a huge overnight crowd of holiday makers and they cater for them with hot roasts etc.
We said our farewells and headed of to our next camp site at the turn off to Daly Waters. We noted that people had been dressing up the termite mounds with t-shirts and hats etc and they looked quite novel. The wind had dropped off altogether and it was easy driving for the road in this stage is flat and not as rough as in other sections of the highway. We arrived around 3.30 pm and set up and out came the satellite dish and in no time at all the satellite was found so we will watch a bit of television tonight. At the moment we are the only one in this area though I suspect a bit before and on dark they will come and set up.
Kilometres travelled 244

Our campsite this morning
Stuart Highway and blue sky's
Brahman cattle beside waterhole

Tuesday the 8th of July
It was very cool during the early hours of the morning we may have to change over to the winter doona or add a blanket soon. We will need to wait until we see what tonight brings. As we are dropping down the days are cooler and the nights colder which is the custom in the outback.
From our campsite we could see many happy campers coming from the Daly Waters Hotel and no doubt they are much poorer in the pocket. We still hold the belief that to be packed in like sardines in a can and then pay the charges they ask is a bit much. We had a whiz bang come in late last night and we only heard the door go a few times. We had our breakfast the usual clean up and then we were on our way after saying our goodbyes to those who camped with us last night.
Most of the road trains had gone through before we went on the Stuart Highway still heading south. Five kilometres down the road we pulled into the Hi Way Roadhouse to top up our fuel at $1.82.9 we only took on 47 litre's. I couldn't believe the cost of unleaded was $1.89.9 cents a litre its usually diesel that is dearer. I tried to use the phone to ring Dad and Eddie to no avail for they would only take phone cards.
Back on the highway and the going was easy with no wind and just a little hilly country. We were to see plenty of road kill of kangaroo's and were most disappointed when we came across two of those magnificent Wedge tailed Eagles dead on the road. They no doubt they were feeding on dead kangaroo and could not take off quick enough to avoid what ever vehicle killed them.
We had one road train come up behind us and we were able to pull in off the road a bit and allowed him to go past us. He thanked us over the UHF for our courtesy as he called it, we try not to hold up trucks of any description for they are out making there living and time is money to them.
We came into Demurrah and noted the large wind mills and the water pond fed by the great australian bore that we had inspected in previous years and by the look of it there was plenty of birdlife and a few Brahmin cattle around it. When we came across the large billabong further up the road there had to be over a hundred Brahmin Cattle by its edges, obviously no threat of crocodiles here.
We were enjoying the clear blue sky's and noted the many whistling Kites floating on the wind currents and a few down at road level cleaning up the nights road kill.
I wasn't long before we arrived at Newcastle Waters where we are going to stay tonight before moving on.
After setting up I pulled out the satellite dish and couldn't believe it when hooking up the satellite finder and it activated straight away and only needed bit of tweaking, its been a long time since pot luck on the initial set up, now that we are moving further south we are getting a better signal and quality picture.
Out with the chairs and Liz made a cappuccino and we had this with a bit of fruit cake while watching the happy campers come in for a break before heading off. We expect by four pm this area will be crowded before the late comers arrive at dark.
It is only noon so after lunch Liz wants to do a bit of hand washing and then we will both relax in the shade and watch the traffic whilst reading our books, for we haven't travelled far today. Watch a bit of television tonight along with the Tassie News and off to bed after a relaxing cool day. The temperature at 12.30 is 27 degrees.
Kilometres travelled 130

Newcastle Waters happy campers
Overtaking road train 53.5 metres
Beautiful country to the west

Wednesday the 9th of July
We had a wonderful happy hour last night with two Italian backpackers, a travelling family, and Gary and Kathy from Tassie. The family are self schooling their children for the next three months whilst they show them the country. The Italian couple are here for one year and as could be expected they had a bit of trouble keeping up with with our aussie slang.
It was very cool last night and this morning though we had that wonderful blue sky and the sun to greet us. We had our breakfast and then gathered under the rotunda to show maps and travels to date plus give some advice what to look for on the road ahead.
Pulled down the satellite gear and then said our farewells and then we were on our way to Attack Creek. The going was easy for there was no wind at all for the first 150 kilometres and then it came head on which pulled us up a little. The scenery on both sides of the highway was great with rolling plains to small mountains with many jump ups along the way.

Stuart Highway mountains ahead
Renner Springs
Jump up near Renner springs

There were plenty of caravans travelling north and one group comprised 8 in a row with very little room between them. Heaven help them if a road train comes upon them. We had one road train pass us and we were sitting on 90 kph and he must have been doing at least 100 kph when he went around us. There was plenty of road kill which the whistling kites were cleaning up along with a few crows. We were surprised when we came across a snake crossing the road and unfortunately we run over it though we did not know if we killed it or not and we were not going to stop and check.
We noted a camper trailer all busted up on the side of the highway which looks as if they have just walked away from it no doubt taking the number plates and then a another caravan that was well up the bush and we take it that it must have come off its coupling and again there was no effort to get it back on the road and being a older model they will probably not worry about it.
We now had a heavy head wind and it slowed us a bit and increased the fuel consumption. We were to drive past Renner Springs which is just a roadhouse for fuel etc. There were plenty of jump ups and they all looked great with the ochre and green colouring. Next we were to pass Banka Banka station and there were a few caravans already set up, they attract a fair bit of business during the dry season. We are not travelling far today so it did not take all that long to arrive at Attack Creek and whilst Liz was getting lunch ready I put up the satellite dish to watch the State of Origin Rugby tonight. I couldn't believe it, took a rough guess where the satellite was and put the machine on to check it and it was spot on again just needed a bit of a tweak to gain maximum picture quality.
The rest of the afternoon we will relax and probably have a poppy nap and read our books at the moment it is 28 degrees. We are also back in that dreaded fly country and they are so small they are a real menace.
Kilometres travelled 210

Termite mounds near our campsite
Crows fighting over road kill
Beautiful scenery along Stuart Highway

Thursday the 10th of July
The wind was howling at around 6.30 am when we awoke and we did not need to be told that we would be punching into another headwind today. We did the usual's and packed the satellite dish away and then had breakfast, cleaned up and we were on our way. We were to feel sorry for the bloke on the bicycle who also punching into the head wind and of course it was all uphill for around the next 10 kilometres. The road kill the last couple of days has been prolific usually all kangaroos and we came across a road kill where the crows would fly in and take what they could and then the whistling kite hawks would then come in for their share of the spoils. They were oblivious to the traffic and would only either walk to the side of the highway or fly away a short distance and then back. The going was a bit a hard with this head wind and you could see the consumption was reasonably heavy.
Of course the countryside made up for this with the beautiful ochre's and greens and the dried out grass and termite hills. The traffic was heavy with many oversize semi trailers with mining equipment going north. There were plenty of caravans etc heading north also and of course they had the wind at their back which would make it easier for them.
It wasn't long before we arrived at 3 ways and it was time to refuel. We were not able to get fuel until we gave them my drivers licence, then they turned on the bowser to allow me to get fuel. We were to pay $1.89.9 per litre bearing in mind had we driven into Tennant Creek it was 10 cents a litre cheaper though you still had to drive back the 19 kilometres to the 3 ways to head towards Queensland.
When we first pulled into the roadhouse I wondered why it took so long for the bloke in front to move off after filling. Then I understood when I went into pay for the fuel, they were more interested in selling food than the payment for fuel and given that they had my and many others drivers licence's we did not have much option other than to wait. We were in need of water and there were no taps around the fuel area I had to go into the caravan park to refill our water bottles. I also used the public phone while I was there to ring my dear old Dad and see how he was going and to give a rough estimate as to when we will arrive on the Gold Coast. Then to Jen to check on Eddie and found that he has been moved from Melbourne back to Horsham.
I rang Eddie and found that he was in the hospital at Horsham and that he had not improved and the stroke had taken away the use of his right hand side of his body, he was still being treated for blood clots.
Back on the road and we took a right hand turn and headed for the Queensland border which we may make tomorrow or Saturday, a lot will depend on the wind and how much fuel we have left to reach Camooweal. The wind had grown stronger and the motorhome was taking a battering either from front on or side on. The fuel consumption was really heavy so much so we decided it was in our best interests to park up early today and see what tomorrow brings. The highway was good and the vegetation had changed to stunted small bush's and mulga trees and dusty land though even this was good looking scenery due to the wonderful blue sky.
As we have been this way before I was able to pull from the GPS where we had pulled up those many years ago. We headed for gravel dump two that was in the GPS and we were pleased to finally arrive and pull off the road. It was lunch time so we had a bite to eat and then set up the satellite dish to watch the Marngrook Football Show this evening and once again I found the satellite signal quickly. We were sitting reading our book inside for the fly's were a proverbial pain when Liz noticed a pall of black smoke from the direction we came from. It was to get larger and we thought it may have been a vehicle fire of some description. We were not to concerned given that the wind was blowing in that direction. We had a four wheel drive come and tell of the fire and the possible danger to us, for we were grateful and then he drove out again towards Mount Isa. We were to watch it and we were not concerned for even though the smoke pall increased it was not coming towards us. We were to keep an eye on it and dark there was no glow so it must have been bought under control.
The rest of the afternoon was spent reading and just relaxing and the temperature at 3pm was only 24 degrees.
Kilometres travelled 145

Friday the 11th of July
A really cool night, so much so that a blanket or a change of doona may take place today. Once again today we have those beautiful clear blue sky's we probably won't know what to do when we strike clouds or rain. That dreaded head on wind is still with us and at the end of the day we will just make Camooweal and not Mount Isa. A loss of nearly two hundred kilometres on the full tank due to wind.
We are now climbing onto the Barkley tablelands and the scenery has changed dramatically over the last two days. We now see more brown box gum trees along with the nice ghost gums and of course we have the mulga and spear grass. It is the spear grass that bends so easily with the wind that indicates its direction and it shows it is head on, we had a bit of a chuckle when we saw the red signs indicating a caution that the strong cross winds could cause an accident. We have noted the lack of wildlife and even road kill on this highway. There were no crows or whistling kite hawks at all. Let alone a kangaroo or even an Emu none to be seen. We came across the first of many rest areas along this highway and there were a few happy campers there. We struck at least nine road trains carting over width Dongers or mining machinery and the amount of caravans etc coming at us was huge they seemed to come in waves. We came across red signs indication that strong head winds increase fuel consumption, that we can attest to. The caravans that were passing us were travelling very fast considering that we getting along at 85 to 90 kilometres an hour. I stated to Liz we will see them pulled up at Barkley Homestead roadhouse refueling and sure enough that's where saw them again. Twenty minutes later they were speeding past us once more.
We do intend to travel far today for we will cross the border into Queensland tomorrow morning sometime for it is still some 260 kilometres away. We dropped into a rest area that we had stayed some time ago and took the liberty of dumping our garbage of into the rubbish drums. The rest area as we remember it was very popular for there was a working windmill bringing water from the Great Artesian Bore into to a large pond. You could even drop your yabby pots in and get a few yabby's. Now the pond is dry and grass has grown around the perimeter where you once camped and the hundreds of small finches no longer come in for drink. We recall the finches would dart in quick to get water and the kite hawks would still gather one out of the air and fly off. There were a few finches on the fence though I do not know where they get their water from now unless happy campers are leaving a containers of water for them. We dumped the rubbish off and then back on the road to our next gravel dump that we stayed in some years ago which was only 20 kilometres on.
We arrived at around mid day and set up and noted the lousy little fly's that would keep us from going outside to soak up the sunshine. The temperature was only 21 degrees and by days end would rise only to 24 degrees.
Out with the satellite dish and set up for the Adelaide V Hawthorn football game tonight. We watched the news on ABC for awhile and turned off to allow the batteries to achieve full charge. Reading our books and having a snooze is all we will do. We will have a quiet happy hour and an easy meal tonight and hopefully we will have a good trip into Queensland tomorrow.
Kilometres travelled 160

Full Moon at Dusk last night
Colourful Jumpup
Droughtmaster Cattle
The wind at their tail
Welcome to Queensland
Welcome to Camooweal

Saturday the 12th of July
Full moon and with the colourful dusk it looked a treat. This morning after putting the satellite dish away I decided to put the spare 20 litre's of diesel in the main tank of the Motorhome. This was a wise move for we would not have made it to Camooweal let alone Mount Isa. As it was with the head wind the computer indicated that we would need to take a splash at Camooweal to get to Mount Isa.
We were rugged this morning for the temperature was only 16 degrees though we had a beautiful clear blue sky and sunny with that damn head wind. We appeared to be climbing and we came across many colourful jumpup's and then we came across flat plains of dry grass as far as you could see and then the droughtmaster cattle started to appear and what they are eating heaven knows.
We came across the Brahman cattle now and again though not in great numbers. We were a bit surprised to have two bicycles coming towards us though something in their favour is they had the wind at their rear.
Before we knew it we had arrived at the border with Queensland and noted the welcome sign though it is somewhat disfigured with graffiti. The grassy plains persisted and there were few small stunted gum trees along the way. We arrived at the welcome sign to Camooweal and not long after we turned off the highway and unhooked Digger to drive into our campsite for the next few days on the Georgina River or should I say small puddles of the great river which is one of those that feed into the Eyre Basin in the wet.

Dancing Brolga's
Camp on Georgina River
Brolga's and Pelicans

There are signs now stating 48 hours only camping along the river though as we drove along it was obvious that most had been here much longer than that. We gave up counting the amount of caravans, motorhome's, camper trailers and cars and tents when we reached 57 so there must be over 60 camped along the banks. We drove right in and found where we have stopped in previous years was occupied.
We were able to drive to the end of the camping area and find a spot on the banks of the river near the beautiful Coolibah trees with a little water and total privacy. I suppose that will change when the late comers arrive expecting a good spot this evening.
We set up and had lunch and then unloaded the wood we had on Digger, obtained further back on the highway. Set up the dish and Liz turned on the radio and tuned into the North Melbourne V St Kilda game with the latter getting absolutely smashed, I did not want to hear for I am nearly to the stage of not owning up to being a St Kilda supporter they are a disgrace!!
We decided to go into Camooweal and check out diesel prices and fill a drum of water for the washing machine in the morning. Well the diesel is $1.99.9 a litre and we do not know why they just don't say $2. based on that it will only be a splash on Monday when we are on way again.
We drove around the town and nothing has changed though are a few empty houses. We thought we would get bigger pieces of wood and so we drove along the highway to no avail. We then spotted Mitre 11 so we drove into check it out and there were no goodies though we noticed large dead trees on the ground so we cut a few up and then put them up on Diggers roof racks, poor Digger. They were cut in lengths so when arriving back in camp out with the chainsaw again to cut them into manageable lengths.
Then I took two yabby pots out and baited them to see what is about. We recall the last time we were here we were catching them by the hundred over six pots. I baited and threw the first one in and it has one end showing that is how low the water is. The second pot was just under water, we will see what they produce around 5.30 pm and if anything then in with the other four pots. That dreaded wind is still with us and maybe the water will be to cold for the yabbies/red claws to move.
We were to see two dancing Brolga's feeding along the waters edge and later we saw them and two Pelicans come close together feeding on what we do not know hopefully not our yabby's.
We are currently sitting under the Coolibah Trees and it is nearly happy hour we will have that outside while we light the fire and cook our meal. If it does not get an colder when the sun goes down we sit by the fire until the football for tonight commences. Another good day with the exception of the wind. The outside temperature at 4pm is 23 degrees.
Kilometres travelled 209

Moon rising last night
Purple Lily's on Georgina River
Brolga's feeding

Sunday the 13th of July
Wonderful moon rising last night casting its light on the Georgina whilst we enjoyed the fire as the wind had dropped. We had our breakfast this morning and spent the next hour contemplating our next travels. We thought it would be good to go to the Yowah Opal Festival and meet up with old friends we have made at the festival in past years. The only problem is that it is on next weekend and we are about one thousand kilometres away. It would be true to say that in the past month we seem to have been travelling the white line, so to speak. We will wait until tomorrow after leaving Mount Isa as what we will do.
Today is washing day so out with the generator and then the washing machine and Liz was to do the necessary washing that has accumulated over the past few days. Up went the cloths line and it should dry quickly for the wind has risen and it is cold as it is out of the south/east, not a good day for travel . This morning we were to admire the purple lily's and also the white lily's in the immediate area to the camp. Again the Brolga's were feeding close to shore and it was unusual to see one brolga on its own on the opposite bank feeding on its own.

White Lily's and bush setting
Steaming Vegetables on fire
Brolga feeding this morning

After the washing we were to have our showers and then pack the washing machine and generator etc away and then topped the main water tank with the remaining drum water. We headed off to Camooweal to top up our water drums for we do not want to take on water at Mount Isa due to the high lead level's in their water. We also filled the spare diesel drum and on our return to camp put it in the motorhome diesel tank and that should now be enough to get us to Mount Isa and cheaper diesel.
There are still over 60 happy campers along the banks of the Georgina River or what is left of it. It is mainly small billabong's with beautiful Coolibah Trees along its banks.
When I pulled the yabby pots this morning all I had was one very small fish and no yabby's the pots are out drying at the moment and I will pack them away when dry.
We have kept the fire going all day and will cook our meal again this evening on it. Hopefully the wind will drop off later in the day and then we will have a large fire for we will be leaving early in the morning. Reading our E-Books in the sunshine out of the wind is the way we relaxed this afternoon before our evening meal and happy hour was a cappacino only.

Our fire last night and a beautiful sunset
Mount Isa Mines in Operation

Monday the 14th of July
We had a wonderful fire for our last night on the Georgina at Camooweal and the sunset was superb given the amount cloud that had developed during the day. We made a conscience decision last night that we be on the road early and travel most of the day if we were to make the Opal Festival at Yowah. This morning whilst I made sure that everything was ok to travel Liz made a cup of tea each in our travel cups and made toast with vegemite and cheese wrapped in alfoil for our breakfast whilst driving.
There were plenty of clouds that formed during the night and there was little sun this morning. We headed off and Liz drove Digger to minimize the amount of dust that it would get covered in. Near the road I pulled up and hooked up Digger and we were on our way at 7.30 am. We stopped at the dump point near the council yard and then once that was complete and hands washed we were on our way towards Mount Isa. The damn wind had swung around and it was still coming at us from the front.
We were to eat our toast and drink our tea on the way and it was satisfactory, as we approached the mountainous terrain we were sheltered from the wind. There was not a lot of traffic on the road so we arrived at the rest area 50 kilometres before Mount Isa and stopped for a pit stop.
Back on the road and we were twenty one kilometres out of Mount Isa and you could see the mine stacks working at the mine as we wound our way through the mountains which were very nice indeed though devoid of grass etc.
The first thing we completed was to refuel the motorhome at $1.54.9 cents a litre the cheapest for awhile. You could see the mine working and the trucks that carted the ore from well out of Mount Isa from other mines. The most difficult part was to park up with out having to take Digger off the Motorhome. We found a spot out near the mine museum and near the old Mine winder that was the main winch that was used many years ago to bring the ore up from underground.

An old mine winder at Museum
Wedge Tailed Eagle sitting on dead limb and another taking off from road kill

We wandered back to the K-Mart shopping centre and first visited the Chemist for prescriptions to be filled and then into the K-Mart to buy batteries etc and we spent over an hour here just looking at all the goods and we made no further purchases.
Then onto Coles to stock up the cupboards and we spent nearly a hundred dollars on meat and groceries. Back to the Chemist and picked up our prescriptions and then headed back to the motorhome and before we were underway again we stacked all the food in cupboards and meat in the fridge. As we have been to Mount Isa so many times before there was not a need to stop and look around. We noted that Crazy Clarke's has been put into receivership and we believe it is the same person that once had Chicken Feed and on the radio they stated they are closing in four other centre's throughout the western part of Queensland.
Back on the road and the clouds had not bought rain which was good we had less than ten spots on the windowscreen and then it was gone. We had to climb up out of Mount Isa through mountains on the way to Cloncurry. We were striking a fair few road trains hauling ore from outer mines back to be refined and shipped out and there were plenty of caravans and motorhome etc appearing in both directions. Before we knew it we had arrived at Cloncurry another town that we have visited on many occasions in the past. First stop was to fill the diesel tank and the fuel here was $1.75.9 cents a litre we could not believe the jump in price over such a short distance. Into Celebrations and bought a block of Carlton Cold for a change and it was $3 cheaper than XXXX gold.
Back on the road and we have noticed 19 Wedge Tailed Eagles in total along the way feeding on road kill and two others that had been run over whilst feeding. They are a beautiful bird in flight and especially when they flap their wings to lift of the ground. We were to note a huge amount of road kill which wasall kangaroo. We are now heading towards Winton and we will stop at a rest area some 90 kilometres short of that town. The going was easy with the mountains giving away to flat grassy plains though I have to say the grass that is there is very dry and in some places there are only the roots of the grass remaining. They must have problems feeding their cattle for even in the long paddock there is no feed to speak of. Over the next hundred kilometres there plains as far as the eyes could see and plenty of wind mills bringing up water from the artesian basin for the livestock. We passed through McKinley and the famous pub named after Crocodile Dundee and before arriving in the town there are advertisements indicating that this is Walkabout Creek the name of the area in the Crocodile Dundee movies.
We didn't bother to stop and pushed on and next we came to the Blue Heeler Hotel advertising its wares along the highway and inviting you in for a beer etc. We have been here before so the stop wasn't necessary. Then drove past the Condo Waterhole some 8 kilometres off the highway where it is alleged that Banjo Patterson wrote that famous tune "Waltzing Matilda"
We were now getting very tired after the long drive from Camooweal and finally pulled up at a rest area 90 kilometres short of Winton. We said hello to the happy campers and then came inside to have our evening meal of what ever is available for we are to tired to cook a big meal. I am sure we will have an early night
Kilometres travelled 588

Sunrise this morning

Cattle across from our campsite at Rest Area

Tuesday the 15th July
We were out of bed at around 6.45 am this morning and decided to put many more kilometres under our belt today, so to speak, for we are determined to make the Yowah Opal Festival at the week end.
We had another beautiful sunrise this morning and we noted across from the rest area there were young cattle just looking across at us and feeding on the dry grass. They were also near water and a windmill pulling water from the artesian bore. I think they were more worried about us looking at there demeanor rather than the water.
There were several happy campers stay here last night so we said our farewells and were on the road around 8am the breeze had risen and we were a bit worried about fuel consumption and whether to top up at Winton 90 kilometres down the highway or wait until we arrived at Longreach.
We were continually assessing the fuel range on the computer while admiring the road ahead and the plains with few trees on them. The closer we came to Winton the jump ups appeared and they are just as beautiful as those we encountered in the Northern Territory. We were to see wide open plains and in some areas we came across sheep feeding on dried out grass and in some paddocks it was just dirt so we feel they are eating the roots of the grass.
The traffic was mostly all heading north with caravans in groups of seven or even more this would make it difficult for road trains etc to pass. On the subject of road trains they have shrunk 3.5 metres and are now only 50 metres in length. We finally arrived in Winton who state they are the Dinosaur Capital of Australia and as you can imagine the entrance to the town has advertisements galore to publicise this.
As we have been here many times before we felt that we had seen enough of rubbish bins in the shape of a Dinosaurs leg and we chose to take the truck route around the town and push on for Longreach.

Highway to Winton with clouds
Colourful Jump up
1916 Train Station Longreach
Screeching Corella's Longreach
Main Street Longreach
Crazy Clarke's in receivership
Single bitumen to Jundah
Traffic lights Stonehenge/Jundah
Our camp on the Thompson River

We were still unsure about the fuel level to get us there and thought we may have to stop and refill out of the 20 litre diesel drum. The computer was telling us that we had a spare 23 kilometres left in the tank and we only needed 11 litre's to reach our goal. First an orange light came on warning us of low fuel and then with ten kilometres to go I thought I would check the computer again. It came up and said Low on fuel and would not give me the reading in kilometres to go. We were now 3.5 kilometres from the service station so I decided to take the risk. The radio was turned off so I could hear the beat of the engine and any sign of a splutter I would shut the motor down. With luck we made it to the service station and took on 88.7 litre's of fuel and given that the tank holds only 90 litre's we were cutting it fine. We paid $1.66.9 cents a litre, it is easy to work out the cost.
We then went and parked up at the Railway Station which was built in 1916 and even today it looks great and in good condition. As we recall it the Spirit of the Outback train travels from here to other stations on its way to Brisbane, the train was not there on this occasion. We noted in the trees across the road the screeching Corella's who were denuding the trees of their leaves.
We then went walkabout down the main street of Longreach and went first to the supermarket to buy ham to place in our bread rolls for lunch. We bought more apples and sliced ham and then left. We were looking in the shops and as it was 12.30 we went into the Newsagents on both sides of the street and was unable to purchase today's paper for it had not yet arrived on the plane. We looked in other shops and then went to Crazy Clarke's and the sign at the door indicates that they are under receivership and most goods left are under half price. We had a look about and bought a few items and noted that the top half of the store was empty, just shelving.
Back to the motorhome and Liz made our rolls for lunch and we had bought a cappacino each to take away so we decided we would eat and drink on the way towards our next stop at Jundah.
We were in for a rude shock for we had forgotten about the single lane bitumen roads of Queensland and this road was one of them called the Thompson Development Road. It was great to have the wind at our rear once again and the fuel consumption had improved dramatically over that of the last few days. We were to see a lot of clouds in the distance first they were white and then another layer came over very black looking. We are hoping we are not driving into rain for there are reports further down they are experiencing rain.
The going was easy and again we were to see plenty of sheep on the open plains and then three Emu's came out of nowhere and I wasn't quick enough with the camera for a shot. There is a lot of road kill of Kangaroo and we came across our first wild pig which had also been run over. It is interesting to note that not birds go near the pig only the dead kangaroo to feed. We came across a group of three caravans and the first two slowed and we shared part of the bitumen and so no stones or rocks were thrown up. The third caravan did not slow at all and went into the gravel showering us with rocks and stones, some mothers do have them.
We were to bypass Stonehenge and continue on and would you believe between Stonehenge and Jundah we came across roadwork's and a traffic light and of course it was red when we arrived and sat for at least 10 minutes before we received a green light to proceed, they were renewing bridge girders.
Before we knew it we had arrived at Jundah and we done a lap of the small town and then set the GPS for Quilpie where our fuel computer states we have enough fuel aboard to reach that destination which is some three hundred kilometres away.
We drove down to the Thompson River to camp for the night, we chose a spot close to the road in case it rains for the ground is black dirt and that bogs as soon as it gets wet and we wouldn't want to have to stay given all the kilometres we have travelled in past few days. Well time for happy hour and unpacked the chairs and sat by the river in the cool breeze with no fly's thankfully. I will not put up the satellite dish for if it starts to rain I want to make a dash for the highway.
Kilometres travelled 509

Thompson River this morning
Back on dreaded one lane road
Sand Hills appearing before Quilpie

Wednesday the 16th of July
Rain never occurred during the night thankfully and this morning there were a few clouds about though it was warm. After breakfast I went over and had a chat to a happy camper who I believed had been in the same spot near the highway since we have been coming to Jundah. Sure enough that is the case he comes each year and sits on the bank of the Thompson River and with his boat goes out fishing and does so for four months.
Back to camp and it was time to get on the road to Quilpie to refuel. That dreaded one lane bitumen road was again with us and as long as there is no traffic in either direction then it is ok.
That was not to be the case with one camper trailer not slowing down and passing us on the gravel throwing up dust and rocks, oh well it can not do anymore damage to the motorhome window though poor Digger must have be showered as well.
We were to see many Kangaroos crossing the road and they blend in with the trees and vegetation and you do not see them until they cross the road. It was very difficult getting a photo for they were gone before you started the camera up. We were to see a Wedge Tailed Eagle on the side of the road sitting on its breakfast and it was not prepared to leave it to the crows of Kites. It did not move as we went past, we were to see two dead eagles further up the road.

Wedge Tailed Eagle on it morning meal

Kangaroo on right hand side of picture

We finally arrived at the turn off to Quilpie or Windorah and of course we hung a left and the traffic picked up with many trucks and semi trailers plus caravans etc. All their road manners were good on the single bitumen road and we never received anymore rocks or dust for the entire trip into Quilpie.
The terrain has changed again and now we found ourselves in sandy soils with the Gidyea Tree and Mulga tree a plenty, the flowering gum was there as well.
We were to cross many flood ways and those awful cattle grids that have you hanging on many had sunk below road level and creating a bouncing effect. Further up the road the council blokes were renewing a cattle grid. We were to come across many sections of wide bitumen stretches and then plenty of Emu's.
Passed many salt pans and in the distance you could see hills of reddish sand with a few stunted gums and mulga trees. Before we knew it we had arrived in Quilpie we have been here many times in the past and not much has changed and so we first went to the newsagents to get today's paper then onto the dump point and then to the fuel depot to refill our tank at $1.70.9 cents a litre. We stopped in the park and had our lunch and then back on the road and took the turn off towards Toompine.
Single bitumen again and when coming across caravans etc courtesy prevailed with both us slowing down and passing without dust or stones of rocks. The road became undulating and the many trees again were Gidyea and Mulga with a few sheep and kangaroos and emu's along the way. We were getting tired so when we arrived at Toompine we first put up the satellite dish and then had a cappacino and then off to the beautiful hot showers and of course we hooked into power which is free in all regards. The first thing we noticed was that all the animals have gone and that we suppose happened when the hotel was sold this year. We are going off to the hotel tonight to have our evening meal and a few beers and wine's before pushing on in the morning to Yowah. We are looking forward to this so we can stop travelling the kilometres we have completed in the last three days.
Kilometres travelled 423

At last the elusive Emu's captured on the camera though not good quality that's all they would let me get.

Toompine to Yowah
Beautiful country
Welcome to Yowah

Thursday the 17th of July
We had an excellent night last night with the happy campers and locals and this morning we were a bit late arising, I wonder why? It was after 9 am before we were packed said our farewells and then departed Toompine bound for Yowah.
We were on single bitumen again though it was in some places wider than normal. There was no breeze to speak of and the sun on Gidyea trees and Mulga trees gave them a good shine. The Gidyea tree is excellent on a fire for red hot coals and it burns away to a white ash which you have to be careful of next morning for you think the fire is out though this ash maintains its heat for days. The only set back is that when you use the chainsaw to cut it you actually see sparks coming off the chain and in no time at all your chain is blunt so we will look for a bit of gum to go with it for our fires.
We have had trouble trying to capture the Emu's by the road on camera over past days for they are very flighty and with those long legs they travel away from you very quickly though this morning we were able to take a photo of two different lots of Emu crossing the road.
We were to see a lot of cattle grazing on the mulga and gidyea leaves for there is no grass available for the soil is very sandy. Some of the hills we came across were quite pretty and we encountered mobs of kangaroo who hopped away before we could capture them on the camera. We were lucky for two kangaroo jumped onto the road just in front of us and we just missed the first one and the second for some reason was hopping along the road in front of us and I had to apply the brakes hard and I thought that I had hit it for I lost sight of it under the bonnet and at the last moment it hopped out to the side and off the road. How lucky was he to avoid being run over not to mention the increased heart beats of Liz and I.
We finally took the turn off to Yowah and the road again being single bitumen and on three occasions along the way we came across cars coming at us and all of them drove of the bitumen and stopped to let us past on the bitumen and we thanked them for their courtesy.
Before we knew it we were entering the township of Yowah and then we drove down to the camping area and pulled up and was surprised to see many happy campers were here already for the festivities of the weekend or should I say it starts on Friday and goes through until Sunday.
We had those we met in previous years come over and say hello before we set up and they had saved a spot for us so we could share their large community fire at happy hour etc.
We set up which it took us sometime and then Liz washed a few smalls and hung them out to dry. I had a good old chin wag to the blokes and quizzed them on what they had been doing in the last year since we seen them.
Then had lunch and took it easy after that with Liz going up to the post office to post off cards and then on her return she is going around all the campground to sell raffle tickets for John and Gail who are setting up their stalls for the markets over the next three days.
No need for the satellite dish for the television channels are here with the exception of the ABC, so we will be able to watch the Marngrook footy show again tonight.
We are still a bit peaked out for we have travelled 1649 kilometres since last monday when we left Camooweal just inside the Queensland border to get to Yowah for the opal festival. So we are hoping it will be worth it for all the kilometres we have put in the last four days. This is the most we have ever done and we have no intention of doing it again in the future. It would be true to say that the motorhome has not missed a beat and there were no hills or mountains large enough to have to change gears. Though refueling each day was a pain and soaked up the funds very quickly especially at these outback prices. The other thing we have noticed is the change in the heat of the day at 9 am today it was 9 degrees celsius and at 2 pm had only risen to 21 degrees and we doubt if it will go any higher. We think it is time to change the doona to a winter doona. At the moment we have a cool south/easter blowing and we are seeking the protection of the motorhome to avoid it.
Happy should be a good one today as everyone comes together to have a chin wag and it was good on arrival to be called by our first names and be greeted also with still warm fruit damper hot of the camp oven. We will now relax and take it easy for we are staying here now until we leave next wednesday morning.
Kilometres travelled 119

Knot top Pigeons
Jurassic Park
Yowah Artesian Bore Water

Friday the 18th of July
A very relaxing night with us hopping out of bed around 8 am. I lit the firepot and we had our breakfast out in the nice warm sun and watched the local traffic go by and a few happy campers arriving early for the opal festival.
We later gathered around the main fire and had a chin wag as the woman cooked dampers in their camp ovens they were all nice with filling from dates to fruit and just plain with butter very nice indeed.
This morning there was a garage sale at the caravan park and we were surprised for all goods were a dollar each irrespective of the size or value. The funds raised are going to the Royal Flying Doctor Service, so there were a few donations as well. We were to see the bore that drags water from the Great Artesian Basin. This particular bore has been dragging water for the town of Yowah and the free camping area for over one hundred years. The water delivered to houses and other buildings is all hot water and the locals use rain water from their tanks to cool it down. In the showers in the free camp area you only turn on the cold water tap and that is plenty hot enough for showers. With the wash basin on the side delivering very warm water for washing etc.
After the garage sale where Liz made a few purchases we headed off to the shop/cafe for a cappacino each and whilst there we also had a plate of hot chops with chicken salt. It was nice sitting there in the sunshine out of the wind that had sprung up enjoying the local's and visitors doing the same as us. We had a good old chinwag and made sure that tonight we can get a meal and were advised there will be entertainment as well.
We came back to camp via Jurassic Park though we did not see any prehistoric monsters and then past the Community Fruit Garden which is wrapped in white netting to keep the birds out though the fruit trees have died due to the heat last summer and they have planted new ones because of this. We had a look at the health Spa near the community centre that is yet to open. During its construction they had to stop for weeks on end for the temperature rose to 52 degrees in the summer months and it was far to hot to work, which slowed the project down.
Back to camp and it was time for lunch and we used the jaffle irons and made jaffles in the main fire which was still hot from breakfast. Washed it down with a cuppa for it was nice indeed.
I carried out a few repairs on a happy campers van for them and then repaired the clock that had fallen during our trip here on some of the rough bitumen and especially the cattle grids which some were extremely rough.
Then into Digger to get some wood for our fire whilst we are here. We didn't have to drive far and drove in off the road and pulled up near some gum tree branches that had broken off. We cut them up and then loaded into Digger and returned to camp, we only cut enough for us to use over the next five days. I deliberately stayed away from the Gidyea wood wanting to preserve the chainsaw.
We had purchased books for a donation at the library and so we sat in the sun this afternoon reading them waiting for happy hour to arrive. We have Knot top pigeons picking up food off the ground near our camp for happy campers throw them bird seed and then the family birds arrive with their incessant squeaking and banter which drive the other birds to leave.
There is a cold wind from the south/east that has sprung up and we are lucky the motorhome is protecting us from that whilst we read our books.

The fire at the festival last night

See the dragon's head in the fire?

Saturday the 19th of July
We went to the Opal Festival entertainment last night at the community centre and it was really great. The huge fire lit from whole dead trees of Gidyea wood sent out a lot of warmth to the people attending and of course we were able to get a table close to the fire. The meal was really great for $15 a head with the meat being steak, lamb chops and sausages with either salads or vegetables. It was help yourself so you can imagine some of the people bought huge dishes and filled them up. The beer was $3 a can of beer and wine $2 a plastic cup, both good prices. Then the entertainment was really great and was still going when we left at 10 pm. We came home early for even with the fire it was getting really cold and we went off to bed having enjoyed the night immensely.
This morning we had our showers once again for if you do not get into them early the water is to hot with no cold water available. The sign indicates that you should only turn on the cold tap for shower water. Lit the fire and cooked our breakfast and enjoyed the early morning sunshine with just a little breeze.
We cleaned up the camp and then decided to go to the festival markets near the community centre.
On the way were to see a large group of Galahs feeding on who knows what maybe just a bit of grit was what they were after, I was surprised that we were able to get so close.

Entertainers last night
Group of Galah's this morning
Opal festival market underway
Boulder Opal for sale
Unusual boulder opal
Opalised shells

There were a large amount of stalls which surprised us for there were more than we had experienced in past years. Of course the main merchandise on sale is boulder opal from the immediate area of Yowah. I was taken back somewhat to see pieces of opal for sale with a price tag of $30,000 down to just $25 a very small piece or bottles of opal pieces ranging from $30 to $200.
There were a few private collections on display in the main hall and they were really great, especially I thought the display on Opalised sea shells unfortunately they did not photograph all that well due to the glass case giving off reflection.
There were also other goods on sale from rings to bracelets and necklaces of opal none of them really cheap. Though people were buying them with no qualms and there were a few German buyers haggling to buy rough Opal that was interesting to watch and listen to. Then there was a hardware section which sold all and sundry they were doing a roaring trade. Of course the usual food vans doing a roaring trade along with the donut stand. We made a few purchases in the lower end of the market and then decided to go back to camp for Liz's arthritis was playing up and she was finding it hard to walk, which has been happening a lot lately.
We had a late lunch and then read our books for the rest of the afternoon, Liz went for a walk and came back with small pieces of Opal that she picked up where people had been breaking open nuts and other pieces of rock chasing the elusive boulder opal especially the matrix opal.
We are going up for another meal this evening and to enjoy the other happy campers company and be entertained no doubt by another band or two. At the moment the temperature is 23 degrees celsius at 4 pm. Oh well off to happy hour.

Fire at Festival last night
Matrix Opal Necklace
Large example of Boulder Opal

Sunday the 20th of July
We decided to go up the Festival entertainment and meal last night. They only had a two piece band though I thought they were better than the previous nights band. When we arrived the fire was burning fiercely and we chose a table close by once again. We could feel the heat and it was great for the cold of the evening was descending. We were to have a meal again though the price tonight was $20 per head and you could choose from Beef, Lamb Chops, Silverside, Beef Stew, Lasagne, White Rice and Vegetables including Chips. I had a bit of everything and Liz went more for the lasagne and lamb chops we both had vegetables and chips. My plate was piled high and I had to use another plastic plate to transfer the beef and chop to cut into eatable sizes. The band was playing country and western, pop and rock and roll they were really great and they only had one break.
The dampener for the evening was that seven police arrived in Yowah and the spirit went out of the event knowing that they would probably be breathalyising the people. I only had the one can of beer. You could see that the sales of alcohol dropped dramatically. On the way home they checked the two in front of us and waved us through. This morning people were hostile about the police presence and they all agreed it put a damper on the night sending most home early. On the two nights we did not notice one drunk or any carrying on at all.

Various Matrix and Opal pieces ready for setting

Another example of polished Opal for sale

This morning we awoke after a good nights sleep to overcast sky's and a slight breeze and it took the best part of two hours before the sun broke through to warm up the day, at 3.30 the temperature was 23 degrees celsius. We lit the fire and cooked our breakfast and then Liz stripped the bed and changed the sheets for tomorrow the washing machine will be bought out to wash our clothes etc.
After breakfast we just lounged about and read our books and then Liz went walkabout and invited a few happy campers we have met over the past week of more to happy hour later in the day.
The markets were still operating though we were amazed at how many caravans etc have left this morning for other places. We drove up to the Markets and spent the next few hours wandering around looking at the various opals, once again the prices put them was out of our reach. They were even selling large rocks with Potch in them for $100 plus so beware the buyer and that is the problem you are not sure as to the value or the quality of the opals they are selling and to see jars with just a fleck of opal in the stone selling for $50 plus I think we made the right decision to leave it alone. Even the pieces selling for $8000 plus they wanted cash, not cheques or anything else. No doubt to avoid tax though how many would carry that sort of cash money around, certainly not us.
They had dropped the price on hardware by 20% so I bought a few items that we need noting the main price for goods was the same as yesterday.
We had a bit of take away food for lunch and then sat watched the diminishing crowds looking at all the goods on display. Around 2pm the stall holders started to pack up for there were not many people around and you could see a steady exodus of caravans etc from the town. The free camping area has emptied by at least half to what it was.
We will have an easy meal tonight after enjoying happy hour and then inside out of the cold that is descending and watch a bit of television before going off to bed. Another good day.

Washing machine out and in use
Cooked Pork on Baby Q
Final result on plate for lunch

Monday the 21st of July
Last night we sat out by the fire until late with many happy campers that we have befriended over the period here. It was around 9 pm before we came back to the motorhome to cook our evening meal of Ham Steaks and fried rice all very nice and then into bed to read.
This morning we did not arise until 8.45 am having had a good sleep. The sun was shining and there was not a cloud in the sky as we had our breakfast and with no wind that was a bonus. We were to see many caravans and motorhome's leave this morning there must have been around 30 and there were only 4 come in during the day.
Today is washing day so out came the washing machine and Liz was hard at it, there was plenty to wash including sheets etc. Then out came the Baby Q and it was then heated up to cook our roast of pork for we are having our main meal at lunch time today. And what a treat it was succulent roast pork that was moist with lovely crackle along with baked potato and pumpkin and steamed carrots and wombuck. To top it off Liz made an apple puree and gravy which made for a wonderful meal. I cannot sing the praises enough for roasts etc cooked on the Baby Q at all times the roasts are moist, and I thought it was good done in a camp oven. I have to admit it is better done in the Baby Q.
Of course with all this enjoyment comes the cleaning up of dishes etc.
The generator was refilled with fuel and then packed away for the next time and Baby was cleaned and packed away along with the washing machine. It would be true to say we have not gone outside the camp today other than for showers and sit outside in the wonderful sunlight with clear blue sky's enjoying the 26 degree Celsius heat.
The usual happy hour will occur though I am down to drinking only two cans a day. Heaps of wood will be thrown on the fire and we will only come in to watch the football round up at 7.30 pm and then watch a bit of television and off to bed. A bloody gooooood day mate even if we did not do much.

Explanation of Great Artesian Basin

Yowah Hot Artesian Spa

Tuesday the 22nd of July
A night by the fire with one of the locals playing a didgeridoo and I was playing sticks just banging them together trying keep pace. It was a good night of fun. We just had a ham and cheese sandwich after such a large lunch and a cuppa for our evening meal.
It was warm last night and this morning there was a bit of a chill until the sun rose and again today we have a clear blue sky and the temperature at 1 pm was 24 degrees celsius. We had our breakfast out in the sunny weather and then it was time to start to dismantle our camp and put things away. Poor Digger is loaded up again and the A-frame for towing is fitted. We gave Digger a wash with bore water which meant that we had to chamois of the paint work to ensure calcium buildup is not on the duco.
We hopped into Digger and went for a drive out to the public fossicking area for opal and even though we obtained a few Yowah Nuts upon breaking them open we found no Opal. After around two hours we came back to the camp and finished off packing and then had our lunch.
After lunch we hopped back in Digger and went for a drive out to Mitre 11 and on arrival there were no pickings at all though I able to find a bit of aluminum that I wanted to use on our jaffle irons. We drove around Matrix street and was able to take a photo of a kangaroo who would have been over 6 feet he certainly was a big boy.
Up to the Yowah Hot Artesian Spa that is modeled on Lightening Ridge though a lot smaller. It yet is to be completed though they have all the material to complete the project and it should be open to the public before the end of next month. It was interesting to read the board on the Great Artesian Basin so many outback towns rely on this water source on a daily basis if this was not there then the outback would not be inhabited simple as that.
Well all we have do now is relax in the late afternoon sun and read out books have our evening meal and then sit out by the fire saying our final farewells before we depart in the morning. Another better than good day.

Our final fire last night at Yowah
Sunrise this morning Yowah
Walking track alongside bore drain

Wednesday the 23rd of July
We had a wonderful happy hour last night with the friends we have made at Yowah over the years. We came inside for our evening meal then out again to sit by the fire which consisted of a large Gidyea stump which would burn all night. We had Des visit us again and the played his Didgeridoo, first the wooden one and then the plastic tube. There was no doubt that the wooden didgeridoo produced the best sound. It was late into the night before we said our farewells and went off to bed.
This morning being our last we arose to a most beautiful sunrise and noted the clouds that had appeared. I then decided to go for a walk around the village and came back along the Artesian Bore drain and noted the palms that were growing alongside the drain.
We showered and then had breakfast and then it was time to hook up Digger and get on the road. Whilst checking all lights worked for towing we noted that a brake light had blown and luckily for us Len had one that he gave us that fixed the problem.
We then said our farewell to all those we knew from previous years and those we had just met. I noted two Tasmanians that came in last night and I went over to say good day. One was from Longford and the other from Bracknell. What a shock to realise that the bloke from Bracknell I knew and had a few fun times with some 55 years ago, it would be right to say we have changed a bit over the years.
Back and hopped in the motorhome and we were on our way to Eulo some 92 kilometres down the road. That is as far as we are going today. It looks like rain with the heavy black cloud and it would stay that way all day. The solar panels were putting out enough power to charge our house batteries.

Emu crossing in front of us
River at Eulo
Welcome to Eulo

It was sad to leave Yowah for the friendship was really good and we had some fun times even though we did not find any opal. On the downside one of our friends took sick and they called for the flying doctor to come to get her and deliver her to hospital. unfortuneately the flying doctor was attending a road accident and would not be able to arrive in Yowah for five hours. Given this he drove his wife into Cunnamulla some 190 kilometres away and on arrival found that only a nurse was in the hospital for Cunnamulla has no doctors. The nurse could not admit her to hospital so the flying doctor did a diagnoses over the radio and approved certain pills to be dispensed from the hospital. They happened to have friends in Cunnamulla so they stayed with them for the night and returned the following day. Last thursday a happy camper indicated that the felt unwell and did nothing about it and on Monday morning he died of a massive heart attack. They took his body away and a local drove his motorhome and wife back to their home in Brisbane. It is obvious that do not get sick in the outback unless the flying doctor can arrive in his plane and treat you or ship you out if need be.
The going was easy for there was no wind to speak of and we only met three caravans on the narrow single bitumen going into Yowah. We were to see plenty of Emu's and one I thought was about to commit suicide when it run in front of us and again I applied the brakes heavily and luckily we did not hit it. We were to see mobs of Kangaroo out in front of us to far away to take their photo.
We came across Wedge Tailed Eagles along with whistling Kite Hawks and crows feeding on road kill and they were slow to leave their meal as came across them. We now turned onto the road to Cunnamulla which was a little wider though in the early stages you had to get off the road a little to pass oncoming traffic. It was good for all slowed down including us so we did not get any dust or stones. Along the way we were to see our first wild Goats grazing by the road with many young kids with them.
Before long we arrived at the bridge where we are camping tonight and set up. Out came the satellite dish and tonight we are going to watch the Tassie news to catch up with what's happening in our State.
The river is a dirty brown colour and I do not know how fish survive in these waters though they do and they catch Yellow Belly among many other species. We then went for a walk into Eulo via the winery or so we thought, it has now closed and re-opened up as an Artesian Hot Mud Bath and they entice you to come in and try it. Speaking to the owner they stopped making Date Wines etc last year for they could not compete with the cheaper overseas imports. So Liz's friend Anne has missed out on a bottle. We informed the bloke that we still have the Date Wine we bought last year and he said keep it for it will become a collectors item. I doubt if it will last long after we get home.
We then walked into Eulo and the welcoming sign indicates that the population is 50 and the 1500 Lizards. They hold a Lizard carnival here each year which attracts thousands to these races which they bet on.
We were told in Toompine that Don from Duck Creek had now set up home in an old church Eulo so went looking for him it didn't take much time to find him in the main street for it was obvious that his house now had been an old church. We chewed the fat for over an hour and said our farewells and then went up to the shop and noted diesel was $1.85 cents a litre and luckily we will not refill until Cunnamulla. Into the shop and we sat down and had a mug of cappacino and after that we walked the rest of the street and then back to camp.
After lunch we spent time looking at what food we have in stock and then sorted out what we would need over the coming month or so.
I carried out a couple of small repairs that had been on the list for awhile and then we settled in to read our books. The temperature high for the day was 19 degrees and it still looks like rain.
Kilometres travelled 92

Digger following in rear camera
Cunnamulla Fellah
Wide dried up grassy plains

Thursday the 24th of July
We had no sooner settled into bed last night when we heard the pitter patter of rain on the roof of the motorhome. It did not last long and we awoke this morning to nice blue sky's once again. Even though we were close to the road there was not much traffic so the night was quiet. This morning we were woken by the revving of a planes engine some distance away and we think it was that plane we saw in a hangar by the road about 10 kilometres back on a cattle station.
We hopped out of bed for we want to be on the road this morning around 8 am. There not many happy campers on the Paroo River not like previous years and we were the first to leave this morning at 8.15 am.
There was no wind when we started off towards Cunnamulla some 70 kilometres away. We drove through the main street of Eulo and there was not much action, as we drove past Don's place we honked our horn and he waved back.
Out on the road which not much better than single lane bitumen we noted that the wind had picked up and a quick look in the rear vision camera indicated that Digger was following along nicely.
We were to see plenty of Emu's and was surprised to see two bush turkeys so close to the road they took off into the scrub before we could get a photo. There were a few wild goats appearing and the hawks and crows were cleaning up the road kill from last night which included kangaroo's and emu's and two wild black pigs which no bird was going near.
It wasn't all that long before we were entering the town of Cunnamulla and we drove around to the IGA Supermarket to buy a few groceries especially bread which we run out of this morning. After paying $2.50 for a loaf of bread previously it was a surprise to have to pay $4.50 a loaf and all their groceries were not cheap at all and there meat cryovaced was expensive. We then drove around to the tourist information centre and parked up then went walkabout.
As we walked down the street we passed the Cunnamulla Fellah and then past the butchers, the meat was expensive and as Liz commented the cost of living in the outback is enormous. We went into the bakery to have a cappacino our dearest yet at $5.50 a cup and we also bought a croissant which we took to the park and drank our cappacino and ate out croissant whilst watching the town come awake. Into the newsagency and bought yesterdays courier mail for today's does not arrive until late this afternoon. Onto to fuel up at the Mobil depot behind the old railway station at $1.64 a litre which is 6 cents a litre cheaper than the other service stations in the town. Then back to the highway and we were then on our way heading towards Bollon our stop for the night before pushing onto St George tomorrow.

Wild Goats heading for bush
Welcome to Bollon
A low Wallam Creek
Aboriginal Art on display along the walking track alongside Wallam Creek

Along the way we were to see plenty of wild goats near the highway and thankfully they did not attempt to cross in front of us. Our road was slightly wider than the single lane bitumen and in places it was just as rough as a corrugated gravel road. There was just enough room to pass and stay on the bitumen with the exception of road trains which we pulled right off the road and stopped to let them have all the bitumen this way we did not get showered with stones and rock. There were a few caravans coming towards us and we had little traffic approaching from the rear.
The wind had risen and it was mostly buffeting us on the side and at times when the road veered to the left we felt the full brunt of the wind on the nose. We were to pass many cattle stations and there were a few sheep stations and there sheep which had made their way through wire fences and were feeding in the long paddock for the was a little grass growing after recent rains.
We finally arrived at Bollon and we did a lap of the towns main street and then headed down to the camping area on Wallam Creek. We were sure we have stayed here in previous years and Liz looked up her book work and found we camped here five years ago.
The town invites you to free camp and they have gone to considerable trouble to improve the camping area as to what we remember from five years ago. We had our lunch and then I set up the satellite dish to watch the Marngrook Football Show tonight, my doesn't a week go fast when you are having fun.
We went down to the cemetery and looked at the old head stones and the first to buried here was in 1882 which is some time back and as usual the cemetery is divided according to religion.
We then went for a walk along the concrete path alongside the Wallam Creek and enjoyed the scenery and the birdlife. There are numerous aboriginal paintings along the way and they are certainly a good outline of their culture. While sitting on one of the many chairs by the creek we saw a few fish jump and they looked to be mainly Red Fin, I have no intention of getting out the fishing gear just relaxing for awhile and then we intend to walk into the town centre and have a look about. Tonight will be an easy evening meal and for happy hour we are going to have a cuppa only, watch the television for awhile and then off to bed.
Kilometres travelled 262

More Aboriginal Art on the way to have our showers this morning in beautiful downtown Bollon

Friday the 25th of July
Awoke this morning after a good nights sleep and then grabbed our shower things and wandered along the 2 metre wide concrete path to the showers. Along the way we noticed more Aboriginal Art and it was quite nice, its a wonder it has stayed intact on the their pedestals. The showers were great with plenty of hot water and then after that back to motorhome for breakfast.
Back on the road and we were on our way to St George some 120 kilometres along the highway. What a highway, in stretches it was like riding a bucking bronco and you needed all you attention to keep on the road even though it was bitumen, I suspect that the road was not built for the weight that now travels along it in the way of road trains etc. We had the wind on our side again and the sun was shining brightly and the sky's were blue with no cloud.
We were to spot the usual kangaroos and the emu's and noticed that there was cotton on each side of the bitumen no doubt blown off trucks. We were to come across the water channels and the paddocks with levee's around them to drown the cotton during its growing period. It is a crop that is very water hungry. We were not to see any cotton gins so we do not know where they process it. We were to come across the dreaded Prickly Pear Cactus on both sides of the highway and it was blending in with the trees, also we were to see the Cyprus Pine that grows predominately in NSW.

Prickly Pear Cactus near highway
Welcome to St George
Driving across Weir to St George
Pea Pie and Cappacino at Bakery
Pyjama Girls at Bakery
5 metre wide load on way to Dalby

Before long we were arriving in St George and before entering the town we needed to drive across the weir holding the water back in the Balonne River. Out first task was to fill the fuel tank which cost $1.54.9 a litre and then we parked up and proceeded to the Foodland Supermarket. Unlike in past years we are only buying what is required now, not for later. We were to note that groceries and fruit and vegetables are reasonably priced though meat is still very dear indeed.
We then went over to the discount store and had a look at the junk and only bought a few cards etc.
We noticed a woman walking towards us and it looked like she was wearing Pyjama's and a dressing gown she wished us a non stressful day and we thought she was bit strange.
She explained to us that it is non stress day in St George and the idea was to leave all your stress behind and enjoy life. She was to give us some literature that explained how to get rid of stress or limit it.
We then went to the bakery for a cappacino and as we walked through the door the first thing you noticed was that the girls were all dressed in Pyjama's kinda weird though when again explained it was fine. Liz had a carrot cake and I had my first pie on the trip which was a beef and green peas which was very nice indeed and all washed down with a cappacino.
I suppose it could be said that the saving on fuel prices over the past week would have paid for our morning tea. Then we decided to move on for Liz is still suffering back and leg problems and is finding it hard to walk.
We have now set the GPS to guide us to Dalby which is some 300 plus kilometres away. We have no intention of driving that far today and we headed down the Moonie Highway, which has improved slightly.
We came across a 5 metre wide load consisting of a very large bulldozer and it took near all the roadway up so we drove off the road onto the verges and let it past. We may be now getting a bit of wind assistance though not a lot for we were now climbing small hills and the going was reasonably easy. We saw the usual goats, kangaroos and Emu's and then we came across cropping land that was very green whether it is irrigated or relying on rain we are not sure.
As we had a late morning tea we opted not to stop for lunch just press on to our free stay over night. We were now striking many road trains and the signs warn that 36 metre road trains travel this highway and one 53 metre road train passed us as if we were standing still and our speedo was reading 90 kph which to us is all we wish to do whilst towing Digger.
We finally arrived at the Westmar Rest Area and were surprised to see they had toilets and hot showers and on the opposite corner is the Westmar Hotel/Motel. When I finish this diary for the day we are going over to have a few quiet beers and wine before returning to the motorhome. The satellite dish is set up so as can watch the Richmond V West Coast Eagles tonight.
Kilometres travelled 241

Westmar Hotel/Motel and Bar on the Moonie highway intersection
Rain with wet and bumpy Highway

Saturday the 26th of July
Went over to the Westmar Hotel/Motel yesterday afternoon and had a few drinks. When you walk in you do so via the grocery section and then into the bottle shop and then into the bar area. Though not very big the area where the eight ball tables are is very large and looks as if it is an add on, though then again everything looks to be an add on. When we went back to the motorhome we were surprised to see John and Sandra pull in and set up. We first met them at the Yowah Opal Festival and they informed us at another happy hour that they had driven from there to Westmar today. It took us three days so for a change we have someone else driving the long kilometres. We had a chat about all and sundry and we were able to tell them that the publican indicated that it was going to rain overnight though we would drive out of it in the morning sometime.
When we awoke this morning it was absolutely bucketing down and we thought we would have our showers and then breakfast and decide whether we would stay or not. After breakfast as the rain had stopped so we decided to move on. I had to wipe down all the satellite equipment and we decided to just lay it on the floor rather than store it away damp.

Welcome to Dalby
Entering Dalby
Sorghum crop on way to Kimkillenbun

We said our farewells to John and Sandra once again and then we departed. On the road and it started to rain again and the further we went the heavier it was, the road though bitumen was rough to ride on again and there were puddles all over the road that is how many dips, holes etc were in the bitumen. We only struck two road trains this time both were 53 metres long. Then roadwork's that held us up at lights for ten minutes or so even though no one appeared to be working. It was difficult taking photo's due to the conditions and we could see way out in front of us that the cloud was lessening. These roads were starting to make my back sore given that we thought we were riding a bucking bronco again. We were to pass through Moonie where the first oil fields were discovered in Australia and now also there is huge natural gas plants along the highway pushing the gas into south east Queensland.
We were to pass paddocks that had cotton in the dirt and small levees around the huge paddock and later we were to see grains being grown though we are not sure which type.
We finally arrived at Dalby and sure enough we forgot that the shops close at midday on a Saturday in Queensland so we were not able to do any retail therapy. We discovered Coles was open so we bought more bread etc and then onto Dominos and bought two $4.95 pizza's one ham and cheese and the other pepperoni and cheese. We refueled at $1.54.9 cents a litre and then headed out towards Kimkillenbun. We stopped just before the next roadwork's and had our pizza's and a cuppa before continuing on.
Back on the road we were going through very flat cropping country some which had been sown with cotton others that had sorghum and others grains that we could not identify, in the distance we were to see the mountains that we will need to climb in the next couple of days to get to our destination at Woody Point.
We passed through Kaimkillenbun and pulled up at Maclagen to buy a paper and the only one they had was the Chronicle that is printed in Toowoomba and then drove for another thirty or so kilometres again through grain cropping country until we came across a rest are where we have pulled up for the day. Needless to say the satellite dish has been set up to watch the football tonight. The rest of the afternoon was spent finishing off the pizza's and having a poppy nap. What a surprise to see that we have travelled the same distance today as yesterday.
Kilometres travelled 241

Fog at our camp at Maclagen R. A.
Climbing Cooyar Ranges
Advertising festival at Blackbutt

Sunday the 27th of July
The rain had stopped and when going outside this morning there was fog with the sun bursting through. It didn't take all that long and it had dissipated and the blue sky's were the order of the day. We had our breakfast and packed away the satellite dish and we were on our way to the Benarkin Rest Area. We had a happy camper join us last night though this morning they departed the Maclagen Rest Area around 7 am.
We were underway around 8.30 am for we only have to travel 72 kilometres today to arrive at Benarkin. We were now climbing steep hills and at one I was down to fourth gear to maintain our speed, this is the first time that I have had to change gears climbing hills on this trip. Steep and bendy was the way the road was going and at least it was not raining. Before we knew it we were driving through Cooyar and the had to attack the Cooyar Range which was steep and the decline was advertised at 10% grade with trucks needing to go down in first gear. The area was mountainous and the views were superb and there was not a lot of traffic about.
We then had to take a left hand turn onto the New England Highway and then into the next town where we took a right hand turn into to the township of Blackbutt. This was a small town with their buildings looking very old and we pulled up and bought the Sunday paper. Back on the road and before we knew it we turned off the highway into Benarkin a very small township where they encourage happy campers to pull up for 20 hours and rest. The area is across from the shop and is nice with toilets and showers at $2 and the bonus is power free of cost. When we arrived all three power points were taken so we thought we would set up in the sunlight and not worry about power. We then noted the happy campers from Western Australia were wrapping up their power cord and about to leave. We spoke to them for awhile and then set up with power. We could only get ABC and SBS on digital television so out came the dependable satellite dish and now we are watching the sunday morning football show. Here it is 11 am and we are finished for the day. We will go walkabout this afternoon and take a few photo's and just take it easy. We are now a day ahead of where we want to be to arrive at Woody Point on Tuesday.
Kilometres travelled 72

Benarkin General Store & Post Office

Very old Wagons hauled by Oxen

Monday the 28th of July
A very cool night and early morning, it was 8.30 am before we hopped out of bed and had breakfast. We did a general clean up and decided that we would stay another night in Benarkin. We went for a stroll around the village and noted that they had a very modern school tucked in amongst the large gum trees.
On our return I was looking to see if the motorhome was dirty and noted a large scratch along the top of the fibre glass body, it would appear that it has broken the gel coat and for the life of us we can not remember scraping on trees etc.
Then we cleaned the motorhome outside with a bucket of water and the chamois and then we did the same with Digger and now both look reasonably clean. Liz was to wash a few small clothing items and hung out to dry in the warm sun which had bought the temperature up to 24 degrees at 1pm.
We went across to the general store and bought a chicko roll and some hot chips to have for lunch along with ham in bread roll all very nice indeed washed down with a cuppa.
We were to sit out in the sun and just relax after talking for awhile to the Tassie happy campers who parked near us.
Not much doing today just relax and then watch a bit of television tonight before going off to bed.

Changing landscape near Coast
6% Gradient over 2.5 kilometres
Crossing bridge to Woody Point

Tuesday the 29th of July
Brrrr what a cold morning with frost on the ground and vehicles though the early morning sun was to dissipate it pretty quick. We had our showers, breakfast and then cleaned up, packed the satellite dish away and then we said our farewells to the happy campers including the two Tasmanians who are staying for few more days.
There was plenty of traffic and trucks on the road which included 36 metre road trains though with the early morning sun and a very blue sky it compensated for the fact that we are not used to this amount of traffic.
It wasn't long before we were climbing hills and small mountains and the motorhome, though doing it easy, I had to change gears on three occasions though to be fair once was to hold back the motorhome going down a 6% gradient. The road trains were going down in lower gears which really set the pace for the rest of the traffic. We were also to come across a 10% gradient and again we had to come down in a lower gear.
The scenery of the mountains and hills was excellent though there was a need to be more diligent with the driving. Before long we arrived at Kilcoy though we just drove through for we have spent time here in the past. It wasn't long before we were to see the Glass House Mountains towering above the countryside, unfortunately I could not stop to get photo's. In the distance they had a blue haze around them. We drove through another few small towns and then instead of going through Caboolture as we have done in the past the GPS bypassed that town and took us directly onto the Bruce highway which was some four lanes in places with plenty of traffic entering from side roads.
I do not know why the GPS took us through Brackenridge.

Pelicans by the sea
Woody Point
Brisbane Ports

Before long we were going across the bridge linking the Redcliffe Peninsula and we decided to have lunch on the foreshore at Woody Point before pressing on to Kerry and Julies place. There were a few motorhome's there and it would appear as if they are staying for awhile. Whilst having lunch we were to watch the small boats coming in from fishing for the wind was gusting and creating small waves. We then went for a walk around and you could see the high rise buildings in Brisbane and also the Port of Brisbane with all its cranes etc on the sky line.
Julie rang Liz for they saw us parked on the waterfront and we told them we would be around shortly. We finally arrived at their place and unhooked Digger and then with Glen as passenger I took the motorhome to refuel for the trip ahead in a couple of days. We were to drive to Kipper-Ring and fuel up at $1.54.9 cents a litre with the four cent discount voucher that Kerry had given me. Unleaded petrol was $1.33.6 cents a litre it would have been great if diesel was the same price.
Back and we set up and then went inside and Kerry and Julie presented me with a birthday present for last January consisting of three packets of Tim Tams and a beautiful pen set which they indicated they purchased from the local Cosco store.
Kerry and Julie went off to work and then we had a cup of cappacino and a huge cup cake with Glen and Tina. The rest of the afternoon was spent catching up with all the news in the family and then we had a happy hour and then an evening meal with them before retiring for the night. The temperature at 4pm was 27 degrees celsius.
Kilometres travelled 148

The waterfront near our stop over at Woody Point

Wednesday the 30th of July
Hopped out of bed at around 8 am and then went for a stroll down to the waterfront which was very nice indeed. There was no wind at all and the seas were flat and you could see large ships going into the port of Brisbane. There were plenty of small fishing boats out on the horizon and in closer the cormorants were sunning themselves on the rocks. It was hard to imagine that a fortnight ago we were out in the outback with all the red soil and warm days plus wind. Now by the seaside is a bonus given that the Kerry's family have given us such a nice welcome and of course Liz and her sister Julie have had plenty to talk about.
Well the next four hours were wasted trying to get the computer to work properly it was freezing up when trying to send off our footy tipping and due to this we both missed lunch. We unloaded Digger and went first and bought fuel for Digger at $1.44.9 cents a litre for unleaded. Then along Anzac Parade on the way out to Ray's at Kippa-Ring. We went to get the 9 kilo gas bottle refilled and was somewhat surprised to see that it was only $19.95 for the refill.
We went to a computer place to see if we could get someone to fix the problem with the computer and the sign said back in 15 minutes and the sign said the same two hours later so we headed to Harvey Norman to see what we could achieve.
After an hour or so all the bloke could say how much just to look at the computer and how much if it needed repairing and at this point I was starting to get pissed off with it all. So I said I would sleep on it. Meanwhile Liz was getting photo's developed from our visit to Darwin.
Back on the road and it wasn't long before we were back at the motorhome. Kerry came in and the computer appeared to be not freezing up which allowed our footy tipping for this week to be sent off.
Then up to Dick Smith and Kerry bought Julie an e-reader and I bought an external disc drive to back up the files in case the computer decides to give up the ghost. We loaded a few books onto the e-reader and will do more tomorrow.
We cleaned up and then we went with Kerry and Julie and the family down to Bracken Ridge for a meal to celebrate Kerry's birthday which was yesterday. The food was great and plenty of for a reasonable price I thought. The quality of service was beyond reproach and there wasn't much left on the plates when we finished and of course we washed it down with a few beers and wine.
Back home for Milo and tea and a few Tim Tams and then it was time for bed after a very unusual day thanks to the computer.

Banana's in back yard
Mangrove's in front of housing
Glass House Mountains in distance

Thursday the 31st of July
Liz and I went for a stroll around the block this morning for the weather was fine once again and the wind only rose in the afternoon. As we walked across the road from Kerry and Julie's we noted the banana trees which had hands of Lady Fingers.They are not allowed to grow Cavendish in back yards they are only for commercial use. There were plenty of Mandarin's hanging over the fence so I reached up and grabbed one. As we strolled along I peeled it and gave half to Liz. Oh! my goodness we dropped it into the first wheely bin we came across for it was so bitter.
There were a lot of flats and apartments with a body corporate and then there are the old houses and we were surprised to see so many sheeted with asbestos both sides and roof. You see none of the old Queenslanders as they are called in this neck of the woods.
Back home and we had our breakfast and then I started backing all the files onto the stand alone hard disc drive I bought yesterday in case the computer decided it does not want to go any further. We had our showers and then headed off towards Scarborough and intended to follow the shoreline back to the motorhome.

Pelican waiting for fish
Margate Beach
Road around the foreshore

We first stopped at the showgrounds to empty the cassette and noted the circus is in the throes of setting up for they are performing next week. Then down to the point and along the way we were to see many canal estates with very expensive boats tied up outside there property's.
We saw many mangrove's in front of housing estates as well and then in the distance over Morton Bay you could see the Glass House Mountains shimmering in the heat of the day. We stopped at the marina and watched the small boats come in from their fishing expeditions and of course there were plenty of pelicans waiting for a handout of fish etc.
Then we followed the coastline back and at one stage we had come inland for there were houses whose yards went down to the sand on the beach. You could say they have their own private beach front. We then came into Margate and noted the yellow sandy beaches with many hi-rise apartments with good views out to Morton Island.
We decided to pull up for a cappacino and something to eat and what a surprise a piece of Keach and one pie and two cappacino's $27 dollars thank you! Not to worry we enjoyed the lunch even if it was nearly 2 pm. Back around the coastline and again you could see the Port of Brisbane in the distance. We arrived home and I straight away started to load from our main disc onto the external disc as a backup.
Kerry and Julie were to take us out to have a look at Costco's where you buy in bulk for cheap prices. When we arrived we were surprised to find out how large the complex was, and going inside you were overwhelmed with the enormity of the goods on display from large televisions and other electrical items, clothes, meat and groceries of every description. you could buy in bulk or in singular the array of goods was immense and of course there were two tasting's happening. The first we sampled was cheese and then they had several Indian dishes and of course we tried the lot, though some of the dishes were on the hot side, as in chilli. We spent a good two hours there purchasing and just looking at the various displays and the size of the trolleys was immense they were at least two and half times larger than Coles or Woolworths and if you purchased larger items then a large flat trolley was available. They have all descriptions of hot meals available including huge pizza's and the american hot dog with at least ten fillings and sauces. The store being owned by the Americans is very much the way the store is set out and the goods are all on the large side and that includes the meat.
Home and watched the football whilst we had our evening meal and it was a bit scrappy with Fremantle running out eventual winners. Though I have to say Carlton were unlucky to have lost. Said our farewells and then off to bed.


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