We are often quizzed about where our home base is when we are on the road every year in our trusty motorhome and also requests by e-mail. We explain "Binalong Bay" located in the Bay of Fires on the north/east coast of Tasmania. We offer many explanations with some understanding and others a bit hazy. How do you describe the beautiful views from our front deck over the whole of the "Bay of Fires" and up to the Eddystone Point Lighthouse. Beautiful white sands of the many beaches that dot the coastline and in most cases backs onto the forests which are all National Parks.
We decided to go for a Sunday drive in the sunny weather though we had a brisk north easterly breeze. We drove to the end of the road at the "Gardens" and then worked our way back home dropping into the many beaches and camping areas which have quite a few happy campers at the moment. Below are a sample of a few of the photo's we took of which there were many, we hope you enjoy and if you google the "Bay of Fires" you may find some interesting information on the area since white settlement.

0ur home and motorhome at Binalong Bay Binalong Bay on the Hill
Lichen covered rocks at the "Gardens"
Taylor's Beach
Taylor's Beach
Northern end of Swimcart
Southern end of Swimcart
Sloop Rock area
Sloop Rock
Cosy Corner south
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